Memorial Plaque For David Leader – Friday, 24th May 2024

A plaque dedicated to David Leader and the leading role he played in the establishment of the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) will be unveiled tomorrow, Friday 24th May, at 9.30am at the MUGA.
David’s family, the Parish Council and Broadwindsor School would like to extend an invitation to the community to join them. David was passionate about the MUGA and highly instrumental in the project, working tirelessly over many years and overcoming many obstacles along the way. He never gave up and today we have this wonderful community asset, used and enjoyed by so many 🙂


#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #Village #Community #DavidLeader #MUGA #ParishCouncil #Memorial #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Broadwindsor’s War Memorial Ceremony

On Tuesday, 6th June, 2023 at 11am, the sun shone and the following ceremony took place. (You can find the full Itinerary HERE).
[Please note: this is an amateur recording, there IS a great shot of the Spitfire flying overhead, the names and stories read out by relatives and representatives can be found below – Editor]


Well done & thanks to the Year 6 pupils of Broadwindsor Primary School, teacher Beth Steward and Head Teacher, Jean-Paul Draper!

Poppy & CandleThe Exhortation – read by Chris Loder MP:
(The Exhortation is an extract from a poem written by Robert Laurence Binyon called “For the Fallen“, written in mid-September 1914, just a few weeks after the outbreak of The War and was first published in The Times newspaper on 21st September 1914)

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.”

Response:We will remember them.”

The Last Post & Reveille played beautifully & perfectly by Elizabeth Carter.

Poppy & CandleThe Kohima Epitaph – read by Chris Loder MP:
(The Kohima Epitaph is carved on the Memorial of the 2nd British Division in the cemetery of Kohima (North-East India).

When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.’


Poppy & CandleRichard Rust & Edwin Hancock – read by Helen Doble:

On the morning of the 16 December 1940 a Westland Lysander Mk 111, flying from RAF, Weston Zoyland airfield near Bridgwater crashed into the ground at Drimpton due to low cloud and bad visibility, killing the two crew members from No 16 squadron. No 16 squadron was a RAF reconnaissance unit which had been evacuated from France in May 1940 after the Germans invaded the country.

The pilot of the Lysander was Flight Lieutenant Richard Rust age 26 who trained at Sandhurst military college for officers in the British Army before the war. After joining the Royal Fusiliers Regiment, he was later granted a temporary commission as a flying officer and seconded into the RAF in April 1939. He was awarded the DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross) in July 1940. Flight Lieutenant Rust, an only child, was newly married and his wife Miriam later gave birth to their son, Michael, five months after his death.

The other airman was Air Gunner Sergeant Edwin Hancock age 20 of Scunthorpe. Edwin was the eldest of five children and had been a member of the RAF volunteer reserve before the war. Edwin is buried at Middlezoy Churchyard in Somerset whilst Flight Lieutenant Rust’s remains were returned to his home town of Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire.

Flight Lieutenant Rust’s widow Miriam, later married an American Soldier and as a war bride left England in 1946 travelling on the ‘Queen Mary’ with her son.

Miriam’s daughter Sherry has written to me from America – she said:
My Mom adored him and he had a beautiful son Michael, he never got to meet. Michael grew up to be a wonderful person, brother, son and father  I wish my brother was aliNee Studleyve to see this. I am so honoured and grateful.’

Poppy & CandleWalter Dommett – read by Bev Coleberd Nee Studley:

I am here today for Walter Dommett. Caroline Dommett was my great grandmother. She lived with her parents and siblings here at Redlands farm. Walter Dommett was one of Carolines brothers.Their siblings were; Rosa, Mary, Caroline (herself), Arthur William, John Wyatt, Walter– who was born 1st Sept 1890, Olive, Dennis, and 2 step sisters Dorothy and Margaret (Taken from the Broadwindsor Parish Magazine for March 1917)
Killed in Action.The war has taken heavy the past month. Walter Dommett,to whose honour we remember that he was one of the first to offer himself in 1914 has been killed in action in Mesoptamia at the age of 26.
In Memory Of Private W.DOMMETT
Service Number 2506
!st/4th Bn., Devonshire Regiment who died on 03 February 1917
Remembered with Honour
Amara War Cemetery

Poppy & CandleSergeant Harry Frampton – read by Gillian Yeates (nee Frampton):

Sergeant Harry Frampton was my great uncle . He was born a mile away from here at Burstock Grange Farm in 1920.
He had two brothers and two sisters and worked on his family farm until the age of 18 where he signed up for the 43rd Wessex Division at the outbreak of World War 2. Being a farmer he didn’t need to join up as he held key worker status but all his friends had and so he began his training .He got engaged to Sylvia Bridal who’s family had the George Hotel in Broadwindsor square and the plan was that after the war they would marry and run the Hotel together.

