Goodbye & Good Luck!

…to Vikki & Spike, now ex-landlords of Broadwindsor’s pub, The White Lion.

Vikki and Spike are off to pastures new, closer to family at The New Inn, Park Lane Off Church Street, Blagdon, Bristol, BS40 7SB. The venue appears very attractive situated by Blagdon lake and several locals have already declared promises to take a trip to visit them and of course, all will be welcomed.

Thank you so much Spike and Vikki for everything you have contributed to our village while you have been here. You have been an invaluable part of our community. You will be sorely missed but we all wish you both wealth, health and prosperity in your new venture.

What’s happening to the pub?

The Parish Council is waiting to hear back from Palmers Brewery re: negotiations of the building becoming a community run pub: initial village feedback would indicate the situation is fraught with problems as anyone taking over is subject to Palmers’ rules, ales and pricing. Click HERE to view the latest local  news at the time of publishing…. we wait.


Where will people go?

The nearest pubs out of the village are:

  • The Knapp in Beaminster.
  • The Royal Oak in Drimpton.
  • The Admiral Hood in Mosterton.
  • The New Inn in Stoke Abbott.


Is The White Lion Viable As A Community Pub?

Almost forty attended Monday evening’s Group Parish Council meeting on Zoom to hear their discussion re: Palmer’s proposition of operating the White Lion as a Commuity run pub.  Cllr. David Leader, who chaired Monday’s meeting, stated that many discussions had already taken place including with The New Inn at Shipton Gorge – Palmers only other Community Pub.  No satisfactory solution had yet been reached and there are more difficult negotiations to be had.
Palmers had approached Broadwindsor Group Parish Council as a last resort as no one suitaable or interested had come forward to take over the licence at the White Lion.  Their initial proposal included a full repairing lease, which was refused.

Palmers would categorically not sell the pub. As the pub would be tied to Palmers, not allowing other brewery’s ales, they would have to be sympathetic with their price strategies.  Village resident, with landlord experience, Luke Pickering commented “The remaining options are not particularly good for the Community.” Cllr. Leader replied saying that once there were firm proposals put forward, a public meeting would be called.

Other items included:

  • Spending £8,953 for 2 SIDS (Speed Indicator Devices) for Broadwindsor and Drimpton came under much debate with a clear objection from Cllr. HardwillCllr. Leader confirmed this would be a one off payment and the rotation of the devices would be carried out by volunteers.  Residents John Newall and Sheila Hawkins, both members of the Speed Watch Group confirmed the SID’s effectiveness.  Sheila Hawkins would place an ad in the village shop for volunteers.  Payment was approved.
  • Margery Hookings requested £100 for printing costs for Windrose’s Rural Media Trust’s new community project ‘The Place I Love’, which she is leading in Broadwindsor later this year. This was granted. The project has already been awarded funding by Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’s Stepping Into Nature scheme and its Sustainable Development Fund. Cllr. Rowe’s request to double the amount to £200 was refused.
  • There were no new Covid-19 updates!
  • Cllr. Bob Harris reported for the Comrades Hall Planning application, P/FUL/2021/01358. He stated that no one was home for comment at The Lodge and that he believed the Old Schoolhouse to be a holiday home. [In April 2021, published the fact that the Old Schoolhouse was being reoccupied by the family following repairs to the roof.]  He did not see the 6 metre climbing frame as obtrusive to nearby residents.  Although the solar panels were in contrast to the roof, the case for installation overides that. He recommended the application for approval.
  • Co-chair of Broadwindsor Allotment Group, Sheila Hawkins reported that for the first time in many years, the allotment plots were almost full with just one 1/4 and one 1/2 plot available.  Keeping beehives has been requested: the site would be at the top right (looking up from the gate) and fenced off.  The National Allotment Society’s guidelines would be followed.  Councillors are to take an informed decision at their next meeting in July.
    The verges on the main road were problematical for drivers leaving the site as vision was obscured.  Cllr. Andrew Frampton introduced Lloyd Curtis‘ son, Stuart who, when asked if he could continue his father’s work and cut the verge on the bottom bank of the allotments, responded “I can do that.” The Chairman thanked him and invited Stuart to consider taking over from his father as councillor for Burstock Ward stating it would be a wonderful decision.
  • The wildflower verges at Crosskeys in Broadwindsor came under criticism as shop manager Kevin Madder-Smith said customers had commented it is “the worst it’s looked in 5-6 years“. Cllr. dorothy Rowe, stated that there was slow progress this year due to the cold Spring weather, and the late verge cutting was delayed due to the wettest May on record. Kevn Madder Smith continued that the verges had not been cut enough making it difficult for dog walkers to pick up their dog’s mess.  Cllr. Rowe stated she would contact Senior Ranger, Russell Goff.
  • Hursey resident, James Brooke was granted permission to investigate and restore the Milestone Marker there.  He also commented on the broken finger post sign and was told that there is an ongoing repair programme and that the piece that had broken off had indeed been recovered and was awaiting repair.
  • James Brooke also voiced concern about the risk of a landslide on the B3164.  This is to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
  • The next meeting will be on Monday 7th July – whether online or face to face has yet to be decided.

