Broadwindsor.Org On Facebook

Following the dreadful hack last month, the replacement page Facebook is Broadwindsor.Org*.

Contrary to comments made, villagers and parishioners CAN POST to this Facebook page.  Whether it be lost/found, local traffic/accidents, an event or anything that involves the parish.

Local businesses are also invited to post their events directly, providing they have paid their £15 registration fee.  Non-registered businesses are invited to register, else their post will be removed.

*All photographs and videos published on the original Facebook page can be found on the website – use the search tab to find what you’re looking for 🙂

Please direct any questions to
Thank you!


It’s Broadwindsor.Org on Facebook

As a result of the hacking incident one week ago, has been moved to create a new Facebook page for the village. Consequently, the Privacy Policy has been updated accordingly and may be viewed HERE.

The ‘old’ Broadwindsor on Facebook is still able to view but nothing can be added to it at this time.

Posts published to the website will now appear on Social Media at:

Broadwindsor on Facebook


Broadwindsor on Twitter


Broadwindsor on Instagram

Thank you for your support and understanding. If you have any queries, please contact the Editor at



Editor’s Facebook Hacked

On July 6th, the Editor’s personal Facebook page was hacked.  The incident has been reported to the police due to the seriousness of the event. Consequently, nothing can be published to Broadwindsor’s Facebook page and, at the time of publishing, it is not known at this time whether the matter can be resolved nor how long this will take.  I can only apologise for the inconvenience this may cause some people.

Local news and information continues to be published direct to the website,, on Twitter and more will be appearing on Broadwindsor’s Instagram account. Please forward your news and events to

Thank you for your support.

~ Wendy Shields, Editor.


Facebook, WhatsApp & Instagram Down

This notice is only appearing on the website & Twitter.

Social media platforms Facebook (including Messenger), WhatsApp & Instagram are down and not connecting. This has been the case since approx. 5pm.

It is not known what the cause is at the time of publishing.

In both April and June 2021, social media platforms went down unexpectedly due to a “network configuration issue”.


Who Visits & Who Follows The Year In Review

It has been just over a year since launched in response to the Coronavirus outbreak.

The aim always has been to provide the ever changing rules and information for local people within our village, the parish and to support local commercial businesses throughout the ongoing pandemic.

After one year, Broadwindsor can reveal the following fun facts & statistics all of which are correct at the time of publishing:

  • The website, now has 6,500 visitors each month.
  • On Twitter, currently has 730 followers.
  • The Shrewsbury Morris Dancers whose mantra is “Dance, Have Fun, Laugh, Repeatare’s biggest follower on Twitter this month with 1.3K followers.
  • On Facebook, has 750 followers.
  • Although almost as many followers on Twitter, Facebook refers 75% of visitors to the website!
  • 68% of visitors to reside in the U.K.
  • 28% of visitors to reside in the U.S. of A.
  • The remaining 4% reside in all the continents of our world as the diagram below shows.

World Visitors Mar 2020 - Mar 2021
The website also demonstrates a wide demographic –

How do you access the website?

  • Desktop 21%
  • Tablet 16%
  • Mobile 63%

After this last 12 months when everybody has suffered and struggled, will now evolve into a new and  independent, not-for-profit local community organisation – purely to generate enough revenue to cover the essential operational overheads in order to keep it going.  The Editor’s labour continues to be voluntary.

Consequently, from April 6th 2021, all the commercial advertisers who are listed and have been promoted and supported on the website throughout this past year will be asked to pay £15 a year for their inclusion on the website’s local business listing page and with features throughout the year 2021 – 2022 Businesses will be emailed directly in due course.

  • £15/year works out as £0.04 per day.
  • Where else will you get such personalised advertising reaching all corners of the globe?
  • needs you to keep it going!
