The Bunting Is Up!

Our village is preparing for next weekend’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and began today by putting up the bunting around Bernards’ Place, inside and outside of the Comrades Hall, up the High Street, on the railings at Trusthams and down Back Lane as well as around the Square into West Street. Almost 2,000 triangles… 950 metres of it….

  • The White Lion Community Pub
  • Front of Bernards' Place
  • The Square
  • The Square leading to West Street
  • Back Lane
  • Bernards' Place
  • Bernards' Place
  • Maurice at the White Lion
  • Comrades Hall
  • The Old School House
  • Rose Cottage, High Street
  • Trusthams leading to Back Lane
  • The High Street
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
Chairman of Broadwindsor Fun Group, Adrian Gray said “Our thanks to all those that turned out to put nearly a km of bunting up. It took nearly four hours but has made the village look great.

Not one bit of plastic in sight – all the bunting has been made using recycled bed sheets, duvet covers, curtains and pillowcases. Stitched together by helpers ranging from an 80 year old tailor to Broadwindsor’s 1st Rainbows 🙂

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved – be proud of this accomplished monumental and sustainable task!

After the Jubilee celebrations, the bunting will be available to other village groups wishing to use it for their celebrations in the future.



Pre-Order Your Jubilee Picnic Boxes From The Stableyard Restaurant

The Broadwindsor Fun Group are hosting the Great Jubilee Picnic from 1pm on Sunday, 5th June in Bernards’ Place as part of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

The event invites you to bring your own food and to leave no-one at home!  If you are unable to prepare or just fancy the treat… Linda Paget from the Stableyard Restaurant at Redlands Yard is providing Great Jubilee Picnic boxes for you to enjoy/share at a cost of £12 per box Pre-ordering before 31st May will cost you only £10, saving you £2 🙂

In your Jubilee Picnic box, you will find the freshest of ingredients used to provide:


Pre-order NOW! – 01308 868362



Bob Wills’ Family Say Thank You

Bob Wills’ family would like to express their deep gratitude to everyone who was able to attend his memorial on Friday 6th of May. To see so many of his local friends, and hear how loved he was, was a great comfort to us all. The day felt to be a genuine celebration of a life well-lived. ”

“We would like to give special thanks to Bridget and Katie for their beautiful violin and cello pieces at the funeral service, and to Brian for his wonderful organ music. Thank you to Liz and Megan for their beautiful floral decoration of the church, and to Lynne, Val and John for their splendid transformation of the village hall. Thank you to John also for his moving and fitting tribute – and for his shirt! ”

Bob will be greatly missed by us all, but his spirit will live on in Broadwindsor. Thank you.”

Kind regards,
Rob Wills


Celebrating Bob Wills

A beautiful service was held at St. John the Baptist Church yesterday afternoon for Bob Wills who died last month.

A violin and double bass played by Bridget Pearse and Katie Chantler welcomed people as they arrived at the church, creating an ambient atmosphere.

Tributes to Bob were first made by his family and began with his granddaughter, Jess:

“Describing Grandad’s life is pretty daunting, especially in front of an audience.  Luckily Grandma has helped, so I’d like to read her account of the first time they met…”

Vic Cook mentioned a name I did not know, “Bob Wills”.

“Who’s Bob Wills?” I asked.

“Don’t you know him? He’s unique,” said Vic.

Ten minutes later, Bob Wills came up the stairs and we were introduced. I looked with curiosity at this “unique” person, my future husband.

Bob was a little taller than myself. He had thick, straight, floppy black hair, and dark blue eyes with unusually long, curling black eyelashes. He was muscular and deep-chested in build, very masculine.

Covering this “hunk” of a man was a very odd garment. He was wearing a bulky, belted brown overcoat, with a pattern of large purple squares outlined on the fabric. Later he told me, with pride, that he bought it in a sale at a very good price. To my fashion-conscious self this coat made Bob “unique” indeed.

His great gift was and remains an immense practicality:  he understands how things work, and can make or mend anything from an engine, to a fine china cup.  He leans not to the academic but to the creative and practical.  Added to this is a great persistence in seeing a project through.   Where others might abandon a task, or tire of it, he will finish it, however long it takes.

Also he is blessed with fine physical health and enduring stamina; and he was a good swimmer and footballer, and rode a motor-bike. He played the piano “by ear”, truly a man of many talents.

