Without any notice from Dorset Council or our Dorset Councillor, Simon Christopher, Dorset Council’s housing register, Dorset Homechoice, is now closed to new applications. If registered, you can still bid for properties and view your feedback by logging into your account as normal.
Both Dorset Council and BCP Council are changing how properties are allocated and how people can apply for housing. From October 1st 2021, they will be introducing a new Dorset Council Home Choice website and allocations policy. This means there will be some changes to how applicants apply for social housing and some of the assessment criteria.
To view and download the Draft of their new Housing Allocations Policy 2021 – 2026 – Click HERE.
Dates of note:
- 26th July 2021 – Existing applicants who are registered with Dorset Council were invited to apply to join the new housing list.
- 23rd September 2021 – Last advert date for properties in West Dorset (& Weymouth & Portland, East Dorset, North Dorset or Purbeck).
- 1st October 2021 – New applicants will be able to apply to join the new Dorset Council housing list.
Former District Councillor & Local Parish Councillor, Jacqui Sewell has already submitted an email to a Dorset Housing Officer with many questions including what will happen if a CLT tenancy comes up before then & there is no-one on the housing register who qualifies, but the CLT are aware of an individual or a family that are not yet on the register but do qualify to apply for a CLT property? Additionally, as there is a list of 21 disabilities as per RPWD Act 2016 , it is hoped that Dorset Council consider every applicant’s needs and capabilities.
If you have concerns, please contact our current Dorset Councillor – Simon Christopher:
Address: Hawthorne Cottage, Ryall Road, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, DT6 6RH
Home: 01297 489582
Mobile: 07798 833715
Email: cllrsimon.christopher@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk