Local Funding Available To Community Groups & Organisations

Broadwindsor Group Parish CLT is now in receipt of a small amount of land rent from their housing association partner Abri for the site at Northcombe Lea.
The CLT has set up a BGP CLT Community Fund so that they can share some of these monies with community groups and organisations across all the communities of the Broadwindsor Group Parish area.
Applications for the first funding round should be submitted between 1st September – 31st December 2024.

Notes on eligibility, conditions of funding and the application process:

1. Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust (BGP CLT) invites applications to the CLT Community Fund between 1 September and 31 December each year.
2. The application must be on behalf of a charity, a community enterprise or a community self-­‐help or voluntary group constituted with a committee and a bank account.
3. BGP CLT annual funding pot will be dependent on the surplus of income available after BGP CLT’s annual running costs have been taken into account. The amount available for each application will be between £50 -­‐ £500. BGP CLT reserves the right to offer less than the funding applied for.
4. Applicants must be able to identify how the grant would be used to develop services or facilities in a way that would benefit people within Broadwindsor Group Parish area (the communities of Broadwindsor, Burstock, Hursey, Drimpton, Netherhay,
Greenham, Kittwhistle, Blackdown, Seaborough).
5. If an organisation submits an application after all the monies available for the year have been committed, they may opt to have their application carried over to the following year.
6. Where successful, it will be understood that by accepting the funds awarded, the receiving organisation undertakes to provide a short written report to the BGP CLT Board setting out the amount actually spent and the extent to which the planned outcomes or impact of the funded activity or purchase have been achieved.

Examples of what applications could be used for:

• Capital costs eg equipment
• Running costs eg transport and administrative costs
• Addressing a specific community issue, and projects that include environmental /nature-­‐based concerns
• Training/support for volunteers

Should you require additional information or assistance, please contact BGP CLT Secretary, Sheila Hawkins, on 11esgh528@gmail.com.

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #BroadwindsorGroupParishCommunityLandTrust #CGFry #Netherhay #ApplyNow #BGPCLT #DorsetCouncil #NewHomes #AffordableHomes #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Northcombe Lea Open Day – Friday, 18th August

At Netherhay, Drimpton, the Northcombe Lea street name is now in place, as is Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust‘s 2023 plaque. The site has a mixture of apartments and one, two and three bedroomed homes.

The process by Abri to allocate homes to tenants will get underway tomorrow, 24th July, when the individual units will be advertised on Dorset Council‘s Homechoice website. The tenants will begin moving in during late August.

The Open Day on 18th August is an opportunity to view the 15 high quality, affordable, rural homes before they are occupied.

From 10.00am ’til 1.00pm:
Please park cars at Drimpton Village Hall and walk round to Northcombe Lea on Netherhay Lane, where staff from Abri and members of the BGP CLT Board will be available to talk to and answer any questions.
There will be a few disabled parking spaces available on the site.
Refreshments and facilities will be available at Drimpton Village Hall.

The Community Land Trust was established in 2016 and it acquired the freehold of a 1.5 ha development site from the Hedditch family.  If you would you like to join the BGP CLT, find out more on their Membership page – click HERE.


Northcombe Lea Development At Netherhay, Drimpton

The photograph shows an aerial image of Broadwindsor Group Parish CLT’s development site at Northcombe Lea, Drimpton, taken mid-September. (Photo credit: Site Manager, David Chant).

On 17th August 2022, it was agreed at a Site meeting of Abri, C.G.Fry and the BCLT that site is to be referred to as Northcombe Lea. The BGP CLT is now officially registered with the Land Registry as the owner of Northcombe Lea, Netherhay Lane, Drimpton, and is in possession of the title plans.

All sub structures are now complete and the front elevations of Portland stonework are visible along Netherhay Lane.

If you would you like to join the BGP CLT, find out more on their Membership page – click HERE.


Housebuilding Starts At Netherhay Lane

An update from the Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust:

Work on the Netherhay Lane site is progressing well and on time. Elevations are now rising from the foundation blocks, brickwork and facings of Portland Stone are now visible. Large attenuation tanks to manage the surface water run off have been installed

BGP CLT and the Broadwindsor Group Parish Council have put forward the name ‘Northcombe Lea’ for this site to Dorset Council.

Our community project, Homemaking, has received grant funding from Dorset Council’s Community and Culture Fund. When waste timber from the site becomes available, community volunteers will creatively up-cycle the material to make bird and bat boxes etc, some of which we hope can be housed on the development site in due course. This project, which also includes photography, music, song and art work, is being coordinated on behalf of BGP CLT by Andrew Pastor.

Unfortunately, thefts of materials from site have recently taken place. 24/7 CCTV on site is now in place and CG Fry have also installed more secure storage areas. Any additional information anyone can provide about these thefts would be gratefully received by CG Fry’s Project Manager at the site.

The 2022 AGM took place in Drimpton Village Hall on Monday evening, 20th June.