            At seventeen, however, I have to own that I did not recognise, or analyse, these attributes.  I did not know what a fine father and grandfather I was selecting for my children.  I did not have enough experience of life to understand the true value of these qualities.  It was simpler than that.  Some instinct in me sensed the calibre of the man; he was right for me and we were meant to be together.

Bob’s daughter Kate followed and spoke the following:

A message for all the Chrysalis members – Bob sends his apologies that he won’t be here this afternoon, he accepted another invitation

Dad was born in 1930 to Rita and Frank and sister Jacqueline.  From our own experiences of our grandparents and great grandparents it was a loving family, and he grew up close to his cousins, it was always Terry, Bobby, and Barry.  Dad did well at school, but he was also mischievous and told (often) of how he climbed on the roof of the school to get to the water tank.  That day all the water in the school ran blue… he assured us the dye was harmless.

Graduating from London U in 1953 his first job was at Harwell Atomic research, near Oxford where mum, by that time his fiancée, was studying, but he was there less than two years before he was offered a job in Trinidad.  With Chris still in her last year of her degree they had to make some fast decisions.  In less than a month a wedding was organised, on a very damp day in November, just a few days before Bob flew off to Trinidad to start his new job – as a physicist, in the research labs at Trinidad oil company.

Trinidad was a fun time for the newly-weds, and they spent three years there.  To their delight Nicola was born in March 1957, then in November that year they went back to the UK for home leave and with a second child on the way, they decided to stay. I was born in 1958, and two years later Robert completed our family.

Dad worked at Elliot Brothers as a Chief Engineer developing analysis instruments, before moving on to Tecnicon, where he became an expert on their Auto Analyser, which tested blood samples and was used in large hospitals and labs around the world. He travelled a good deal to the States, Europe, Moscow and Hong Kong to deal with technical issues and train others.  He learnt to programme as they incorporated computers into their work.  Dad’s career culminated in starting his own company in 1985, Wessex Instrumentation, with a colleague Don.  They successfully developed a smaller version of the autoanalyzer, the Compact Ten, that could be affordable to smaller hospitals and labs, and eventually sold the company in 1992.  He stayed on working as a consultant, and as an engineer for a company in Winchester.

Although a talented engineer with a lot of common-sense Dad had his moments.  He could be absent minded.  Jim (colleague) tells us Dad once flew to Madrid and wondered why he wasn’t met at the airport.  It seems he should have gone to Milan.  Close…ish.  And once he packed his passport and then checked his bag in.  It flew to London without him.

Family life with young children had its challenges, and at one point they were 40 minutes from shops with two babies, no car, a long bus strike, no washing machine and no fridge, and Dad had to spend a lot of time commuting.  But as Dad said, we were a close family, and happy.  My parents big treat was a small bottle of cider at weekends.

Dad worked hard at work and hard at home.  He spent weekends under cars, painting, building fireplaces and shelves, gardening… eventually when we moved to Jonathan’s Thatch transforming it to a beautiful family home.

Still he was a fun Dad.  He brought us sweets on Friday night, and would romp and play with us.  We loved our donkey rides to bed (on his back as he crawled up the stairs) and the tree house and swing he built.  He loved games – Christmas charades were hilarious with Dad and Uncle Frank.  He played the piano, told limericks and sang daft songs.

As a grandad too he was fun – in his 80s he would disappear into the bushes playing hide and seek and Ethan and Jack loved it when Grandad joined them bodyboarding in the Cornish surf.

Caring, generous and kind he gave us all his time and nurtured our talents.  I have been lucky enough to inherit his logical brain and he taught me that if you look and think about things you can usually work out how they work, and then you know how to fix them.  He once fixed my car with a squashed coke can which kept it going for months, to the surprise of the garage mechanics.

He was more than my Dad, he was my friend.  We learned to ski together, shared a love of science fiction, discussed maths, physics (him far more competent than me) and puzzles and parallel universes.  He never ceased to amaze me with the way he thought about the universe, its problems and wonders to the last.

Mum used to call him a saint – mostly.  Dad told us firmly that he didn’t like eulogies that make people sound all saintlike, so we have compiled a list of some of his less saintlike qualities.”

Kate then handed over to her brother Rob:

One family dinnertime Dad was so exasperated with us bickering as children that he erupted, flinging the bowl of cabbage he was holding in the air.  Some stuck determinedly to the ceiling. It was effective at the time, we were all rather quiet, but after our initial shock the ceiling cabbage  became a family joke.