On the 25th of June 1944 he and 16,000 other 43rd Wessex division soldiers landed on the beaches of Northern France and headed to Caen to begin Operation Jupiter . This was to capture a hill known as Hill 112 overlooking the planes of
Normandy and German General Rommel said “The forces that controls Hill 112 would control Lower Normandy“.
They faced fierce resistance from German 9th,10th and 12th SS Panza divisions and the division suffered 7000 casualties of the 16,000 that set foot in France.
On July the 15th 1944 Harry was killed by a German sniper in the French village of Etterville when he popped his head over a wall .He is buried less than 3km from there in St Manvieu War Cemetery near by his great friend Maurice Loosmore. He was 24 years old.
A memorial service for him was held in Burstock Church some months later in November with the mourners packing out the Church. Our family continue to visit his grave in France and we never forget his bravery and service to our country.

Poppy & Candle


Maurice Loosmore – awaiting text.



Poppy & CandleJean Decloedt – read by Andrew Frampton:

Jean was born in the St Giles district of London on May 31st 1916 to Belgium parents Prosper & Jeanne Decloedt. They had married in 1903 and had another son ten years after Jean was born called Raymond Decloedt Following the outbreak of World War 1 they fled Belgium and sort sanctuary in London until the war had passed.

On March 1, 1940 Jean Decloedt was enlisted as a student pilot in the Belgium 84th Promotion CSLR division. After the airforces mobilisation in 1940, he joined the Belgian 1st Airborne Regiment, that operated from Oostend . He was active there as a non-commissioned officer . After the capitulation, Jean then fled his homeland on 28 May 1940 and chose to join the Belgian forces in England. He arrived in England on 5th August 1940, where he joined the Belgian section of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve . He trained as a pilot at RAF Sealand near Chester with No.5 Service Flying Training School but because he was colour-blind, he was not able to join operational squadrons and  ended up at No. 3 Delivery Flight at RAF High Ercall, Shropshire, tasked with delivering new and repaired Spitfires as replacements around the country. He continued to do that until Sunday 15 March 1942.

He was given the orders to fly a Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb, serial number BL463 from Warrington to a cliff top air base on the south Devon coast called Bolt head to No 317 squadron a Polish squadron to replace Spitfires lost in action. That afternoon Jean prepared himself at RAF Burtonwood, Warrington in Cheshire for what would become his final flight. At about a quarter past six that evening, a sputtering aircraft engine was heard over head here in low cloud and his spitfire crashed into the North side of Lewesdon Hill killing him on impact.  My grandfather on home guard duty that day ,was one of the first on the scene armed with a hazel stick in case it was a German airman. Jean‘s body was taken to Bridport Hospital and later buried at Brookwood Cemetery in Surrey.

On 20 October 1949 he made his final voyage as his remains were repatriated to Brussels. Jean Decloedt received a headstone at the Belgian Airmen’s Memorial at the Brussels Cemetery in Evere.

Last year, 80 years to the day, his great niece attended a memorial service we held at Lewesdon hill where a permanent memorial remembers his story. (Click HERE to read more.)

To all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We will never forget.

Poppy & CandleAdded on social media by Clive Wilson:

Being brought up in Burstock and Broadwindsor, it was a great privilege to return today and see the unveiling of the War Memorial, exactly 79 years ago to the day, the D Day Landings took place in Normandy, France, 6th, June 1944.
It took a long time for the school children to read out all 84 names of Service Personnel killed in action from the 1st & 2nd World Wars. 87 people dead from such a small community, is unthinkable in today’s world.
My father, Reg Wilson, joined the 43rd Wessex Dorset Regiment, along with two other young men who also lived at Burstock , Harry Frampton and Maurice Loosmore. They were good friends who trained and fought together in France 1944. Sadly Harry & Maurice were killed in Normandy, a few weeks after D Day, with my Father being alongside Harry when when he was shot and killed by a sniper. These two names, along with many others were frequently mentioned by my Father throughout his life. He never forgot the two friends from Burstock, a bond I guess that many of us will never know, unless you have been in conflict.
He lived at Fullers for nearly fifty years and was the Broadwindsor British Legion Standard Bearer for the same amount of time. I think he would have been very proud of everyone’s contribution today.

Thank you Broadwindsor, for the long overdue Memorial, appreciated now, by many.

Main Photo & video recording – Editor.


Last Preparations For Tomorrow’s Ceremony…

In #Volunteers Week, a huge thanks to those who have worked hard in preparing the memorial site at Cross Keys in lieu of tomorrow’s official ceremony: preparing the site, supplying and sowing many hundreds of poppy seeds as well as the plants in situ and including the bit of artificial grass cut to create a path. Thank you all!



War Memorial Itinerary – Tuesday, 6th June

A long time in the planning after a suggestion from village resident Adrian Gray and with Councillor Andrew Frampton leading the project, Broadwindsor’s War Memorial at Cross Keys will be officially opened on Tuesday, 6th June (D-Day) at 11am. All are invited to attend.

  1. Introduction & Welcome
    Rowland Hibbard, Chairman, Broadwindsor Group Parish Council
  2. Broadwindsor Primary School
    Headteacher, Jean-Paul Draper and year 6 teacher Beth Steward discuss the childrens’ work on the project with 84 names being read out by the children.
  3. Talk and Unveiling of monument
    General Sir Barney White-Spunner
  4. Silence for Laying of the wreaths:
    Lieutenant Commander Sebastian Gamwell (RNAS Yeovilton),
    WO2 Alexander Miller (6 Rifles) and
    Branch President, Tony Greenham BEM (Royal British Legion).
  5. Rev. David Baldwin – Address and Prayers.
  6. Chris Loder MP – Exhortation.
  7. Last Post sounded by Elizabeth Carter
    followed by 2 minutes silence and Reveille.
  8. Chris Loder MP The Kohima Epitaph & close.
    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.
    When you go home tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow we gave our today”.
  9. Cllr. Rowland Hibbard invites relatives to talk about some of the men on the memorial and their lives both before and during the war.

Afterwards, you are invited to go down Back Lane to the White Lion Community pub where refreshments will be available 🙂

Lest We Forget


The Bells! Incase you missed them

On Wednesday afternoon, in memory of Harold Jenkins, our church bells rang 🙂

Here is a 45 minute recording by Jamie Dawson of the Quarter Peal performed by an experienced band of the West Dorset Branch of SDGR (Salisbury Diocese Guild of Ringers)…

Audio Player


Thank You!

❤ Harold Jenkins  16.01.1940 – 14.01.2023  ❤


Final Draft For Parish War Memorial

Broadwindsor’s War Memorial, inspired by village resident Adrian Gray and led by Councillor Andrew Frampton is almost complete…The main photo shows the final draft and the printers need 3 weeks to complete it.

There will be a QR code on the memorial which will enable people to find relations of fallen soldiers so we can then tell their stories on the parish council designated web page.

Memorial Site at Cross Keys

Broadwindsor Fun Group and village allotment champion, Bob Link will be planting many poppy seeds around the stone.
The official opening will be in June. A short ceremony will be held involving the three Armed Forces, the children from the primary school who will read the names of the fallen out loud before a bugler will play the last post and a 2 minute silence observed lead by Rev David Baldwin from 11 am on June 6th (D day).

Councillor Frampton stated “A generous donation of £250 from the Decloedt family in Belgium (the family of the spitfire pilot killed at Lewesdon hill) and £100 from the Broadwindsor Fun Group goes to funding 3/4 of the project.
“Villagers, relatives and locals are most welcome to attend the opening. The eagle eyed amongst you will notice a QR code on the memorial board. This will take you to a page on the Broadwindsor Parish council website and contain pictures,stories and backgrounds of some of the fallen soldiers . If you or any villagers have relations or indeed info on any soldiers on the memorial please send your info in so it can be stored on the web page for future generations to read about.
The year sixes at Broadwindsor Primary school will be using this story and the soldiers for a project next term and researching some of the men who are remembered .
Any questions or observations are most welcome through your parish councillors to the Parish council:”

More details will be published when confirmed.


Quarter Peal – 3.30pm, Wednesday, 12th April

The bells at St. John the Baptist church have not been heard for some considerable time. There are not enough ringers who are able to commit regularly, no tower captain or tower secretary and the bells themselves need some maintenance. However…

At approximately 3.30pm on the afternoon of Wednesday, 12th April (tomorrow) there will be a Quarter Peal in memory of Harold Jenkins who died peacefully on 14th January this year.

Harold was pivotal in keeping the bells of St John the Baptist Church, Broadwindsor, ringing for many years and the village owes him a great debt of gratitude. This Quarter Peal rung by an experienced band of the West Dorset Branch of SDGR (Salisbury Diocese Guild of Ringers) will take about 45 minutes and involves at least 1,250 changes (a ‘change’ is when two bells swap places in the order of ringing).

Harold was a very private man and we thank his widow, Margaret Jenkins for sharing this personal tribute:

Born Harold Thomas Fricker Jenkins on 16th January 1940 in Salisbury, Wiltshire.

An extremely shy and private person, typical Capricorn:slow to anger but really mad if he was upset.

We met when we were 16, then married at 22 and immediately went on a posting with Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service, to Brussels, at the Common Market Delegation, until four month’s later General De Gaulle said “Non” to UK entry and the Delegation closed.

Then came four years in Rangoon, Burma where Elizabeth and Nicholas were born. Following that came a two and a half year posting to New York at the British Delegation to the United Nations.

After a three year home posting, the children went to boarding school and we went to Bombay, India.

The next move was another visit to the USA. This time to Washington D.C. This was our favourite posting.

A four year home posting came next with Harold rising to the head of the East Africa Department.  A part of this entailed visiting the refugee camps in Ethiopia.  He was very glad to return home!

Dar es Salaam in Tanzania was the next post – not a favourite but it had its moments.

The last accompanied posting was to Kathmandu, Nepal, where he was Vice Consul and Head of Management with a staff of 50.  Harold was involved with the aftermath of two air crashes that happened within six weeks of each other.  It was a harrowing experience for both the Embassy staff and their wives.

Returning to the UK in 1994, we returned to Surrey before finding our present house.  After a spell of immigration officer duties at Heathrow airport, Harold was asked to go to Kiev (as it was then), to Bucharest and then to Paris, each on special assignments.  These three month assignments left Margaret at home to run the B&B, tend the garden and the allotment. A complaint about weeds was not well received!

Harold lived happily in Broadwindsor for twenty six and a half years, where he spent many hours ringing the church bells.

Please enjoy the bells!
A recording may be heard HERE.

❤ Harold Jenkins  16.01.1940 – 14.01.2023  ❤


Memorial Service for Harold Jenkins – Wednesday, 1st February

Village resident Harold Jenkins, who died earlier this month, will be remembered at a service on Wednesday, 1st February, at 12 noon in Burstock church.

There will be refreshments afterwards at The Comrades Hall, Broadwindsor.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family at this sad time.

❤ Harold Jenkins  16.01.1940 – 14.01.2023  ❤


War Memorial Update

This is the updated final draft – with Seaborough spelt correctly and names added as informed 🙂

Broadwindsor is one of the few villages that does not have a memorial for the hero’s of the First and Second world wars (their names are listed inside St. John the Baptist church) and your feedback is still welcome and encouraged.

It is to be discussed at the next Group Parish Council meeting on Monday, 17th October and your feedback is most welcome before they proceed.
Would you welcome such a memorial?  Do you agree with the placement of the proposed memorial? Please continue to email your comments to: or comment on this post on Facebook @Broadwindsor.Org or send a message.

Many thanks!

Lest We Forget


Your Feedback Wanted Please – Broadwindsor War Memorial

Local farmer Andrew Frampton and Broadwindsor Fun Group chairman, Adrian Gray are looking to get support from the Group Parish Council and villagers for a war memorial on the corner at Cross Keys opposite the wild flower gardens. There are currently two black fencing stakes in the ground to mark the site.

Andrew has a 2 tonne stone limestone slab from their farm quarry which he would like to sink into the ground and then attach an A1 size acrylic info board with a war scene and all the names of the soldiers from WW1 and WW2 from our parish ward (Blackdown, Drimpton, Seaborough, Burstock and Broadwindsor) 57 in all for a permanent memorial. The main photo shows the finished proof. This with one or two metal Tommy silhouettes.

The board at Lewesdon hill.

The proposed acrylic board is the same as the one on Lewesdon hill for the Lost Pilot – Jean De Cloedt.  It looks very professional and won’t dominate the stone as the stone is 220cm x 120cm and the board 84cm x 63cm.

And… no expense to the village!

A Tommy silhouette.

It is proposed to have an opening ceremony on Friday, 11th November at 11am involving the school of who’s pupils have great grandfathers and great great uncles on it.

It will be discussed at the next Group Parish Council meeting on Monday, 17th October and your feedback would be most welcome before they proceed.
Would you welcome such a memorial?  Do you agree with the placement of the proposed memorial? Please send your comments to: or comment on this post on Facebook @Broadwindsor.Org

Thank you.

Lest We Forget