  • Sheila Hawkins and Jacqui Sewell were re-elected to the Board for another 3 year term.
  • Francesca Hurrell and Rowland Hibbard, who had previously been co-opted on to the Board, were elected by Members, as was
  • Stefan Nikolov (Broadwindsor).
  • Steve Chubb, Brian Hesketh and Ken Banks are the remaining Board members.

If you have any questions about the development or the housing, please contact:
Sheila Hawkins11esgh528@gmail.com for a CLT membership.
Learn more at their website HERE.


Broadwindsor GP CLT Site At Netherhay Lane

The Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust Board is absolutely delighted that they have taken a step closer to provision of 15 housing units for affordable rent for our Parish area, with the commencement of work on their development site at Netherhay Lane, Drimpton. Board members and the community have, over a period of 6 years, been very involved with the planning and design of these badly needed homes, and thy are very excited to see things actually happening at last! The CLT took ownership of the site on 24th November 2021. The main contractor CG Fry started work on 13th December, fencing off the site, creating the initial site office and facilities, removing turf and creating a working roadway before Christmas. From the beginning of January 2022, further ground condition surveys have been taking place to inform strategy on foundations, and initial trenches have been dug for drainage. The contract term is set for completion by April 2023.

Drainage works

CG Fry has agreed to the CLT Board’s request for 4-5 site Open Days to be organised across the construction period so that community members can visit the site and talk to staff members of both CG Fry and Abri (our Housing Association partner). They will let you know when these are scheduled in due course.

During the construction phase BGP CLT is running a community project, to include a series of music, arts and crafts events in Drimpton, which will be  open for participation to everyone in the Broadwindsor Parish area. This project is being coordinated for us by Andrew Pastor, with the help of Brian Hesketh and Francesca Hurrell.

To be eligible for one of these new homes, please apply now to join the Dorset Council Housing Register HERE notifying them of your interest in this CLT housing development in Drimpton.

The principal aim of the Broadwindsor Group Parish CLT is to provide a small development of affordable housing for rent to people with a direct connection to the villages within this Parish:

  • Blackdown
  • Broadwindsor
  • Burstock
  • Drimpton
  • Hursey
  • Kittwhistle
  • Seaborough

If you have any questions about the development or the housing, please contact:
David Leader (Chair, BGP CLT) – westhillhousecottages@gmail.com,
Anyone interested in being part of the current and future CLT community projects are invited to contact:
Sheila Hawkins11esgh528@gmail.com for a CLT membership.
Learn more at their website HERE.

Netherhay Lane – prior to development.

Amendments To Planning Application WD/D/21/000123

Residents at Fullers in Broadwindsor this morning received correspondance informing them of amendments to the planning application WD/D/21/000123.

The proposal: For CG Fry to erect 22 dwellings and associated works, including the formation of access, surface water attenuation pond, landscape and ecological enhancements (AMENDED SCHEME).

Triple Garage with sub-division at Plots 13 & 15.

The application, which was made on 18th January 2021, remains out for consultation. Click HERE to view all the documents.

You can comment, support or object on this development online HERE  The comment box they give you has a 1000 character limit.  (If you wish to enter more than 1,000 characters, please type your response in a text document and add it as an attachment.)
You may have already made comments on the original submission. Any existing comments will still be taken into account. If you wish to make any further comments in light of the
amendments, please submit them by
7th February, 2022.
Please note that any comments received will be published on Dorset  Council’s website.

If you require further information, please contact either:



Great News For Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust 

From David Leader, Chair of Broadwindsor Group Parish CLT –

Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust  has exchanged contracts (24th November) and is now the proud owner of the c. 1.5 acre site on Netherhay Lane, Drimpton.

Our project, to build 15 affordable homes for rent to people with a connection to the Group Parish Area, can now proceed and take shape before your eyes. Our development partners Abri (formerly Yarlington Housing Group) have, with the CLT’s agreement, contracted C G Fry to undertake the construction of our development. We anticipate that they will take over on the site from 6th December 2021.

Members of BGP CLT Board will be meeting with Abri and CG Fry in the very near future to agree the programme of works. Near neighbours of the site will be kept fully informed by all parties as soon as details are to hand, as will be the whole of the community.

The CLT will be running a programme of ‘happenings’ in Drimpton for all to participate in celebrating the progress of this project. It will be co-ordinated by Andrew Pastor. Details of what will be taking place will be circulated very soon.

Our thanks to the Hedditch Trust for the land transaction, to the CLT’s advisors at Middlemarch (formerly Wessex CLT Projects), to our legal team, and Housing Officers at Dorset Council. And finally to members of the CLT Board for their hard work and perseverence over many, many months to achieve this fantastic outcome.

We hope you are excited by this great step forward as we are!

 – David Leader
Chair, Broadwindsor Group Parish CLT

The principal aim of the Broadwindsor Group Parish CLT is to provide a small development of affordable housing for rent to people with a direct connection to the villages within this Parish:

  • Blackdown
  • Broadwindsor
  • Burstock
  • Drimpton
  • Hursey
  • Kittwhistle
  • Seaborough

Anyone interested in being part of the current and future CLT community projects are invited to contact Sheila Hawkins (11esgh528@gmail.com) for a CLT membership. Learn more at their website HERE.


C G Fry’s Planner Paul Hoffman Responds To Fuller Residents’ Concerns

Over half of last evening’s Group Parish Council meeting was taken up with Planner for C G Fry & Son, Paul Hoffman listening to the many comments and objections from residents re: Planning Application: WD/D/21/000123, the Land South of Fullers, Bridport Road, Broadwindsor.

Chairman, Rowland Hibbard brought item 9a on the agenda ahead of it’s proposed time as councillors, Leader and Rowe delivered the many comments and objections as well as the findings from their canvassing of residents. Village residents, Sandra Burrows, Jess Burns & Julie Steele delivered their objections to Paul Hoffman directly.

Cllr. Leader began, requesting additional trees on the north east border and the western boundary and other soft landscaping issues – none of which were expected to cause any problems. Unfortunately, the straight layout of the road cannot be altered. Paul Hoffman said that Dorset Council Highways had looked at the proposal and were satisfied with it as were they. “It is what it is in terms of the road.”

Cllr. Leader continued to then enquire about affordable housing – would they to be to buy or to rent?  Paul Hoffman replied that they were in discussion with various Housing Associations and that once they had consent, all of the affordale housing decisions will go to the Housing Association. As far as the tenures are – there is part ownership (up to 60%) and there are affordable rented homes.  These houses will never appear on the open market.  The Housing Association would always retain ownership of these affordable homes.

Cllr. Rowe began by addressing the 110m of hedgerow proposed to be planted at the western edge of the site and this was part of the mitigation for the loss of wildlife habitats. This hedgerow was the boundary of five properties and Cllr. Rowe sought reassurance from Paul Hoffman that that this hedge not be the reponsibility of householders and that a separate boundary was established on the western edge of the site with a mitigation hedge at least 2m away to ensure maximum protection for the displaced wildlife.  Paul responded by saying that this should not be a problem and proposed the fairly easy solution of building a timber fence with some trees.  When questioned further about maintenance, he added that either the landowner or the Management company would have the stewardship to maintain the area.

Five of the 22 houses proposed are four bedroomed houses and Councillor Rowe and Redlands resident Sandra Burrows stated that this did not go along with the village’s Neighbourhood Plan. Paul Hoffman defended their actions and stated that the vast majority of the scheme was in line with the village’s Neighbourhood planning policy and that four bedroomed houses were an obvious need and in keeping with similar properties in the village.

  • Fullers resident Jess Burns questioned the impact on amenity due to the closeness of one of the properties.  The 110m of hedgerow would not suffice and she was concerned that the elevation of one of the new four bedroomed properties was too close to the back of her property. The new occupied property would generate a considerable amount of noise creating a huge negative impact on amenity. Jess also compared the ridgelines of the properties at Fullers and Redlands to the proposed development.
  • Of the eight properties on the road, three were slightly above the height of those nearby and Redlands resident, Julie Steele expressed her concern about people being able to see into her property.
  • Cllr. Sewell expressed concern and sought reassurance from Paul Hoffman that the properties would not be sold as second homes and that the properties would provide affordable housing.  Chairman Cllr. Hibbard advised to wait to see which Housing Association had the contract and negate any difficulties with them rather than Fry’s.

As the Clerk has to submit the Council’s corporate decision by this Wednesday 10th March, Cllr. Fraser Hughes addressed the urgency to vote.

Cllr. Rowe commented that she was impressed by how many residents had taken the time to discuss their issues with herself and Cllr. Leader.  They had carefully considered their objections and stated that “We (the Parish Council) must give them (the Parishoners) the very best that we can.Cllr. Rowe added that there are many more issues such as street lighting and conservation.  Cllr. David Leader staed they must be clear on what and how they wanted the layout. Cllr. Steve Chubb reiterated the need to listen to the parishoners and to make sure it was all forwarded to Dorset Council.  Cllr. Simon Christopher had left the meeting by this time, having received no questions on his report.

All the Councillors agreed that C G Fry & Son had a positive and long standing history of development in the area being sensitive to both the area and the environment.

The Clerk suggested she collate the information, communicate with all on Tuesday and once there was clarity, submit the Corporate decision from the Parish Council on Wednesday. Cllr. Jacqui Sewell was clearly against the development.  Cllr. Peter Hardwill clearly supported the development. However, a decision had to be made by all.

It was agreed that subject to meeting the concerns and considerations of the Broadwindsor Parish residents, they would approve plan WD/D/21/000123.

Who are your Councillors? Click HERE.
