Happy Hallowe’en!

Hallowe’en! Also All Hallows Eve, All Saints Eve and Samhain. Many Hallowe’en traditions are influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, particularly Samhain. Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.
It was believed that on that day, the souls of the dead returned to their homes, so people dressed in costumes and lit bonfires to ward off their spirits.

November 1st is All Saints’ Day, also known as All Hallows’ Day, the Feast of All Saints, the Feast of All Hallows, the Solemnity of All Saints and Hallowmas. Recognised and celebrated by the Christian church when they honour of all the saints of the church, whether they are known or unknown.

The ‘Go A Little Batty‘ card (main photo) was left in the Comrades Hall Servery with the following written inside:

Thank you Broadwindsor Brownies, Guides & Rangers!

In Broadwindsor this Hallowe’en, there is much going on… Please click on the event for more information.

Open at 9am – The Stableyard Restaurant is serving Hallowe’en cupcakes and skeleton ginger bread men alongside their delicious menu.

Other Hallowe’en activities include:

  • trick-or-treating – discouraged due to Covid,
  • attending Hallowe’en costume parties – with covid precautions in place,
  • carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns,
  • lighting bonfires,
  • apple bobbing,
  • divination games,
  • playing pranks,
  • visiting haunted attractions,
  • telling scary stories,
  • watching horror films.

Enjoy a spooky time!


Clocks Go Back Tonight

British summer time (BST) also referred to as Daylight saving time (DST) 2021 ends at 02.00hrs on 31st October so remember to set your clocks back by one hour.

The clocks go forward in the Spring and backwards in the Autumn, what the Americans call Fall so an easy way to remember is “Spring Forward, Fall Back🙂  As a result, there is one 23-hour day in late winter or early spring and one 25-hour day in the autumn.

Daylight Saving Time is generally not observed near the equator, where sunrise and sunset times do not vary enough to justify it. Daylight Saving Time clock shifts sometimes complicate timekeeping and can disrupt travel, billing, record keeping, medical devices, and sleep patterns. Computer software generally adjusts clocks automatically.

World Time Zone Map by TimeZonesBoy – US Central Intelligence Agency.

We are now in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which used to be a synonym for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The term “GMT” is especially used by United Kingdom bodies, such as the BBC World Service, the Royal Navy, and the Met Office; and others particularly in Arab countries, such as the Middle East Broadcasting Centre and OSN. It is a term also used in other countries of the Commonwealth.


Telephone Box Book Exchange Update #2

The old telephone box in the village is being renovated.  Chris Edgerly is leading on this and has already started to repair the door which is in poor condition.

Like all projects there is much more to it than would at first be imagined. The project will take until the end of this year and then we will have a wonderfully restored piece of architectural history.

Afterwards, it will continue to operate as a library for the use of all the community.
As always considerable thanks goes to Chris for his hard work and expertise.


Comrades Arms Re-Opens 6pm On Saturday

Andrew Hookings is re-opening the Comrades Arms at 6pm tomorrow night, Saturday 30th October and looks forward to welcoming back customers.

  • Upstairs at the Comrades Hall (Broadwindsor Village Hall)
  • Tuesday, Friday and Saturdays: from 6pm
  • Sundays: from 12 noon – 3pm
  • All drinks at unbeatable prices!
  • All profits to Save The White Lion fund.



Chris Loder MP Responds Via Social Media

West Dorset MP, Chris Loder turned to social media to put his response to why he voted against Amendment 45, allowing raw sewage to be dumped into our rivers (read more HERE).  His reply read:

“Last week, I voted to put a duty on water companies to monitor water quality upstream and downstream of storm overflow which they don’t do today, as part of the Environment Bill. This will also give the government the power to direct water companies who fail to provide or adhere to management plans designed to reduce the release of raw sewage in storm overflows. It’s a major step forward and a huge improvement on what is in place today.
But why can’t we just ban this practice straightaway?… Sewage discharge into our water courses has occurred for many years. I despise it, but it is important for us to understand what would happen if we completely banned it with no emergency outlet.
Such discharge typically occurs when existing infrastructure isn’t sufficient to cope with surface water run-off during periods of heavy rain. The whole reason the emergency system of storm outflows exist is to prevent dirty water from entering properties or contaminating drinking water supplies, which when we have a Victorian water system built for a much smaller population, we have a pressure point.
If the vote went through as it was, this amendment would have likely forced complete renewal, costing billions of pounds which would have forced many water companies into bankruptcy, with a considerable cost to each of us.
My vote in the House of Commons was to improve the accountability of water companies to the British people, and to improve water quality for the benefit of everyone through forcing careful planning and long-term improvement to our sewage infrastructure.
But I do agree that more could have been done which is one of the reasons I hope that MPs lobbying behind the scenes will go to clamp down very hard, especially if it is found that water companies are discharging unnecessarily.