We currently have 14 Elected Councillors – Click HERE to identify them.

Contact the Town Clerk:

#PALMERSBREWERY – how Palmers are advertising the pub.


Final Night At The White Lion – Friday 25th June

The White Lion will be open this evening from 6pm – 10pm.  It will then only be open for one final night next Friday, 25th June.  After months of rumours and uncertainty, Vikki announced their departure on social media last night stating: “Those of you who have supported us, day in and day out, we apologise for letting you down and cannot thank you enough for your support“.
The New Inn, Blagdon
Vikki and Spike are returning to Wadworth brewery and are moving to The New Inn, Blagdon, in North Somerset near Bristol.  They will be opening this country pub in a couple of weeks.
For those wishing to visit them in their future venture, The New Inn is a dog friendly pub with beautiful views of Blagdon Lake.
The New Inn, Park Lane Off Church Street Blagdon Bristol BS40 7SB.

With regards to the White Lion’s future . . .

and whether it would be viable as a Community Pub, this is to be discussed at Monday’s Group Parish Council meeting (item 11 on their agenda). Anyone can attend and the meeting will now be on Zoom for Covid-19 reasons but also enabling more to take part.

Starting at 7.30pm,
To access the meeting, please click HERE.
Meeting ID: 925 993 0185

❤ Spike & Vikki – We all wish you both happiness and prosperity in your new location ❤


Stop Press: Monday’s Council Meeting Now On Zoom

Monday’s Group Parish Council meeting, initially planned for Drimpton Village Hall will now take place online. This will enable more to take part to hear the Council’s discussions, particularly with regard to the future of the White Lion pub.
The Town Clerk issued the following this morning:

In light of the rising number of COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths and the subsequent delay in the lifting of remaining social distancing requirements, the Chairman and Vice Chairman have today discussed the potential risks to Councillors, employees and members of the public in holding next week’s meeting in-person. Also taking into consideration the fact that Dorset Council is continuing to hold committee meetings remotely, a decision has been taken to hold Monday’s meeting on Zoom once again.”

Starting at 7.30pm
To access the meeting click HERE.
The Meeting ID: 925 993 0185
Zoom is Free! – Sign Up and get it HERE.

The Broadwindsor Community Pub Proposal is item 11 on their agenda.
The full agenda is available to download HERE.


Broadwindsor Parish Group Council Meeting – Monday 21st June

Not since March 2020, have the BWGPC met face to face, conducting all their meetings, including their A.G.M. on Zoom.  This month they shall meet at Drimpton Village Hall at 7.30pm.  All are welcome to attend but social distancing remains in force.

The full agenda is available to download HERE. Minutes of previous Group Parish Council meetings can be found online HERE

This month, councillors will make a tribute to their fellow councillor, Lloyd Curtis who was laid to rest yesterday at St. Andrew’s Church in Burstock.

This month’s accounts include approval of a payment of £8,953 for Dorset Council to fix and install 2 x Speed Indicator Devices for Broadwindsor and Drimpton.

There are two Planning Applications under consideration:

  • P/HOU/2021/01724, Forge Cottage, Chard Road, Drimpton, DT8 3RF.
  • P/FUL/2021/01358, Comrades Hall Management Committee, Broadwindsor.

