Free Cake at The Stableyard Restaurant @ Redlands Yard This Weekend

The Stableyard Restaurant at Redlands Yard in Broadwindsor are tempting customers old and new with a delicious special offer on discounted and free cake!

If you book a table for Sunday lunch in the restaurant – you’ll get a pudding half price, Roast Beef, Chicken, Pork or a Vegetarian option available or want to eat at home, order a takeaway and still receive a half price pudding (telephone pre orders and collection only).

Stableyard BreakfastGoing in for Breakfast? If so, order a large breakfast (pictured) 😋 which includes a choice of white or brown toast AND a pot of their breakfast tea or a cup coffee and you can take home ANY 1 slice of their delicious range of cakes for afternoon tea…for FREE! 😊

Available from 9AM until 11AM.
Telephone: (01308) 868362

#Broadwindsor #WestDorset #TheStableyardRestaurant #RedlandsYard #EatCake #SocialDistancing #StaySafe

Get a Bee Kit To Help Save Our Bees

Friends of the Earth are running another campaign promoting the necessity of bees in our human and our planet’s life.

Click on the link HERE to get your own Bee Saver Kita minimum of £5 donation is requested.

What’s in the kit?

  1. Wildflower seeds – grow bee food so your neighbourhood bees don’t go hungry.
  2. A garden planner – to help you create a bee-friendly garden all year round.
  3. A bee spotter guide – so you can identify your new garden visitors.
  4. Step by step guide – full of useful hints and tips for saving bees.
  5. A bee postcard – to send to your loved ones.

Bumble Bee on flower

If you’d like multiple kits please call their Supporter Care Team on 0800 581051. Monday – Friday 9am-5pm.

#Broadwindsor #WestDorset #FriendsOfTheEarth #SaveOurBees #BeeSaverKit #Crops #Food #Flowers #Summer #StaySafe


Opening Tomorrow: Stableyard Restaurant

The restaurant at Redland’s Yard opens at 9.30am tomorrow morning as the Stableyard Restaurant.

A new name, but the same great food that you’ve come to expect!
The team has been hard at work, and are so delighted to be able to throw open their doors again and welcome you back! They’re kicking off with a lighter menu tomorrow, but serving some fantastic meal options and a selection of teas and cakes and treats! They are open on:

  • Tuesday – Friday from 09:30am4:30pm
  • Saturdays & Sundays from 09:00am4:00pm

The restaurant has been taken over and is being launched by Linda Paget. Having been in the catering world for many years, Linda’s knowledge of flavours and her extensive experience in the food production industry means that they are able to prepare exquisite meals for their patrons; whether they’re there for a 3-course Christmas meal, popping in for a quick lunch, or just in the mood for something sweet from the cake counter. Enjoy!

Book your table: (01308) 868362
Message them through their Facebook page HERE.
Visit their website HERE.

#Broadwindsor #RedlandsYard #StableyardRestaurant #LindaPaget #Community #Village #DeliciousFood #Cakes #Enjoy #SupportLocalBusiness #SocialDistancing #StaySafe

Thursday Meal Deal at The White Lion for August

Vikki at The White Lion is offering a Thursday evening EAT IN MEAL DEAL throughout the month of August 🙂
They are closed all day on Mondays and support L&F Catering with their Fish ‘n’ Chips van on Tuesday nights so Vikki decided to invite people to eat in and help out on a Thursday night which is not included in the Government’s national campaign but still helps out all involved.

From the limited menu (see below) if you buy one meal @ £9.95, you’ll get a second for only £5 😀

  • Thursday 6pm – 9pm
  • Maximum 4 people at a table from a maximum of 2 different households
  • Booking advisable – 01308 847070

The White Lion - Thursday Meal Deal


#Broadwindsor #TheWhiteLion #WestDorset #HomeCooked #EatInHelpOut #MealDeal #L&FCatering #Dorset #SupportYourLocal #SocialDistancing #StaySafe



Super Saturdays at The Tangerine Cafe in Beaminster

Tangerine Cafe, BeaminsterWeekends are changing at Tangerine Cafe.

An informal cafe with gallery and books, they offer a meal of the day, soup of the day, salads, sandwiches, paninis, cakes, scones and a children’s menu.

They will start off with the first of our brand new Super Saturdays with Kellie and Debs who will be offering mouthwatering homemade beef or veggie burgers with homemade potato wedges and salad, succulent ham, egg and wedges, gooey Brie, bacon and cranberry paninis and lots more including cakes and scones.

Then on Sunday they’ll be making their lovely brunches and lunches to include Cashew nut roast and Roast Lamb with all the trimmings.

To book please ring 01308 281110 or message them through their Facebook page HERE.

They also offer a double room and a family room with a shared modernised bathroom and a lovely garden with secluded places to sit we are COVID-19 secure.
Email your enquiry to

#Broadwindsor #Beaminster #TangerineCafe #StaySafe #SocialDistancing #Food #Snacks #ChildrenWelcome #SuperSaturday #WestDorset #Brunch #Lunch

Specials at The White Lion This Weekend

The White Lion, BroadwindsorThis weekend, you have the option to dine in at The White Lion as well as a takeaway.

Friday: 6 – 8.30pm
Saturday: 6 – 8.30pm
Sunday: 12 – 3pm

The Specials on the menu this weekend are:

  • Homemade Steak & Stilton Pie with Mash  £8.50

  • Homemade Spinach & Ricotta Cannelloni  £8.50

  • Homemade Chicken & Chorizo Pasta Salad  £5.50

Then on Sunday 19th, you have the choice of Roast Beef or Roast Turkey with all the trimmings of course!  £8.50

All takeaway food MUST be ordered the day before collection!

White Lion Takeaway May 2020

#Broadwindsor #TheWhiteLion #Food #Takeaway #Drinks #SupportYourLocal

”Eat Out to Help Out’ aka “Dosh for Nosh”

Eat Out to Help Out - Rishi SunakAs well as cutting the VAT rate to 5% for hospitality and tourism sectors from July 15 until January 12, 2021, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has said everyone in the country will get the discount in an effort to get customers back into restaurants, cafes and pubs.
There will be a ‘simple website’ for those participating businesses to register on Monday, 13th July.

Meals eaten at any participating business from Monday to Wednesday during August will be 50% cheaper, up to a maximum discount of £10 per head for everyone (Adults & Children).

  • It covers any eat-in meal at any participating restaurant, cafe, pub or other eligible food service establishment across the UK during the month of August.
  • It can be used for food and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • It can be used “unlimited times”

This is only one scheme the Government have introduced to help improve the economy as part of their #PlanForJobs recovery plan.  They are also offering to pay businesses to hire young apprentices, with a payment of £2,000 and introducing a brand-new bonus to hire apprentices aged 25 and over, with a payment of £1,500.

#Broadwindsor #WestDorset #StaySafe #SocialDistancing #Government #PlanForJobs #EatOutToHelpOut #DoshForNosh  #TheWhiteLion

Dorset Food, Drink & Farming Awards 2020

Dorset Food Awards 2020

Dorset Magazine have opened their nominations for this year’s Food, Drink & Farming Awards.  There are 30 days remaining to vote.
Dorset Magazine’s Editor Helen Styles said “The Dorset Food, Drink and Farming Awards will celebrate the extraordinary men and women – farmers, chefs, bakers, butchers, tea shop owners to name but a few – who work so hard to put Dorset on the culinary map. Show your support for your local food, drink and farming heroes and nominate now!
They are calling on their readers and businesses alike to nominate in these new-look awards, with new categories highlighting the current struggles and how businesses have adapted to the changes to the industry due to Covid-19.

The categories are:

  • Best Independent Food & Drink Retailer
  • Best Farm Shop
  • Food Producer of the Year
  • Drinks Producer of the Year
  • Entrepreneur of the Year
  • Community Food/Drink Initiative Award
  • Business Collaboration Award
  • Best Local Food/Drink Delivery Experience
  • Best Dining Experience to go
  • Chef of the Year
Understandably, they have had to adapt how they champion and highlight the region’s food and drink sector but they still want to celebrate the fantastic businesses on our doorstep serving us throughout Lockdown.
However, they have had to reassess their awards evening. For 2020, instead of their ceremony in September, they will be holding a winners’ celebration when it is safe to do so, post the announcement of their 2020 winners’ in the December issue of Dorset Magazine. They hope to come back bigger and better next year! As do we all!
Submit your nominations HERE
#StayAlert #StaySafe #SocialDistancing #Broadwindsor #Dorset #FoodAwards #DorsetMagazine #Drink #Farming


Broadwindsor News Back In Publication

Broadwindsor News July 2020The Broadwindsor News is now out – being delivered to households who subscribe and there should be some available in the shop.
Containing lots of updates from village organisations, this edition also includes Margery Hooking’s ‘Broadwindsor in Lockdown 2020′ poem.

You can download the poem to your computer in PDF format: BROADWINDSOR IN LOCKDOWN 2020
or you can read it below . . .


Nature, you were never lovelier,

when the world stopped, but the Earth kept spinning.

And then the world turned upside down, freedom could not be found

We all became experts at social distancing – no grandparents would be visiting.