He could never believe in his own absent-mindedness.  Burnt toast was a regular feature in our house, and somehow he was always surprised when he did it again.

Sometimes he and Mum were practical to a fault, wanting us to leave before the finale of a concert to avoid the crowds, because everyone else would leave… when it ended.

He always thought when dinner was on the table and everyone else was seated was the perfect time for him to do the washing up.

He was very bad at keeping track of time, and it wasn’t unusual for him to be an hour late for dinner from a trip to the shed, or surprise us all with an impromptu keyboard performance at 1am.

In fact he was just very bad at being on time…  I see he hasn’t arrived yet.

His determination could stray into frustrating stubbornness.

He wasn’t good at getting rid of anything.  He followed us to the dump after a clear-out and started taking things out of the boot because that particular broken plastic tub might come in useful one day.

He liked to be useful, but he would rush things, and it would end in disaster – there’s a reason he learned to glue china back together.  He mowed the cable of an electric mower the first time he used it, and grumpily declared anyone would have done the same (Kate had used it for months without issue)… of course he immediately fixed it.

We’ll miss his occasional disasters, his stubbornness and his unique timekeeping just as much as his other qualities.

As you have heard, my father was a well-accomplished and hugely practical man who could turn his hand to almost anything.  His mind was forever creative and problem solving, and he always had a project.  His 80th birthday treat to himself was to build a porch. For his 91st he built a summerhouse.  But what has been so striking about the conversations, messages and letters since Dad became ill, is the frequency with which people talk of his kindness, warmth, gentle nature, and willingness to help.

They had a knack not just for finding good friends, but for keeping them too.  Everywhere they went they collected good people, built strong friendships, and stayed in touch.  His Christmas card list was extensive, and a lot of you have managed to be here.

At Elliotts he met Coppy Laws who became, with his wife and family, a close and lifelong friend.  It was through Coppy that Dad and Mum were introduced to The Institute for Cultural Research and Idris Shah, something that played a major role in their lives. As children we found it odd but interesting that they were suddenly spending time dressing puppets, though we later understood their use.  Dad contributed a great deal to ICR over the years, and did a lot of practical work at the Langton headquarters.  The friends they made there lasted, and greatly enriched their lives.

They came to Broadwindsor in 1998, unsure if it was to be a long term move, but quickly grew to love the village and their new friends.  Dad eventually retired from work, but not from being busy, and it was delightful to see them enjoying life together in the amazing community they found here.

His concern for others endured to the very end. In his final weeks in the hospice he was still worrying about where his visitors could go for refreshment when they left – giving carefully considered suggestions and detailed directions for getting there. In the days before he died, with others forever in his thoughts, he asked us to say goodbye to all his lovely family and friends. People felt that to be his friend was a privilege, and I find this both comforting and inspiring.

I think a quote I read recently captures this: “the quality of your life ultimately depends on the quality of your relationships. Not on your achievements, not on how smart you are, not on how rich you are. But on the quality of your relationships, which are basically a reflection of your sense of decency, your ability to think of others, your generosity”. This is how my dad will be remembered – as a gentle  man and a gentleman.”

The final tribute came from Bob’s close friend, John Staff:

Bob didn’t care for flattery so he’d not like what I’m about to say.

Theodore Robert Wills or just Bob.  He told me he was Bobby at primary school and when I asked why he was called Bob he said he was getting ribbed at the higher school so changed it from Bobby to Bob.  He said his mother always called him Bobby and didn’t remember how it came about but never Theo or Theodore.

Bob was the most generous man I know, generous with his time, his kindness and his hospitality and you couldn’t wish for a better friend as I’m sure many of you can testify.   We along with other friends have spent many hours in his company making wonderful memory’s.  Eating cheese on toast in the early hours after being kicked out of the pub.  His wonderful company at dinner parties.  He once walked off in his host’s shoes, not remembering where he’d taken his off. He did say they were a little tight and looked cleaner.  They belonged to Charles Lawrence.

His hospitality knew no bounds, for a few years while at Island house he would host a BBQ for our Bowls Group but everyone he met once the date had been decided would be invited, so often half the village turned up.  His involvement with Bowls Club is legendary, often throwing himself further down the mat than his wood.  On the clubs numerous trips to London it was he who organised the hotel accommodation and all of us would fight to stop him trying to paying the bill.  His last Bar-B-Q was at West View last year were we played bowls in his back garden in the rain and because it was much smaller than Island House he organised two events to make sure he could entertain all his friends.