The Broadwindsor Community Pub Proposal is item 11 on their agenda.

Item 13, Highways focuses on the following:

  • Report from the Footpaths Officer.
  • Verge Management in the Grouped Parish Area.
  • Common Water Lane Update.

Residents are invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on any outstanding issues on this Agenda or raise issues for future consideration.

The date of the next meeting will then be arranged. The meeting will then close.

The press and public are invited to attend.  Under the Openess of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, members of the public may now film, photograph and make audio recordings of the proceedings of the formal Council meeting, though not, under current legislation, of the Public Participation session, as this is not part of the formal agenda of the meeting. Recording activity should be respectful to the conduct of the meeting and behavious that disrupts the meeting (such as oral commentary) will not be permitted.  Any member of the public shall not speak for more than five minutes.  A question asked by a member of the public during Public Participation shall not require a response or debate during the meeting though the Chairman may direct that a written response will be provided subsequent to the meeting.

There are 15 Elected Councillors – Click HERE to identify them.


Broadwindsor Group Parish Council – Online Meeting Monday 12th April 2021

Broadwindsor Group Parish Council are meeting online using the Zoom platform at 7.30pm on Monday 12th April 2021All are welcome to attend.

The full agenda is available to download HERE. Minutes of previous Group Parish Council meetings can be found online HERE

The meeting can be accessed HERE.
The Meeting ID: 13 8477 8938
Zoom is Free! – Sign Up and get it HERE.

This month Councillors are called upon to update their Disclosures of personal and prejudical Interests and Dispensations prior to the last meeting’s minutes being approved.
Any matters arising will be addressed.
Residents are then invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda. This will be followed by:

a. Report from Councillor Christopher, Dorset Council
b. Report from Dorset Police

This month’s Correspondance and Notices include a Request for a Grant from Bridport & District’s Citizens Advice and Chris Loder MP presents his views on a Proposed Dorset National Park.

In the Parish Council’s response to the Coronavirus – there will be a Call for Evidence: Local Authority Remote Meetings.

Accounts present a timetable for Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021 and seek to approve payments of an Annual grant of £1,800 to each of the Village Halls in Broadwindsor, Drimpton and Blackdown and to Broadwindsor Community Stores.  The Town Clerk receives a 3 month Salary Adjustment of £930.06 and £53.63 is being requested by Cllr. Rowe for reimbursement of wildflower seeds. £1.80 is to be approved for HMRC (NI).

There is only one Planning Application for consultation:

  • WD/D/20/002187, Ellaway Cottage, Wood Farm, Wood Lane, Kittwhistle, DT8 3HG

Updates and Reports will be delivered by Broadwindsor Cricket Club; Climate Change Emergency Working Group; Footpaths Officer; Common Water Lane and BWGP Community Land Trust.

There is a Grass Cutting contract at Hursey Common Sports Field, a ‘Scoop the Poop‘ poster and Ongoing Maintenance Considerations for a new Footpath in Drimpton to be discussed.

Residents are invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on any outstanding issues on this Agenda or raise issues for future consideration.

The date of the next meeting will then be arranged.

The FRM Trust are then to approve a payment of £224 to Broadwindsor Group Parish Council for their Trust Administration.

The meeting will then close.

The press and public are invited to attend.  Under the Openess of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, members of the public may now film, photograph and make audio recordings of the proceedings of the formal Council meeting, though not, under current legislation, of the Public Participation session, as this is not part of the formal agenda of the meeting. Recording activity should be respectful to the conduct of the meeting and behavious that disrupts the meeting (such as oral commentary) will not be permitted.  Any member of the public shall not speak for more than five minutes.  A question asked by a member of the public during Public Participation shall not require a response or debate during the meeting though the Chairman may direct that a written response will be provided subsequent to the meeting.

There are 15 Elected Councillors – Click HERE to identify them.


C G Fry’s Planner Paul Hoffman Responds To Fuller Residents’ Concerns

Over half of last evening’s Group Parish Council meeting was taken up with Planner for C G Fry & Son, Paul Hoffman listening to the many comments and objections from residents re: Planning Application: WD/D/21/000123, the Land South of Fullers, Bridport Road, Broadwindsor.

