A message from the three wonderful ladies who organise our village shop’s Click and Collect service:
“As we go into lockdown again, we want to reassure you that we are continuing to do our best to ensure our customers, staff and volunteers are safe, as we have done at Broadwindsor Community Stores since March 2020.
We will continue to offer our Wednesday Click & Collect service via broadwindsorcommunitystores.co.uk.
However, all collections will now be from Comrades Hall, except a 4pm collection from the shop reserved for working customers who cannot get to the hall before 1pm.
We anticipate that more people will want to use the service, so to provide a safer environment and to maintain a steady flow of customers, collection slots will be at fifteen minute intervals starting at 11:30am and finishing at 1pm.
Please pick up from the side door where we will hand over your order at the entrance. Some customers’ orders are quite large and they will need to take several bags to their car, so can we please ask all customers to wait until the previous customer has finished their collection before entering the porch by the side entrance. May we also ask you to wait in the doorway rather than come into the hall while we get your order ready?
As the Click & Collect service is as safe as can be and meets the needs of the vast majority of people we are not offering a full delivery service as we did in the Spring. However, if you are clinically vulnerable and have been advised to stay in your home, please get in touch with us so we can arrange a delivery. The easiest way to do this is simply email: bwshop.orders@gmail.com
Let’s get through this together best we can. Stay safe.”
– Nat, Sandra & Teri
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