Bob’s involvement with Comrades Hall was a passion of his.  He was on the management committee for years and some time Chair.  He was the go to man for the sound system.  He was responsible for installing the hearing loop for the deaf and setting up of all the existing speakers.  He was also pivotal in the setting up of the film club.  Bob’s enthusiasm is legendary he would spend hours at the hall sorting out problems and if any one needed help he’d be there.  He wouldn’t let any problem stump him always coming up with ingenious solutions.  The school often called on him to help with the sound for their Christmas Play.

Bob always had to have a project.  He was always making something or other, building or repairing something.

I found him one day tottering on top a of a ladder in his kitchen.  He was problem solving.  He kept bumping his head on the wall cupboard doors so decided a roller blind instead of doors was the answer. That’s it, he’s finally gone completely bonkers.  I decided to humour him and helped cut the hole in the side to allow the chain to rise and lower the blind.——-  To my astonishment It worked,— perfectly,  and is still working,  and solved the problem.  Kate was hoping he might have chosen a new blind and not the scruffy one he’d found in the garage.  That was Bob.  If you have seen his shed in the front garden all made of recycle doors and windows from the house not to forget the old pallets left over from the garden renovation. It’s a master class in recycling.  He once turned up at a Chrysalis meeting toting a strange box with wires dangling, another solution to a problem. He’d made a contraption that sat on the table and would allow him the to hear all the conversations.  He said the acoustics were terrible in the room we held the meeting.  Eventually he got hearing aids.  But had to try his own device first.

Bob was also a founder member of the Chrysalis investment club named after his wife Christine whose idea it was.  Over the past couple of years, we have had to resort to Zoom for our meetings.      Now!  Bob was the cleverest man I have known but when it came to mobiles or tablets not so much.  In the dozen or so times we have used Zoom, Bob has only appeared once and it was such as  a shock I took a screen shot, all other times we had a disembodied voice but he always moaned he couldn’t hear us but would never put his hearing aid in.   A club without his presence will be a sadly diminished but he will always be remembered. If for nothing else, then. Hydrogen!  Another story.

He only decided a month ago to retire from the club stating it will make things less complicated for the family.  That was Bob, kind and thoughtful. He never forgot your birthday and if you helped him in any way a small gift in the way of a plant, bottle of wine or sweets would mysteriously turn up on your doorstep.

There are dozens of stories left to tell and I’m sure most of you who knew Bob have a favourite.

I saw Bob two day before he died and he thanked Rob his son and myself for arranging the wonderful images he was seeing and asked me if everyone got this.  I told him that only special people got it.

If you’re up there Bob,  You where special.

I’m going to miss you so much.”

Those gathered, applauded.

Afterwards at the Comrades Hall, friends and family gathered and enjoyed delicious catering by Linda Paget from the Stableyard Restaurant. Stories were shared and a collection of photographs of Bob and memorabilia which included an item that Bob was responsible for creating…

For those wishing to make a donation in Bob’s memory, please visit the Weldmar Hospice HERE.

❤ Farewell Bob & Thank you ❤

Theodore Robert Wills, “Bob”
26.08.1930 – 13.04.2022


New Chair At Comrades Hall

Village resident, Parish Councillor and former Booking Clerk, Jacqui Sewell is now Chairperson of the Management Committee at Broadwindsor’s Comrades HallJacqui is supported by Dave Chumbley, Secretary (pictured right) and Brian Stone, Treasurer.

Hiring Charges were reviewed and rates will be increased from 1st June 2022 and will be published at a later date.  Local users will be eligible for a 20% discount on the standard rates.  Those who have booked the Hall prior to the price increase will have their agreed rates honoured.
It was also agreed to offer new users wishing to run a weekly event a 20% introductory discount for their first 2 weeks to assist them starting up.

Mick Massey from Broadwindsor Fun Group is in charge of the new audio system to be installed.  The audio equipment will be purchased with funds received by the BFG as part of their Jubilee celebrations and will lead to workshops later in the year, training younger people how to use the equipment.

The Comrades Hall has received its own funding to upgrade the play equipment in Bernards’ Place – another project spear headed by David Leader, and this is timetabled for later in the year.

If you wish to book the Comrades Hall for your event, please contact:

Booking Clerk – Kirsty Moore


Broadwindsor’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, 2nd-5th June

Broadwindsor Fun Group are delighted to be the recipients of a £5,000 grant from Dorset Community Foundation’s Let’s Create Jubilee Fund.