It is also worth everyone noting that Parliament is doing its work and this Environment Bill has not completed its legislative path through parliament yet and it will likely have further improvements as it completes its legislative process and becomes law.”

PLEASE CONTACT CHRIS LODER MP AT: hello@chrisloder.co.uk


Villager Makes Bridport News

75yr old Peter Davies from Fullers in Broadwindsor has made page 7 of this week’s Bridport & Lyme Regis News 🙂

Peter is due to do a parachute jump on Sunday morning, 31st October with his daughter, Emellia raising funds for Bridport’s RNA – you can read more HERE.
If the weather is poor then it will be postponed and not cancelled 🙂

Please show your support by visiting their Crowdfunding page:


Re-register With Dorset Housing By 1st December

A new deadline of 1st December 2021 has been set to help ensure everyone who wishes to remain on the register for social housing has time to re-register.

Existing applicants were contacted over the summer about the changes and interim arrangements have been put in place to support people who have a change in circumstances or an urgent housing need.

For anyone with the ‘local connection‘ criteria who is interested in applying for the Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust development in Drimpton, they should note on their application that they are applying for CLT housing. (broadwindsorgroupparishclt.org)

To re-register, click HERE.

New deadline gives more time:

Originally customers were advised they needed to re-register by 1st October 2021, but a new deadline of 1st December 2021 has been set to help ensure everyone who wishes to remain on the register for social housing has time to re-register.

Bidding for properties

Existing applicants will be able to continue to bid for properties that become available on the current system until the end of November 2021.

What about new applicants?

They are also opening the new register for people who want to apply for the first time from 1st October 2021. They will be updating their website where applicants can create a new customer account and submit a new application.

They will prioritise the assessment of all customers who are carrying out a re-registration process in the first instance but submitting your application and required documents early will mean new applicants can benefit from an earlier effective date.

These applicants will be able to bid for properties from 1st December 2021.

To re-register, click HERE.

If you have concerns, please contact our current Dorset Councillor – Simon Christopher:

Address: Hawthorne Cottage, Ryall Road, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, DT6 6RH
Home: 01297 489582
: 07798 833715
Email: cllrsimon.christopher@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk



Continue With Masks At Film Club & Jazz

They are not cancelling but due to the rise in local cases of Covid-19, Broadwindsor Community Film Club, run by the Comrades Hall, are asking all attendees to continue wearing masks moving around the hall whilst attending films.  This also applies to Sunday’s Matinee Jazz.
Furthermore, they’d like bookings to be made in advance.

  • Film Club members – Free entry
  • Guests – £4
  • Refreshments available, including a bar.
  • Please book!
  • Enquiries: Emma Myersbroadwindsorem@gmail.com or Margaret Wing01308 867252

Annual subscription is now due please – £20 under 65 / £15 over 65.
New Members very welcome!


Leon Teaching Women Self Defence

Village resident & Kung Fu teacher, Leon Lord is offering a 5 week course for women teaching them the same self defence he taught his daughter.

The course will be held at Glow, Unit 15 in St. Michael’s Trading Estate, Bridport starting on Saturday, 6th November and will run in the afternoon 2pm – 3.30pm until 4th December.

Leon continues with his Pilates in the Lewesdon room, upstairs at the Comrades Hall:

  • Wednesday evenings at 6pm
  • Saturday mornings at 9am

Cost is £12 per session or £50 for the full course.

To contact Leon:
Call – 07860 870790
Email –lordswingchun@gmail.com
Visit his websites – www.DorsetWingChun.co.uk & c


Vacancy: Broadwindsor Group Parish Councillor – Broadwindsor Ward

Contact elections@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.

The Parish Clerk, Helen Cudmore may be contacted at hello@broadwindsorgroup.gov.uk.
