Broadwindsor Fun Group Put On Talent Show & Fun Day

Put the dates on your calendar and in your diary:
Sunday, 11th June 5 – 7pm and Sunday, 25th June from 12noon

In response to the questionnaires returned, Broadwindsor Fun Group are putting on a Talent Show at The Comrades Hall on Sunday 11th June. (NB: This is a performance and not a competition!)
This is to be a showcase of local talent – musicians, comedians, poets and any performers from the parish who would like to take part.  Places and time slots will be limited so anyone wishing to take part must contact Wendy Shields or Camille Newall in person or email as soon as possible please.
Available nearer the time, tickets for the event will be £3, to include a complimentary drink on arrival,  Under 16’s FREE

Again, in response to the questionnaires returned, The Fun Day will be on Sunday, 25th June and will commence at 12noon.  It will be a scaled down event from last year’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and there is less space available in Bernards’ Place but favourite activities will still be there 🙂

Rather than addressing the many global issues that are currently taking place around our world, the Fun Group are keeping it local and very open for interpretation with the theme of “Farming Life” for their Scarecrow competition!

There will be a barbecue, a bar, refreshments from our excellent W.I., stalls and gamesa day of fun!

Nina Garcia

There will be live music including the lovely Nina Garcia who will be welcomed back to perform too.

Chairman, Adrian Gray thanks those who have offered their ‘hands on help‘ with the event, (all should have received an email by now but if not or if you’d like to help then please do get in touch).  There will be a Happy Helpers meeting on Sunday, 16th April at 3pm.

Looking forward to Fun and, we hope, the Sunshine!

Broadwindsor Fun Group


Telephone Box Library/Book Exchange Update

Thank you once again to village resident, Chris Edgerley for fixing the notice to the door of our Telephone Box Library 🙂
It reads…

The etched glass effect was done by Karen and Godfrey at Bridport Banners.

Please Use & Enjoy.


Thank You From UNICEF

Further to the profit made at the coffee morning a month ago, organiser  Sally Sarling received the lovely letter shown from UNICEF thanking her for the donation made.

Thank you to everyone who supported the event.


Firework Display A Sparkling Success

An estimated two to three hundred people showed up at Broadwindsor’s Cricket ground this evening.

A set of air pods in a case were found and can be retrieved from the Knapp Inn – please contact Lesley on 01308 862408.

Entry was free but volunteers rattled their collection buckets enthusiastically.  Special thanks must go to the small group of children, who found a five pound note lying in the ground and added it to the donation bucket.

Huge thanks to the organisers, sponsors, volunteer helpers and of course to you, the public for showing up! 🙂 We look forward to this annual event at the Cricket Club next year.




Ukraine Sale Raises £585

The Coffee morning held on Saturday 8th in aid of the Ukraine raised £585.00 🙂

Sally Sarling reported the breakdown as follows:

  • Donations, including £25 from the Over 60’s Club: £274.00
  • Plants: £33.50 + ?*
  • Cakes: £75.50
  • Books & Puzzles: £31.00
  • Raffle: £171.00

Sally added “I just wanted to let you know how much money we made…. Not quite as good as the previous one last May but, knowing now we must be a little more careful with our cash, I am not surprised that we made £575. *However, it is possible that a little more might come our way from Val & Colin Lawrence who kindly put a table with plants for sale outside their cottage in Burstock.
I wanted to say a big thank you from Philip, Diana and myself for your support and invaluable help in making the event a success.
Thank you very much.
With best wishes and kind regards,
Sally Sarling.


Village Appeal Reaches £13,000

This morning (Sunday, 9th October) their donations hit the £5,000 mark. This, together with over 100 supporters meant the £8,000 pledge from Sport England kicked in automatically 🙂

They are now at just over £13,000 which is absolutely tremendous.

You can still donate and claim rewards for your donation 🙂 Click HERE.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far and others for their work behind the scenes and onsite in Bernards’ Place – please help continue to spread the word to all those in the village and further afield…

The Comrades Hall was gifted to the village in 1952, in the same year the Queen acceded to the throne. It will be celebrating its own platinum jubilee on 19th November 2022 🙂


Ukraine Fundraiser – Saturday, 8th October

Following the successful coffee morning in May, donations are asked for your tea/coffee with biscuits at the Comrades Hall on Saturday, 8th October, from 10am to 12 noon 🙂 Here is more from Sally Sarling:

In addition to the coffee and biscuits (no admission price just a donation) we will have a raffle, cake stall, plant stall and asking anyone who would like to join us and have a stall to set out their crafts, cards or similar for sale.  We will be asking for a monetary donation, of your choice for this very good cause.
If you would like to join us or know of anyone who would please let me know what you will be selling and what size table/stall you require.
My email address is  :
Telephone   :   01308 867672
Mobile   :   07731 630546
I do hope you can join us and help this very worthwhile cause.
Many thanks & kind regards,



Changes & Continuity At Broadwindsor Community Stores 

Sadly, Mike Moles, the recently appointed manager at Broadwindsor Community Stores is unable to continue with the position and has tendered his resignation. Once again a new manager would have to be found…

Broadwindsor Community Stores has seen many changes over its almost ten years of trading but it has had one positive constant: Jane Sloman.

If you’re a regular, Jane will most likely greet you by your name, know what you like and if you ask her about anything in the shop, she most likely will have the answer. Talk to anyone who uses the village shop and they not only know Jane but think highly of her.

Sue Williams, 2015

I remember my interview like it was yesterday,’ she said. ‘The shop wasn’t open yet so Sue Williams, the first manager, and I sat on a couple of upside-down crates in the empty shop to do the interview.

And I got the job! Haven’t looked back since!

After ten years of being a valuable shop assistant Jane has now accepted to take on the manager’s role, much to the shop committee’s delight and no doubt the whole community.

Andrew Hookings, Chairman of Broadwindsor Community Stores, said: “Jane has been with us since the shop opened in March 2013. She is very popular with volunteers and customers alike.  The community knows Jane has had a tough time over the last couple of years, and she has thankfully come through. Jane richly deserves this opportunity.”

The shop committee is now looking for a part-time shop assistant to help Jane and work alongside her colleague, Margaret, as well as with the volunteers who together make the Broadwindsor Village Shop team. The part-time shop assistant role will be on a temporary basis whilst Jane settles into her new role with the aim of being a permanent position.
Anyone interested in the position is asked to please email directly.

Good luck for your future Mike
& Well done Jane 🙂


Happy Summer Solstice!

When Sarah Hunt and Dominic Withington first moved to Broadwindsor in 2021 , they were keen to make a little positive mark on the village.

At the side of North Cottage, the small patch adjacent to the allotment entrance was in need of a touch of TLC….

As Parish land but under the Allotment group. Sarah and Dominic cleared the scrub and planted 400 bulbs for the Spring 2023 season and seeded with poppies and of course the abundant oxeye daisy seed…

As you can see, the poppies are coming into glorious bloom now and the oxide daisies on the other side are looking smashing too.

Hopefully all who pass will take some joy from these beautiful plants and look forward to spring bloooms in 2023 before more poppies 🙂

Thank you Sarah & Dominic!
They do indeed look beautful.

Happy Summer Solstice!


Platinum Jubilee 2022 #4 The Weekend

The final slideshows of Broadwindsor Fun Group’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations…

To view the others, please click on the links below –

Saturday, 4th June:

(Clicking on a photo will open it in a new window and be a larger image)

Sunday, 5th June:

(Clicking on a photo will open it in a new window and be a larger image)

These and more photos of our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations can be viewed at Annie Collins Photography‘s Facebook page HERE.  They are terrific. Thank you so much Annie!

Thank you to everyone who took part!