An exciting weekend has been planned but the BFG do need more hands on help, particularly with setting up/clearing down and with children’s games on Saturday, 4th.  If you can spend a couple of hours on the day, please contact asap 🙂

A tree has already been planted in Bernards’ Place as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy project and a plaque has been ordered.  More HERE.

The full programme of events is published below but the main proportion of the grant is earmarked to update the audio equipment at the Comrades Hall.

Sunday, 29th May will see our village decorated with approximately 750 metres of beautiful hand made bunting, a project led by Jacqui Sewell. If you can help with the bunting sorting on Friday, 6th May or the assembly on Sunday, 29th May, please contact Jacqui on 01308 867145.

Rob Hedditch and Pip Cadwell are collaborating with the BFG to prepare for the Beacon lighting ceremony at the allotments on 2nd June. More than 1,500 beacons will be lit throughout the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man & UK Overseas Territories, and one in each of the capital cities of Commonwealth countries in recognition of The Queen’s long and selfless service.  there will be a performance from the Platinum Jubilee Choir.

Broadwindsor Church

On Friday, 3rd you can visit our beautiful church, St. John the Baptist, to enjoy a Cream Tea, a beautiful floral display and explore some historic memorabilia.

Singing workshops
are taking place as Donna Heys and friends become the Platinum Jubilee Choir and are learning the Queen’s song, “A Life Lived With Grace” (Words copyright Ms. L. Kiely, Music copyright Fr. A. V. Chinemelu and arrangement copyright The Commonwealth Resounds). This will be performed at the Beacon Lighting ceremony and repeated over the weekend.

Poetry workshops with the children at Broadwindsor School, are being led by resident poet, , compere and co-host of Bridport Apocathary & the former Bard of Dorchester,  Peter Roe.
The children’s poems will be on display on Saturday.  The best Jubilee-related poem will win a Book voucher for The Bridport Bookshop, to be awarded on Sunday.

All children of all ages can be creative with their royal costumes for their Royal Parade which starts the celebrations on the Saturday morning. The children will parade from the MUGA to the Comrades Hall.

Linda Paget at the Stableyard Restaurant will be providing the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon Tarts, which will be available to pre-order and on sale both at the event and at the Stableyard Restaurant in Redlands Yard.

Don’t forget your Scarecrows!

We’d like to see your Royal-themed Scarecrows out on display by 10am on Friday, 3rd June.  Judging will take place on both the Friday and Saturday.  The winner will be announced at the Great Jubilee (Picnic) Lunch on Sunday, 5th 🙂
Entry is £2.00.  Forms are available NOW from Broadwindsor Community Stores or you can download to print out yourself HERE. (Last entries accepted – 25th May). Forms will also be available at The White Lion when it opens soon.

Fun and Games start at 10am:
After the parade, you can look forward to old favourites such as…

  • Plate Smashing
  • The Human Fruit Machine
  • Nerf Guns
  • Coconut Shy
  • Splat the Rat and more.

Broadwindsor Girlguiding will be providing activities too.
Stallholders will also be open with a variety of products to purchase.
The W.I. will be serving refreshments with their delicious homemade cakes.

Younger children will be delighted to see the return of Holly, better known as Strawberry Jam, on Saturday afternoon.

A short Oral History is being created by village resident Mick Massey: recording people’s memories from the Queen’s Coronation and any celebrations they can recall. If you, or anyone you know who is local and has a memory to share about the Queen’s Coronation – please do get in touch before the end of April to be included:

Saturday’s bands start at 2pm & include HiDDen, the Rosenburgs, McIntyre and MORE!

When bands are playing outside on Saturday, the official celebrations on television will be live streamed to the big screen inside the Comrades Hall on Saturday afternoon for those who wish to watch.

There will be a BBQ and bar with Baboo Gelato on site too 🙂

Sunday 5th’s Great Jubilee Picnic Lunch – will be in Bernards’ Place (inside the hall if wet) with live music from The Silver Lining Band.
Bring your own food 🙂

The Platinum Jubilee Raffle (tickets on sale next month) will be drawn together with the presentations for the best Royal Scarecrow on the Sunday afternoon.

So much to look forward to…
We look forward to seeing you!

But where are the Classic Cars you ask…?


