Clock & Watch Clinic This Friday

Proving very popular, Derek Bond will be at the Post Office at The Comrades Hall this Friday morning at 10am 🙂

Derek Bond

Bring along your watches that have been lying in drawers for years or that old clock that stopped working… how long ago?  Derek also offers replacement batteries or watch straps.
Customers will need to pay for any replacement parts used but Derek is only requesting a small donation for his services to go to the Post Office Users Group fund.


Clock & Watch Clinic – Tuesday, 4th April

Derek Bond was welcomed and kept busy at the beginning of the month when he visited The Comrades Hall.

Intended to be on the first Friday of each month, next Friday is Good Friday and there will be no Post Office services so Derek is coming in on Tuesday morning instead at 10am.

Derek Bond

Bring along your watches that have been lying in drawers for years or that old clock that stopped working… how long ago?  Derek also offers replacement batteries or watch straps.
Customers will need to pay for any replacement parts used but Derek is only requesting a small donation for his services to go to the Post Office Users Group fund 🙂


Welcome DailyzTech

DailyzTech HQ is actually located in the heart of Crewkerne town centre but can be accessed through Broadwindsor Post Office on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Call on 07796 546704 to arrange them to bring any products from their shop to our Post Office OutReach service 🙂

DailyzTech began as a family business 12 years ago and since the inclusion of Crewkerne Post Office in 2016, a heavier flow of customers and more development in their range of services and products are offered. More recently, now operating out of Beaminster Post Office too, you can get anything from ink cartridges to tech support services, they aim to have something for everyone!

Offering friendly, patient & professional relations, their services include:

  • Product & Software Installation
  • Home Tuition
  • Networking Issues
  • Router & Extender Setups
  • Data Backup & Transfer
  • General IT Assistance
  • Device Repairs

Now mobile – as a guide, their Call Out service is priced:

  • Simple problems within 10 mile radius of our store in Crewkerne – £25 includes call out and first hour.
  • Complex problems within 10 mile radius of our store in Crewkerne – £50 includes call out and first hour.

Note: Most problems can be resolved within one visit, multiple visits may be required if additional parts are needed. Please call them first for a free quote and see how they can help you.

Call Steve for Advice & Support: 07796 546704



Monthly Watch & Clock Clinic Starts Friday, 3rd March

Derek Bond will be offering a 2 hour watch & clock clinic at the Comrades Hall alongside the Post Office on the first Friday of the month (Subject to support). The first one will be on Friday, 3rd March, 10am – 12 noon

Derek Bond

Bring along your watches that have been lying in drawers for years or that old clock that stopped working… how long ago?  Derek also offers replacement batteries or watch straps.

Customers will need to pay for any replacement parts used but Derek is only requesting a small donation for his services to go to the Post Office Users Group fund.

Derek who’s now retired, lives in Thorncombe and we appreciate another skilled service that can be accessed directly in our eclectic village 🙂


Meet Rebecca Burt – Broadwindsor’s New Councillor

Broadwindsor resident Rebecca Burt has been co-opted to Broadwindsor’s Group Parish Council to represent the Broadwindsor ward.

Bex, as she’s known to her friends and colleagues, moved to the village in 2018 with her husband Martin and their son Eddie who attends Broadwindsor school. Bex brings a wealth of experience as a teacher and working with young people and has volunteered at both the community shop and outreach post office.

We wish Bex the very best in her new role 🙂


P.O. Coffee Club Christmas Raffle – Friday, 9th December

One of the earlier Christmas events: The Post Office Coffee Club will be holding their Christmas Raffle at 12 noon on Friday, 9th December.

The prizes on offer will be a varied selection of Christmas consumables for just a £1 ticketTickets are on sale today and only available on Tuesday and Friday mornings during Post Office hours, 10am – 12.30pm.

The Post Office Outreach service will be there as usual at 10am.  During this time, Mulled Wine will be offered alongside the usual tea and coffee together with some Festive Nibbles 🙂

People from the parish are invited to have a craft stall for the morning – for further information, please contact Jacqui Sewell on 01308 867145 or email:



Comrades Hall 100 Club Winners

The Autumn draw took place on Tuesday 6th September 2022 at the Comrades Hall Post Office. The numbers were drawn by John, the Post Office Outreach Clerk.

The winning numbers and names are as follows:

  • 1st   £75          No 91         Winner    Dorothy Rowe
  • 2nd  £50         No 53        Winner    Keith Haggett
  • 3rd   £25         No 63         Winner   Margery Hookings
  • 4th   £15         No 71         Winner    Chris & Di Ponton
  • 5th   £10         No 34         Winner    Steve Corley
  • 6th   £5           No 20         Winner   Audrey Woodley

“This is our last time of making the draw and we would like to thank all the Members who have supported us over the last few years.”  – Joyce & Sally.

Thank you ladies 🙂


Post Office Open Today

Despite National Industrial Action this weekend, Broadwindsor’s Post Office Outreach service will be at the Comrades Hall this morning from 10am – 12.30pm. Thank you to the guys from Crewkerne!

You can also stop and enjoy a cup of tea or freshly brewed coffee thanks to the Post Office Users Group 🙂


40°C Expected – Post Office Open Today – Closed Friday

The Post Office will be open this morning (Tuesday) until 12 noon at the Comrades Hall. It will be closed on Friday, 22nd as post master, Peter has contracted Covid.  We very much appreciate the services they provide and wish Peter a speedy recovery.

Until this week, the highest temperature in the UK recorded was 38.7°C, in Cambridge in July 2019.

A high of 38.1°C was recorded in Suffolk yesterday.  The U.K. is bracing itself for higher temperatures today.  To keep cool and avoid heat exhaustion and/or heatstroke, please read the following advice:

  • Drink water.
  • Eat foods with a high water content
  • Wear loose clothing, breathable fabrics
  • Wear a hat
  • Stay in the shade where possible.
  • Limit your travel & exercise
  • Use fans, ice packs to cool down.
  • Take lukewarm, not cold showers.
  • Put nightwear in the fridge

The NHS recommends keeping all babies under six months out of direct sunlight, and older infants should be kept out of the sun as much as possible, particularly between 11:00hrs and 15:00hrs.
They should be kept in the shade or under a sunshade if they’re in a buggy or pushchair.



Off To The Post Office!

The Post Office Outreach service is open at the Comrades Hall this morning from 10am – 12.30pm and your dog is welcome to come in with you 🙂 Continue reading “Off To The Post Office!”