Sunshine, birdsong, a much quieter life but life still went on.

Thursday night clapping for our hard-pressed carers,

a ripple of applause from one end of the village to the other.

The Sound of Music every day at one o’clock.

Business booms at the community shop

as sales of fruit, veg and alcohol go pop.

Takeout drinks from the pub

and Vikki’s quiche and coleslaw in the shop.

The Tuesday night chip van at Comrades Hall,

Friday morning Post Office, chairs six feet apart.

Anxiety calmed by WhatsApp and Zoom, meeting family and friends by the touch of a button.

People chatting with new friends while standing next to bollards in the shop queue.

Heart attacks, cancelled operations, masks, gloves and Perspex screens.

Food deliveries for the vulnerable.

Our church went blue for the NHS.

The Sound of Music every day at one o’clock.

And we had time to just be with the one we love without duty or obligation stealing the day.

Doing all that we can to keep a company viable,

sorting wages and furlough staff, all reliable.

Farmers cut the fields for silage and tractors trundled through the village.

Up on Lewesdon Hill, bluebells didn’t know about coronavirus.

VE Day flags and afternoon tea outside our homes.

Socially distanced wildflower planting – digging, sowing and watering.

A beautiful sight to welcome visitors to our village when all this has passed.

The Sound of Music every day at one o’clock.

Lock down with the family – fantastic at the start, learning through the struggles, stresses and worries, tears, laughter and love.

Dusting flour from my hands, I pick up my book;

to bake or read, my lockdown dilemma.

There’s only one village in the west for me, Broadwindsor is the place I love to be.

It’s music at one and clapping at eight to rid us of the virus we love to hate.

Virtual Bananagrams, with gin, on Skype; virtual birthday parties on Zoom; virtual running – for medals – on Strava.

Virtual life.

The village roads, now used much less, speeds traffic onward faster;

too fast for the slowworm outside the shop, who is now not just slow, but flatter.

The sun beckons and mocks. Enjoy what you have, count your blessings.

The Sound of Music every day at one o’clock.

The church buildings are silent, dusty, locked, empty, paused.

God is active, loud, renewing, unrestricted, present, recreating and filling us every day.

Time to listen to the birds, watch the flowers grow, to smell the air, walk up the hill and to be still.

The warmth, love and friendship uncovered and blossoming as we all work together through this strange, uncertain  time.

House quiet, headphones on, five laptops glowing, each immersed in our own virtual business and learning,

waiting for the next punctuation point in days we can’t name.

Then kettle on, frisbee out, meals prepared, conversation flows, reconnected again.

The Sound of Music every day at one o’clock.

Free loo rolls from the village shop. The kindness of strangers.

And then a huge blue ball hurtles down the road, like the ever-present Rover bubble in The Prisoner.

A small army of tireless volunteers, stacking, selling, delivering.

Painting, writing, reading, decorating – my furniture has never been so upcycled.

The village phone box becomes a book exchange, tales of a community bound up on donated shelves.

Take-outs from the pub, food and drink, got to keep it going.

The call of rooks from their satellite rookery at the Old George,

while the parish councillors discuss village affairs over Zoom.

The space station goes over, the sun’s fading light makes it glow for all to see.

Endless sunshine, we will never see this blue a sky again.

The Sound of Music on the World Service and Desert Island Discs.

Slippers or flip flops worn all day.

The garden glorious in all this sun.

A tank of petrol lasts for months.

A time of reflection for the things that really matter. The birdsong and beautiful countryside.

Teaching the children, online bitesize that doesn’t bite back.

A fish van arrives in the Square at half past eleven, a shoal of customers in single file down the road.

Gardens and allotments provide solace and colour.

The Sound of Music at one o’clock

Afternoon briefing, highlight of the day.

What day is it, by the way?

– Margery Hookings, June 2020

Vikki’s Specials At The White Lion This Weekend

For Friday and Saturday evenings this weekend, in addition to their takeaway menu – the following Specials are on offer from The White Lion, Broadwindsor.
Please telephone your order through the day before! 01308 867070

  • Homemade Beef Curry with Rice  £8.50
  • Homemade Beef Chilli Con Carne with Rice  £8.00
  • Sea Bass, Lime & Ginger Fishcakes with Chips £8.50
  • Homemade Cauliflower Cheese with a Hot Baguette. £5.50

It’s their first weekend opening – so please be patient and don’t turn up too early!

Don’t forget your Sunday lunch either! (please book by 5pm Saturday)
Roast Beef or turkey with all the trimmings £8.50

White Lion Takeaway May 2020


#Broadwindsor #StaySafe #SocialDistancing #Takeaway #TheWhiteLion #SundayRoast