Following the success of last year’s Classic Cars display last August (view HERE) – it is hoped that the BFG can offer you another great display on Saturday, 6th August… we are just awaiting confirmation. Any announcements will be made on 🙂

All enquiries:



Tree Planted For Queen’s Canopy Project

Yesterday (Friday) afternoon a tree was planted in Bernards’ Place as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy project.  

Chairman of Broadwindsor Fun Group, Adrian Gray planted a crab apple (Malus sylvestris) Freya‘ by the ornamental cherry tree currently in blossom.  The project and site of the tree had all of David Leader‘s support and he was remembered once the tree was planted.

Crab apple trees do bear fruit.  The sweetly scented blossom is pollinated by bees and other insects. The blossom develops into small, yellow-green apple-like fruits around 2–3cm across. Sometimes the fruits are flushed with red or white spots when ripe. The fruit is eaten by birds, including blackbirds, thrushes and crows; mammals, such as mice, voles, foxes and badgers and we humans too.  They have an exceptionally high pectin and acid content which makes them ideal for setting fruit jams and jellies. They are sour when raw but have a tart and tangy flavour when cooked.  Raw crab apples are toxic to dogs.

As well as inviting the planting of new trees, The Queen’s Green Canopy will dedicate a network of 70 Ancient Woodlands across the United Kingdom and identify 70 Ancient Trees to celebrate our Queen’s 70 years of service. Read more HERE.

If you have any queries about this year’s Jubilee celebrations, please contact:



BFG Hot Cross Buns Coffee Morning – Saturday, 16th April

The Broadwindsor Fun Group (BFG) are holding a coffee morning with hot cross buns at the Comrades Hall on Saturday, 16th April at 10am until 12 noon.

A £2.50 entrance fee will get you a hot cross bun with a cup of tea or coffee and free refills 🙂 an extra bun will cost you 50p.

There will also be a raffle which will be drawn at the end of the event.

Hot cross buns. Hot cross buns.
One a penny, two a penny.
Hot cross buns.

If you have any enquiries, please contact:

Broadwindsor Fun Group still need stewards for the opening parade and helpers for their childrens’ activities on Saturday, 4th June.  This includes face painting and art/craft activities.  If you think you may be able to help/cover a 2 hour shift between 9.30am- 2pm – please get in touch: .


Broadwindsor’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Only 13 weeks remain until the nation begins to celebrate our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022.

Broadwindsor Fun Group are very busy organising several events which include:

  • Bunting! And lots of it – over 700 triangles already 🙂 The next workshop Friday, 4th March at 10am at Comrades Hall. More HERE,
  • The Beacon ceremony at Broadwindsor Allotments on the evening of Thursday, 2nd June.
  • Stalls, Fun and Games, a BBQ and live entertainment on Saturday 4th.
  • A Choir singing the Queen’s celebratory song.
  • A Jubilee Picnic on Sunday, 5th June from 1pm which will follow the church’s service at 12 noon.

Previous stall holders should have received an invitation to participate this year.  Anyone else interested should contact or speak directly with a Fun Group committee member.  The Core committee are:

  • Adrian Gray– Chairman.
  • Martin Burt – Vice Chairman.
  • Wendy Shields – Secretary, Admin & IT.
  • Michele Williams – Treasurer.
  • Lynne Staff – Catering.

Help is still required to ensure that all the childrens’ activities take place and that they are safe during their parade-   This includes face painting and art/craft activities.  If you think you may be able to help/cover a shift between 9.30am- 2pm – please get in touch: .

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 – Get involved!


BFG Quiz Night – Saturday, 26th March, 7.30pm

Raising funds for the Jubilee celebrations in June, Broadwindsor Fun Group (BFG) are hosting a Quiz Night at the Comrades Hall on Saturday, 26th March at 7.30pm. Doors open at 7pm.

Vice Chairman, Martin Burt will be the Quizmaster and there will be prizes for the winning team.

The Quiz will comprise of a total of 8 rounds,  which will include a picture round and a brainteaser round.

As the Comrades Arms will be open upstairs, you are welcome to bring your own refreshments to the event 🙂

Entry is £3 per person and there is a 6 person limit to form a team. Put the date in your diary!

To reserve a table or if  you have any enquiries, please contact:

Broadwindsor Fun Group still need stewards for the opening parade and helpers for their childrens’ activities on Saturday, 4th June.  This includes face painting and art/craft activities.  If you think you may be able to help/cover a shift between 9.30am- 2pm – please get in touch: .
