Broadwindsor Film Club – Friday, 20th September

At 7.30pm at the Comrades Hall Friday, 20th September, Broadwindsor’s Community Film Club will be showing…

The Colour Room(PG)

Directed by Claire McCarthy
Starring Phoebe Dynevor, Matthew Goode, Kerry Fox, David Morrissey & Bill Paterson.

In the grey industrial British midlands of the 1920s, creative young factory worker Clarice Cliff (played by Bridgerton star Phoebe Dynevor) makes the bold move to take a lower paying job at a prestigious pottery factory owned by Colley Shorter (Matthew Goode).  Driven by imagination and ambition, she fights her way through the deep prejudice of an industry caught in devastating economic hardship as she defies expectation and circumstance to become the designer of her own unprecedented ‘Bizarre’ range, ensuring the factory’s survival and becoming a trailblazer of Art Deco.

  • Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm.
  • Film Club members – Free entry
  • Guests – £4 (cash please)
  • Please be advised there will be NO REFRESHMENTS at this film as Emma is working alone. Please feel free to bring your own, however do remember this is not the norm, as the bar revenue does pay for the films and support the village hall.
  • To help estimate numbers, please book your ticket(s) in advance by contacting:
    Emma or
    Margaret Wing01308 867252

** The Film Club do need your active help! Click HERE. **

#Broadwindsor #Blackdown #Burstock #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #Community #Village #September #Community #FilmClub #TheColourRoom #N
ightAtTheMovies #OffToTheFlicks #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

The White Lion & Proposed Smoking Ban

Rick Dyke, Chairman of the Broadwindsor Community Pub, The White Lion spoke to Lucy Ambache on Radio Solent earlier this evening on the topic of the ban on smoking in pub gardens and other outdoor venues which is being considered because of the “huge burden” smoking puts on the NHS and the taxpayer, Sir Keir Starmer confirmed.

To  listen to Rick’s interview & comments, please play the (almost) 9 minute mp3 below 🙂

Audio Player

Support your local community pub!
Telephone: 01308 867070 to reserve your table 🙂 or
Follow on Facebook for news & updates.

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Village #Community #WestDorset #Dorset
#Mosterton #TheWhiteLion #Legislation #CigarettesBan  #RadioSolent #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Cream Teas In The Garden – Sunday, 1st September

From 2pm on Sunday, 1st September, you are invited to enjoy a Cream Tea in the beautiful garden at Pipe House in Kittwhistle (DT8 3LG).

Raising funds for Blackdown Church, as well as delicious Cream Teas on offer there will be a:

  • Plant stall
  • Fresh produce stall
  • Book stall
  • Raffle &
  • The Sale of Other Interesting items 🙂

All are welcome. Entry is Free!

#Broadwindsor #Blackdown #Burstock #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #Community #Village #September #Community #BlackdownChurch #CreamTea
#BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Blue Full Moon On Monday

Many have enjoyed the Perseid Meteor shower, over the past week, which is still active.  Monday, 19th August sees the ONLY Blue Full Moon of the year at 19.36hrs.

Blue Moons occur about every 2½ years – hence the phrase “once in a Blue Moon!“. The Moon does not appear blue in colour.
This month’s Moon is the Sturgeon Moon, so called after the sturgeon fish, which were abundant in the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water during this time of year. The sturgeon fish is also said to be a messenger between the physical and spiritual realms and represents intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.

It is also referred to as:

  • Full Green Corn Moon, signalling that the corn was nearly ready for harvest.
  • Grain Moon,
  • Fruit Moon,
  • Barley Moon
  • Wheat Cut Moon 
  • Blueberry Moon

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Drimpton #Dorset #Village #WestDorset #Community #BlueMoon #FullMoon #NightSky #LookUp #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Potholes Repair Due Nov ‘24

At last we have a date designated to repair the many dangerous potholes on two of our local roads:

  1. Friday, 31st Oct. ‘til Monday, 7th Nov. – Between Broadwindsor and Drimpton*(B3162).
  2. Friday, 8th Nov. ‘til Thursday, 14th Nov. – Broadwindsor to Beaminster (Clan hill) (B3163).

The road will be closed daily, between the hours of 09:00 and 16:00, and will be re-opened to traffic overnight and at weekends.

The recommended diversion route is marked in blue, and this will remain in place for the full duration of the above works.

If you wish to discuss these works in more detail, please contact Jason using the details below.

Jason Loibl
Site Agent
Dorset Highways
Tel: 01305 228100

* FareShare members will be affected.
Drive safe 😎

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #Village #Community #Roadworks #Highways #DorsetCouncil  #ParishCouncil #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Broadwindsor Church Bells In August

The bells at St. John the Baptist church in Broadwindsor will be heard this afternoon (Tuesday, 6th) at 15.45 hrs. when a band from Milverton will ring a Quarter Peal.

