New Bench At Cross Keys Donated By The Late Julie Steele

Today, Sunday 21st July would have been Julie Steele’s 59th birthday but sadly she left us, too soon, on 12th December 2022 following a long struggle with cancer and its treatments.

Julie sat on the old bench – 2022

Julie loved living in Broadwindsor and said this was where she said she belonged. Julie was enthusiastically involved with many activities in the village, of note was her role as President of the local W.I. group who described her as “a real leading light at our WI.
To read Julie’s full Eulogy presented by her friend, Cath Booth – click HERE.

The old bench at Cross Keys junction.

Julie frequently rested at the old bench at Cross Keys, which is across the road from the war memorial, en route to our village shop or visiting friends.
One of Julie’s final arrangements was to choose, purchase from her estate and donate a new bench which is now situated there.

The new bench at Cross Keys junction

Thank you to Martin Burt for putting it in place 🙂

Soon to be added is a memorial plaque which reads:

In Memory Of Julie Steele
1965 – 2022
A Much Loved Friend & Broadwindsor Resident
Greatly Missed, Never Forgotten


The next stage of the ‘facelift’ will happen once the wild flowers have died back. The grass will then be cut and a rose bed will be put in which, once in place, the W.I. have kindly agreed to maintain ❤



Julie was laid to rest in St. John the Baptist church graveyard
on 6th January 2023.

21.07.65 -12.12.22

❤ Happy Heavenly Birthday Julie
& Thank You! ❤

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #WestDorset #Dorset #Village #BGPC #Community #WI #Bench #Memories #Celebration #HappyBirthday #InMemorium #MissYou #Love #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Funeral Arrangements For Paul Miller

The service for village resident Paul Miller will be held at Yeovil crematorium at 13.20 hrs. on Tuesday, 9th April.
Anyone who would like to come along and raise a glass in his memory, are welcome to join the family at The White Lion from 15.30 hrs. onwards.

“Thank you to everyone for all the kind thoughts, cards and flowers we have received, we are overwhelmed with kindness.”

– Chris and family x

Our Deepest Condolences
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Chris, Jo and all the family at this sad time.

❤ Paul Miller 04.09.1947 – 15.03.2024  ❤

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #WestDorset #Dorset #Village #Community #SadLoss #Family #Love #Thoughts #Prayers #Funeral #Celebration #Farewell #MissYou #PayRespect #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Happy Beltane – 1st May

It’s the halfway point between the Spring equinox and Summer solstice.
The word ‘Beltane’ originates from the Celtic God ‘Bel’, meaning ‘the bright one’ (the May Queen) and the Gaelic word ‘teine’ meaning ‘fire’. Together they make ‘Bright Fire‘, or ‘Goodly Fire‘ and traditionally bonfires were lit to honour the Sun and encourage the support of Bel and the Sun’s light to nurture the emerging future harvest and protect the community. Bel had to be won over through human effort. Beltane is a fire festival.

It celebrates the union of the Goddess and the Green Man – the coming together of male and female energies to create new life.
 A special fire was kindled for Beltane. This was the Tein-eigen, ‘the need fire‘. Communities sought Bel’s support for protection and a good harvest. Therefore, villagers would

  • jump through the fire to purify, cleanse and bring fertility.
  • Couples jumped the fire together to pledge themselves to each other.
  • Cattle and other animals were driven through the smoke as a protection from disease and to bring fertility.
  • Once the festivities were over, villagers took some of the Tein-eigen home to start their fires anew.

Mead and sweet cakes are often shared in communion as part of the ceremony. Mead is known as the Brew of the Divine, made from honey which seems appropriate for a love ceremony.  Mead is the oldest alcoholic drink known to humankind.

Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty and maintain youthfulness.

The Colours of Beltane:

  • Green, representing growth, abundance and fertility.
  • Red, representing strength, vitality, passion and vibrancy.
  • White/Silver,  representing cleansing and clearing and the power to disperse negativity.

Trees of Beltane:

  • Hawthorn – Hawthorn is a deeply magical tree. Traditionally Beltane began when the Hawthorn, the May, blossomed. It is the tree of sexuality and fertility and is the classic flower to decorate a Maypole with. It was both worn and used to decorate the home at Beltane.
  • Birch – Birch is regarded as a feminine tree and Deities associated with Birch are mostly love and fertility goddesses. It is one of the first trees to show its leaf in Spring. Birch twigs were traditionally used to make besoms (a new broom sweeps clean). Maypoles were often made from birch and birch wreaths were given as lover’s gifts.
  • Rowan – Known as a tree of protection and healing. Branches of Rowan were placed as protection over the doors of houses and barns at Beltane to protect from increased Faery activity as they woke from their winter slumber. Sprigs were worn for protection also. Rowan berries have a tiny five-pointed star on the bottom reminiscent of the pentagram.

Beltane is also considered a time when the veil between worlds is thin as with Samhain therefore, a magical and powerful time.

Hug a Tree 🙂


The Bells! Incase you missed them

On Wednesday afternoon, in memory of Harold Jenkins, our church bells rang 🙂

Here is a 45 minute recording by Jamie Dawson of the Quarter Peal performed by an experienced band of the West Dorset Branch of SDGR (Salisbury Diocese Guild of Ringers)…


Thank You!

❤ Harold Jenkins  16.01.1940 – 14.01.2023  ❤


Quarter Peal – 3.30pm, Wednesday, 12th April

The bells at St. John the Baptist church have not been heard for some considerable time. There are not enough ringers who are able to commit regularly, no tower captain or tower secretary and the bells themselves need some maintenance. However…

At approximately 3.30pm on the afternoon of Wednesday, 12th April (tomorrow) there will be a Quarter Peal in memory of Harold Jenkins who died peacefully on 14th January this year.

Harold was pivotal in keeping the bells of St John the Baptist Church, Broadwindsor, ringing for many years and the village owes him a great debt of gratitude. This Quarter Peal rung by an experienced band of the West Dorset Branch of SDGR (Salisbury Diocese Guild of Ringers) will take about 45 minutes and involves at least 1,250 changes (a ‘change’ is when two bells swap places in the order of ringing).

Harold was a very private man and we thank his widow, Margaret Jenkins for sharing this personal tribute:

Born Harold Thomas Fricker Jenkins on 16th January 1940 in Salisbury, Wiltshire.

An extremely shy and private person, typical Capricorn:slow to anger but really mad if he was upset.

We met when we were 16, then married at 22 and immediately went on a posting with Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service, to Brussels, at the Common Market Delegation, until four month’s later General De Gaulle said “Non” to UK entry and the Delegation closed.

Then came four years in Rangoon, Burma where Elizabeth and Nicholas were born. Following that came a two and a half year posting to New York at the British Delegation to the United Nations.

After a three year home posting, the children went to boarding school and we went to Bombay, India.

The next move was another visit to the USA. This time to Washington D.C. This was our favourite posting.

A four year home posting came next with Harold rising to the head of the East Africa Department.  A part of this entailed visiting the refugee camps in Ethiopia.  He was very glad to return home!

Dar es Salaam in Tanzania was the next post – not a favourite but it had its moments.

The last accompanied posting was to Kathmandu, Nepal, where he was Vice Consul and Head of Management with a staff of 50.  Harold was involved with the aftermath of two air crashes that happened within six weeks of each other.  It was a harrowing experience for both the Embassy staff and their wives.

Returning to the UK in 1994, we returned to Surrey before finding our present house.  After a spell of immigration officer duties at Heathrow airport, Harold was asked to go to Kiev (as it was then), to Bucharest and then to Paris, each on special assignments.  These three month assignments left Margaret at home to run the B&B, tend the garden and the allotment. A complaint about weeds was not well received!

Harold lived happily in Broadwindsor for twenty six and a half years, where he spent many hours ringing the church bells.

Please enjoy the bells!
A recording may be heard HERE.

❤ Harold Jenkins  16.01.1940 – 14.01.2023  ❤


Broadwindsor Community Stores Celebrates 10 Years

Broadwindsor Community Stores celebrated their 10th birthday on Saturday.

Pavement Art by Kaitlin


Sunshine Cake by Lisa McKenzie


Celebratory bags on sale


Previous Managers Mike, Sue and Kevin.


First manager Sue with current manager Jane and assistant Margaret


Volunteers Extraordinaire – Robin & Carole

More photos of the celebratory day and the shop’s latest offers can be found on their Facebook page HERE.

An excellent way to learn new skills, feel productive and meet more people within the parish community is to volunteer for a 2-hour shift.  An opportunity for you to give back to this marvellous community enterprise – it is fun too!

Full training is provided – contact Volunteer co-ordinator, Terri Small at:

Main photo: Margery Hookings



Broadwindsor Community Stores Celebrate 10 years!

Join the staff and volunteers at 11.30am on Saturday 4th March to celebrate the community shop’s 10th birthday with a slice of sunshine birthday cake and more…

There will be a Grand Raffle with great prizes from their suppliers and a poster competition for the schoolchildren.
Follow the shop on Facebook HERE to keep up to date with more of their plans and special offers.
They hope to see many of you to help the shop celebrate 🙂

The Shop Managers over the years…

Become a Volunteer!

A healthy number of volunteers make it easier on all as individuals cover fewer shifts, or sometimes just the one. Full training is provided – contact Volunteer co-ordinator, Teri Small at:


Farewell Colin Lawrence

Over 150 people from in and around the parish packed into Broadwindsor’s St. John the Baptist church yesterday afternoon to attend the funeral of Colin Lawrence who died on 23rd December 2022.

After the opening hymn ‘All things bright and beautiful‘, Colin’s granddaughter, Amy read a poem –

‘Goodbye Grandad’

Heaven has received another angel,
The night sky another star.
Your life has become a loving memory.
I know you will never be far.
I know you’re watching over me
As my life goes on.
I will treasure the memories I have of you.
I can’t believe you’re gone.
You were a loving, caring grandad
You were there for me a lot.
You will always hold a place in my heart,
A loving treasured spot.
You were really one in a million,
A cut above the rest.
All who knew you would agree.
You simply were the best.
So, Grandad, I will say goodbye.
I love and miss you with all my heart,
But as long as I have my loving memories,
We will never be too far apart.


Rev. David Baldwin read the Eulogy prepared by his family:

Colin was born on the 2nd May 1937 and was the youngest son of Kathleen & Cyril, & lived at Seavington St Mary, near Ilminster. He had one brother, Keith. He attended schools in Ilminster. On leaving school he worked on a local farm and following this he did National Service in the Royal Air Force, his section being the Fire Brigade Crew. Some of this time was spent in Germany.

One winters night in 1956, Valerie & 3 of her friends were in Broadwindsor Square when they heard the sound of a motorbike approaching from Drimpton Road. On the bike was Colin riding pillion behind his brother!! After their first meeting, Colin continued to cycle from Seavington St Mary to Broadwindsor every weekend as due to work commitments that was the only spare time he had. This was the start of their romance & 64 years of marriage!

In 1958, on Boxing Day, they were married here in Broadwindsor Church whilst Colin was home on leave. There first marital home was in Burstock.

In 1961, Mandy was born. Unfortunately, Colin was away training in Finchley for the Fire Service so he missed this event.

Following his National Service he then worked for Newmans of Beaminster assisting with the digging of boreholes. After this he then drove for South Western Farmers in Crewkerne delivering animal feeds.

In 1966, Wayne was born and Colin was present this time!!

In the late 60s, Colin started driving for Ready Mixed Concrete until he retired, and still remained in contact with former workmates. The family recalls whenever they were on their travels in Dorset or Somerset, Colin would often comment, ‘I‘ve delivered concrete there‘, and would often remember what was being built at the time.

Sadly Colin lost his Brother, Keith, which left a huge hole in his life as they were so close, and used to visit one another on a weekly basis.

In 1971, the family moved to Broadwindsor, then in 2005 returned back to Burstock.

From 1972 – 1992 he served as a Special Constable working from Bridport Police Station. This was a job he enjoyed doing, giving back to the community.

In 1996, Amy arrived which made him the proudest Grandad ever. The family enjoyed many happy holidays together in Cornwall during Amy’s early years. He was so proud of her tennis achievements, which I’m sure you’re all aware of!! Amy can remember how he used to play tennis with her in the road at Burstock, and even in his 60s he could give her a run for her money. He also hit many balls in the neighbours gardens!

Colin loved the outdoors. He loved shooting, beating & gardening. He also played in a skittles team in the Cattistock Hunt League. Colin & Valerie also belonged to Broadwindsor Over 60s club which met monthly, and revelled in the outings. Through these interests he’s made many close friendships. Up until recently he was still gardening for Michelle & Mick at Broadwindsor, and Jackie & John at Clapton, despite having a large garden of his own. He liked helping other people out! He also loved animals. Over recent years has tamed many a stray cat, and they’ve all been given names.

Colin never lost his sense of humour whilst in hospital. On one occasion when Mandy & Amy visited him and the Nurse asked him who they were, he pointed at Amy and said, ‘That’s my Amy’, then pointed to Mandy and said, ‘She’s from Dorset’. It’s clear to say Mandy wasn’t expecting that!!

All of you that are here today will know that Colin was a positive, thoughtful, caring and loving family man, and would do anything to help anyone. However, his time keeping was not always the best, even in his final moments. Mandy and Amy having spent 32 hours by his bedside, the Nurses moved him into a side room, during this short distance with no one by his side he passed away much to the surprise of everyone. Particularly Amy, who uttered words that can not be repeated today!

Colin may be gone but will never be forgotten, and will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him.


A lovely poignant poem followed:

Always there

When you remember me,

Please do not weep.

My body may not be there.

It has chosen to sleep.

 I’m not far away.

My soul lives on,

Looking down, watching over

You and everyone.

And when you feel sad

And life seems so blue,

Just remember

That my spirit has its arms around you.

And on those special days

Times that you wish I could see,

That cool breeze flowing past you…

Well, that will be me,

So don’t be sad.

Have no fear.

God has taken me under his wing,

But I’ll always be near.

I still watch you

Every minute, every day.

My love and soul are with you,

And that’s where they will stay.

Colin exited the church to the music ‘Always look on the bright side of life‘ performed by The Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Commander in Chief Fleet. The Committal took place at Burstock Churchyard.
Afterwards, friends and family gathered together at the Comrades Hall to enjoy a lovely buffet and to share and celebrate their memories of Colin.

Any donations in Colin‘s name are requested to go to the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.

❤ Colin Gerald Lawrence 02.05.1937 – 23.12.2022  ❤


Funeral Arrangements For Colin Lawrence

The funeral service for Colin Lawrence, who passed away on 23rd December 2022, will take place at St. John the Baptist Church in Broadwindsor on Wednesday, 25th January at 2pm. His burial will then take place at St. Andrew’s church in Burstock.

Colin’s wake will be at the Comrades Hall, Broadwindsor and all his friends are invited to attend. Our love, thoughts and prayers go out to Val, Mandy, Wayne & granddaughter, Amy ❤

Family flowers only please. Any donations, please send to the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance HERE or by mail to c/o A J Wakely & Sons, 7 North Street, Beaminster, DT8 3DZ.


❤ Colin Lawrence 02.05.1937 – 23.12.2022  ❤


The Comrades Hall Celebrate Their Own Platinum Jubilee

The Comrades Hall in Broadwindsor celebrates its own Platinum Jubilee this year!

On Saturday, 19th November, celebrations start with a coffee morning at 10.30am, there will be much memorabilia on display and a raffle will be held.
In the evening, from 7.30 – 10pm, there will be a Barn Dance 🙂 :

  • Music provided by ‘Crooked Furrow‘.
  • Bar Available.
  • Tickets: £10, to include a hot snack.
  • Under 12s: £5
  • On Sale at Broadwindsor Community Stores
    & The Post Office on Tuesday & Friday mornings.

The land was Glebe land belonging to General Pinney of Racedown. The life of the Comrades Hall begins when members of the British Legion obtained the barn from the Pinneys. They borrowed £200.00 and converted it into a Hall which was used by the parish for many events.  Prior to this, events had been held in ‘The Old Schoolhouse‘ opposite. There is a photograph of the men of the British Legion – all of them Comrades together and that is how the Hall got the name ‘Comrades Hall‘.

On 25th November, 1952 – the British Legion returned the Hall to Lady Pinney and on that same day, she made a Deed of Gift…

This was completed in July the following year, with the Charity Commissioners & Trustees, giving the Hall and ground known as Bernards’ Place to the Parishes of Broadwindsor and Burstock. (Charity number: 301110).

On 5th December, 1952 – the first meeting of what became known as the Comrades Hall Committee involved four local families:

  • Dorothy Shiner
  • Mr. Boucher
  • William Pascoe
  • and a Miss Curtis

The 12 members at that time, remained the governing body until April 1953 when 21 members would be elected at their first AGM. It was then specified that:

  • The Management Committee should be no less than 20.
  • 5 members had to be women.
  • 2 ex-officios –  The Vicar of Broadwindsor & Headmaster of the School.
  • Every organisation in the parish had to be represented on the committee.

More historical information will appear online at in timing with the event…