Chairman, Rowland Hibbard brought item 9a on the agenda ahead of it’s proposed time as councillors, Leader and Rowe delivered the many comments and objections as well as the findings from their canvassing of residents. Village residents, Sandra Burrows, Jess Burns & Julie Steele delivered their objections to Paul Hoffman directly.

Cllr. Leader began, requesting additional trees on the north east border and the western boundary and other soft landscaping issues – none of which were expected to cause any problems. Unfortunately, the straight layout of the road cannot be altered. Paul Hoffman said that Dorset Council Highways had looked at the proposal and were satisfied with it as were they. “It is what it is in terms of the road.”

Cllr. Leader continued to then enquire about affordable housing – would they to be to buy or to rent?  Paul Hoffman replied that they were in discussion with various Housing Associations and that once they had consent, all of the affordale housing decisions will go to the Housing Association. As far as the tenures are – there is part ownership (up to 60%) and there are affordable rented homes.  These houses will never appear on the open market.  The Housing Association would always retain ownership of these affordable homes.

Cllr. Rowe began by addressing the 110m of hedgerow proposed to be planted at the western edge of the site and this was part of the mitigation for the loss of wildlife habitats. This hedgerow was the boundary of five properties and Cllr. Rowe sought reassurance from Paul Hoffman that that this hedge not be the reponsibility of householders and that a separate boundary was established on the western edge of the site with a mitigation hedge at least 2m away to ensure maximum protection for the displaced wildlife.  Paul responded by saying that this should not be a problem and proposed the fairly easy solution of building a timber fence with some trees.  When questioned further about maintenance, he added that either the landowner or the Management company would have the stewardship to maintain the area.

Five of the 22 houses proposed are four bedroomed houses and Councillor Rowe and Redlands resident Sandra Burrows stated that this did not go along with the village’s Neighbourhood Plan. Paul Hoffman defended their actions and stated that the vast majority of the scheme was in line with the village’s Neighbourhood planning policy and that four bedroomed houses were an obvious need and in keeping with similar properties in the village.

  • Fullers resident Jess Burns questioned the impact on amenity due to the closeness of one of the properties.  The 110m of hedgerow would not suffice and she was concerned that the elevation of one of the new four bedroomed properties was too close to the back of her property. The new occupied property would generate a considerable amount of noise creating a huge negative impact on amenity. Jess also compared the ridgelines of the properties at Fullers and Redlands to the proposed development.
  • Of the eight properties on the road, three were slightly above the height of those nearby and Redlands resident, Julie Steele expressed her concern about people being able to see into her property.
  • Cllr. Sewell expressed concern and sought reassurance from Paul Hoffman that the properties would not be sold as second homes and that the properties would provide affordable housing.  Chairman Cllr. Hibbard advised to wait to see which Housing Association had the contract and negate any difficulties with them rather than Fry’s.

As the Clerk has to submit the Council’s corporate decision by this Wednesday 10th March, Cllr. Fraser Hughes addressed the urgency to vote.

Cllr. Rowe commented that she was impressed by how many residents had taken the time to discuss their issues with herself and Cllr. Leader.  They had carefully considered their objections and stated that “We (the Parish Council) must give them (the Parishoners) the very best that we can.Cllr. Rowe added that there are many more issues such as street lighting and conservation.  Cllr. David Leader staed they must be clear on what and how they wanted the layout. Cllr. Steve Chubb reiterated the need to listen to the parishoners and to make sure it was all forwarded to Dorset Council.  Cllr. Simon Christopher had left the meeting by this time, having received no questions on his report.

All the Councillors agreed that C G Fry & Son had a positive and long standing history of development in the area being sensitive to both the area and the environment.

The Clerk suggested she collate the information, communicate with all on Tuesday and once there was clarity, submit the Corporate decision from the Parish Council on Wednesday. Cllr. Jacqui Sewell was clearly against the development.  Cllr. Peter Hardwill clearly supported the development. However, a decision had to be made by all.

It was agreed that subject to meeting the concerns and considerations of the Broadwindsor Parish residents, they would approve plan WD/D/21/000123.

Who are your Councillors? Click HERE.



Broadwindsor Group Parish Council – Online Meeting Monday 8th March 2021

Broadwindsor Group Parish Council are meeting online for the first time since January, using the Zoom platform at 7.30pm on Monday 8th March 2021All are welcome to attend.

The full agenda is available to download HERE.

The meeting can be accessed HERE.
The Meeting ID: 849 1591 6794
Zoom is Free! – Sign Up and get it HERE.

After the minutes of the last meeting have been approved, the only matter arising is the Clarification of the VAT Refund Rules.

Residents are then invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda. This will be followed by:
a. Report from Councillor Christopher, Dorset Council
b. Report from Dorset Police
c. The co-option to BWGPC, Seaborough Ward.

Folowing Correspondance & Notices, the PC’s response to Covid-19, the Finance Report & Accounts to be approved, there are 4 Planning Applications to be considered:

  • WD/D/20/002888, London House, Broadwindsor, DT8 3QD
  • WD/D/20/003017, Castlewood Farm, Marshwood, DT8 5QQ
  • WD/D/20/003296, Broadwindsor Cricket Club
  • WD/D/21/000123, Land South Of Fullers, Bridport Road, Broadwindsor

Planning Application WD/D/20/001135, Land at Oathill Farm Holiday & Touring Park has been Refused.

Other items on the agenda include Census 2021; Mobile Phone Coverage; Broadwindsor Cricket Club; Climate Change and Allotments.

The Highways item addresses:

  • Report fom Footpaths Officer
  • Verge Management
  • Common Water Lane
  • Hursey Common Sports Field – Grass cutting contract
  • Highways Reporting Protocol
  • Scoop the Poop poster

Following a report from the Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust on Affordable Housing and any items of interest for the next agenda, Residents are invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on any outstanding issues on this Agenda or raise issues for future consideration.

The date of the next meeting will then be arranged.

To read the agenda in full – please download it HERE.


Show The Love 1st – 21st February 2021

Show the Love is an annual celebration of everything we care about and want to protect from the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Every February, since 2015, people from across the UK use the power of green hearts to join together and ask politicians to put aside their differences and tackle the climate crisis.

Our local Eco group hope that everyone will take part until 21st February: Put a green heart in your garden or front window or anywhere to show you care about our precious planet.

You can download the Green Love Action Pack HERE.

The Climate Coalition are the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change. Along with their sister organisations Stop Climate Chaos Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, they are a group of over 140 organisations — including the National Trust, Women’s Institute, Oxfam, and RSPB — and 22 million voices strong. They are reaching across the UK to show their love for all the things they want to protect from climate change, and to ask politicians to put aside their differences and commit to doing whatever is necessary to protect them.

Visit their website HERE where you can sign up and join them, get a preprinted card to send to your MP and much more information.


Broadwindsor Group Parish Council – Online Meeting Monday 11th January 2021

Broadwindsor Group Parish Council are meeting online using the Zoom platform at 7.30pm on Monday 11th January 2021All are welcome to attend.

The full agenda is available to download HERE.

The meeting can be accessed HERE.
The Meeting ID: 874 5530 6004
Zoom is Free! – Sign Up and get it HERE.

Once the minutes of the last meeting have been approved, there are no matters arising. Residents are then invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda. This will be followed by:
a. Report from Councillor Christopher, Dorset Council
b. Report from Dorset Police

There is a Parish Council vacancy for the Seaborough ward.

Parish Councillors will deliver their community updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are no new Planning Applications to consider but 2 have been approved:

WD/D/20/001069, Higher Farm, Seaborough, DT8 3QY: Approved
WD/D/20/001070, Higher Farm, Seaborough, DT8 3QY: Approved

There will be reports and updates from Broadwindsor Cricket Club on their fundraising, a Working Group Update on Climate Change Emergency and the Allotment Group.

Items in this month’s Highways section include the formal adoption of named verges in Broadwindsor:

a. Report from the Footpaths Officer
b. Verge Management in the Grouped Parish Area
c. To approve request for formal adoption from Dorset Council of named verges in Broadwindsor
d. Common Water Lane Update
e. Damaged Drimpton Bridge Update

Following a report from the Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust on Affordable Housing and any items of interest for the next agenda, Residents are invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on any outstanding issues on this Agenda or raise issues for future consideration.

After the date of the next meeting is established, they will receive the Finance report from the FMR Trust.