A second group from the University of Cambridge Guild of Ringers will be ringing on Monday, 19th August from 10.30am – 11.30am.

Enjoy the bells 🙂

Photo credit: Annie Collins Photography

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #Village #Community #ChurchBells #StJohnTheBaptist #AnnieCollinsPhotography #BeaminsterChurches #PCC #Celebrate #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Broadwindsor Film Club – Friday, 16th August

At 7.30pm at the Comrades Hall Friday, 16th August, Broadwindsor’s Community Film Club will be showing…

The Fall Guy (12)

Directed by David Leitch
Starring Ryan Gosling & Emily Blunt
(Running time 125 mins)

Ryan Gosling stars as Colt Seavers, a battle-scarred stuntman fresh off an almost career-ending accident.  Colt is persuaded to return to his stunt career when he’s told his ex, Jody (Emily Blunt), is directing a film and asked for him specifically.  With hopes of winning back the love of his life, Colt returns to set only to find the movie’s leading man missing and production in peril.  Ensnared in an increasingly wild conspiracy, he must solve the mystery to save Jody’s film and get one last shot with her.  What could possibly go right? 

David Leitch delivers a hard-hitting hilarious action-thriller with The Fall Guy.

  • Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm.
  • Film Club members – Free entry
  • Guests – £4 (cash please)
  • Refreshments available, including a cash bar.
  • To help estimate numbers, please book your ticket(s) in advance by contacting:
    Emma or
    Margaret Wing01308 867252

** The Film Club need your active help! Click HERE. **

#Broadwindsor #Blackdown #Burstock #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #Community #Village #August #Community #FilmClub #RyanGosling #EmilyBlunt #N
ightAtTheMovies #OffToTheFlicks #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

New Bench At Cross Keys Donated By The Late Julie Steele

Today, Sunday 21st July would have been Julie Steele’s 59th birthday but sadly she left us, too soon, on 12th December 2022 following a long struggle with cancer and its treatments.

Julie sat on the old bench – 2022

Julie loved living in Broadwindsor and said this was where she said she belonged. Julie was enthusiastically involved with many activities in the village, of note was her role as President of the local W.I. group who described her as “a real leading light at our WI.
To read Julie’s full Eulogy presented by her friend, Cath Booth – click HERE.

The old bench at Cross Keys junction.

Julie frequently rested at the old bench at Cross Keys, which is across the road from the war memorial, en route to our village shop or visiting friends.
One of Julie’s final arrangements was to choose, purchase from her estate and donate a new bench which is now situated there.

The new bench at Cross Keys junction

Thank you to Martin Burt for putting it in place 🙂

Soon to be added is a memorial plaque which reads:

In Memory Of Julie Steele
1965 – 2022
A Much Loved Friend & Broadwindsor Resident
Greatly Missed, Never Forgotten


The next stage of the ‘facelift’ will happen once the wild flowers have died back. The grass will then be cut and a rose bed will be put in which, once in place, the W.I. have kindly agreed to maintain ❤



Julie was laid to rest in St. John the Baptist church graveyard
on 6th January 2023.

21.07.65 -12.12.22

❤ Happy Heavenly Birthday Julie
& Thank You! ❤

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #WestDorset #Dorset #Village #BGPC #Community #WI #Bench #Memories #Celebration #HappyBirthday #InMemorium #MissYou #Love #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Kimball Is Cycling 274 Miles in August 2024

Broadwindsor village resident, Kimball Garcia is saddling up and taking the ‘Cycle 274 Miles in August‘ to raise awareness and help fund the fight against brain tumours.

Want to join me in supporting a good cause? I’m doing Cycle 274 Miles in August 2024 for Brain Tumour Research and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate £5 or £500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support.” – Kimball Garcia

To donate, one must have a Facebook account – Login and click HERE.

Donations go to PayPal Giving Fund to distribute directly to this charity within 45 days.
(To donate privately, select “Only me” from the privacy menu in the donation form.)

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #Village #Community #Cycle274MilesInAugust2024  #BrainTumourResearch #Donate #Volunteers #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Christmas In July At The White Lion

Who says that you can’t enjoy a full Christmas dinner in the middle of the year?  And why not?

On Sunday, 28th July at The White Lion, Clive will be offering a 2 course Christmas menu for £26.00.  It will be necessary to pre-order and pay a deposit of £10 per person.

Choose from:

  • Roast Turkey
  • Roast Gammon
  • Roast Beef
  • Vegetable Wellington (V)

All accompanied with Pigs in blankets, Yorkshire pudding, Roast potatoes, Sage and onion stuffing balls, vegetables and gravy.

Desserts on offer are:

  • Christmas pudding with custard
  • Mince pie
  • Trifle (V)

Telephone: 01308 867070 to reserve your table 🙂 or

Christmas Garland
#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Village #Community #WestDorset #Dorset #Mosterton #TheWhiteLion #ChristmasInJuly #YumYum #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe