A long time in the planning after a suggestion from village resident Adrian Gray and with Councillor Andrew Frampton leading the project, Broadwindsor’s War Memorial at Cross Keys will be officially opened on Tuesday, 6th June (D-Day) at 11am. All are invited to attend.
- Introduction & Welcome
Rowland Hibbard, Chairman, Broadwindsor Group Parish Council - Broadwindsor Primary School
Headteacher, Jean-Paul Draper and year 6 teacher Beth Steward discuss the childrens’ work on the project with 84 names being read out by the children. - Talk and Unveiling of monument
General Sir Barney White-Spunner - Silence for Laying of the wreaths:
Lieutenant Commander Sebastian Gamwell (RNAS Yeovilton),
WO2 Alexander Miller (6 Rifles) and
Branch President, Tony Greenham BEM (Royal British Legion). - Rev. David Baldwin – Address and Prayers.
- Chris Loder MP – Exhortation.
- Last Post sounded by Elizabeth Carter
followed by 2 minutes silence and Reveille. - Chris Loder MP – The Kohima Epitaph & close.
‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.‘
“When you go home tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow we gave our today”. - Cllr. Rowland Hibbard invites relatives to talk about some of the men on the memorial and their lives both before and during the war.
Afterwards, you are invited to go down Back Lane to the White Lion Community pub where refreshments will be available