Broadwindsor’s Talent Showcase

There was standing room only on Sunday, 19th June when the following artists took to the Comrades Hall stage and delivered an afternoon of wonderful entertainment in the Broadwindsor Fun Group project ‘Broadwindsor’s Got Talent 2023‘.

Chrissie Miller, president of the W.I. acted as MC for the event. It began with a story from Ali about chocolate cake…

The W.I. then presented ‘The Three Ages of Women‘…

Oscar and Fin
performed showing their drumming and keyboard skills…

The first half closed with the children from Broadwindsor School...

The second half opened with ‘A Charming Affair‘ performed by Camille, Rita, Izzy & John

Peter the Poet
performed a rendition of his work…

Then we had Rob Fry & his girls

The afternoon closed with the audience joining in with  ‘A Little Help From My Friends‘…

Outgoing Chairman, Adrian Gray thanked those involved…

A Great Big Thank You
to everyone who took part and helped organise the event 🙂

A Great Big Thank You!


The White Lion’s First Annual Members Meeting

Monday evening saw the first annual Management Meeting of The White Lion Community pub.

The previous seven members stepped down and put themselves up for re-election.  In addition to this, the Management Committee determined that the Committee would increase to 9 members in order to widen the potential member base and to assist the rotational retirement requirements of the Management Committee Rules.

Three people contested for the two available places.  The Management Committee now comprise of:

  • Rick Dyke
  • Charles Ouin
  • Sandra Burrows
  • Teri Small
  • Fraser Hughes
  • Adam Slater
  • Sophie Sinton
  • Andrew Hookings
  • Paul Denham

A positive meeting with various aspects of the pub discussed, it was agreed by all that Kerry and Clive were settling in very well. We can look forward to their next project of developing the courtyard 🙂


Ukraine Fundraiser – Saturday, 1st July

Sally Sarling raised almost £600 from her last Ukraine fundraiser in October ’22 and has now has arranged another for the people of the Ukraine this Saturday morning at The Comrades Hall, Broadwindsor.

There will be refreshments with biscuits, a raffle and stalls selling plants, bric-a-brac and of course, delicious home made cakes.

Sally and her volunteers would be very grateful for any donations that you have, they will be at the Hall from 9am on Saturday setting up or if you wish you can deliver them to Sally directly at Greystones in West Street, Broadwindsor. The front porch will be open each morning from 8am or if you let her know by calling either 01308 867672  or 07731  630546 , Sally will come and collect anything from you. 🙂


Sun Shines For Broadwindsor’s Fun Day

It was a sleepy start to this year’s Fun Day – most likely because it was held on a Sunday this year… there were no children in fancy dress in the parade for which only a handful of children showed up!

Nonetheless, the children and volunteers, who included Cllr. Andrew Frampton on crutches, walked along from the school, carrying the shields up the High Street and down through Bernards’ Place 🙂

Stalls opened, games began and Holly from Strawberry Jam occupied and entertained the younger audience with her balloon making skills and show.

The ever popular Nina Garcia got the crowd jigging…

Afterwards, the crowd were entertained by Bridport’s Broadsides Shanty Group, who didn’t just acquire a fan in young Katelyn, daughter of Chloe Staff – they acquired a participant…

Judged by Margaret Jenkins, The Scarecrow Competition Winner 2023
was… the W.I. with ‘Lottie the Landgirl🙂

Runner up was Megan Jones with ‘Private Peaceful🙂

Congratulations and thanks to all those who participated.

In the evening, Ceilidh’s Comet got us jigging! Caller & fiddle player, Will Antell certainly had everyone in a spin with his excellent repartee 🙂

was had by all and A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to EVERYBODY who volunteered their time and helped make it happen 🙂

The future of Broadwindsor Fun Group is uncertain at this time as more are needed, including a new Chair, to help on the Core Committee – please contactbwfunday20@gmail.comor contact Wendy Shields directly on 07715 333347.  All being well, Broadwindsor Fun Day 2024 will be on Saturday, 22nd June.






Scarecrows Out Tonight Please

The bunting is going up in and around Bernards’ Place ready for Sunday’s Fun Day 🙂

For those who have entered the competition, please put your Wartime Farming Scarecrows out this evening (Friday) ready for judging over the weekend.  Maps of entries will be available from Broadwindsor Community Stores and The White Lion on Saturday & Sunday.

Broadwindsor’s Fun Day kicks off at midday with the Children’s Fancy Dress (optional) parade from Broadwindsor Primary School, through the square, up to the Comrades Hall and down into Bernards’ Place.  Those in fancy dress will be judged and awarded their prize at the prize giving at 5.30pm.

  • Holly from Strawberry Jam will be there to entertain the younger ones,
  • the BBQ and Bar open at 1pm,
  • the live music starts at 2pm from Nina Garcia and continues until 6.30pm with Bridport Broadsides Shanty Crew
    (There will be an interval at approximately 5.30pm to award prizes and draw the Hamper raffle)
  • At 7pm

Enjoy a fantastic evening
of fun and frolics with Ceilidh’s Comet, who specialise in playing traditional barn dance music from the UK and Europe, creating a lively, friendly, fun atmosphere and a wonderful way to end this year’s Fun Day 🙂 A bar will be available.
All tickets are £5, (no concessions) available from Broadwindsor Community Stores and the White Lion.

Broadwindsor Fun Group

Please address all your enquiries to:



Apply To The Blackdown Trust

Although exams results won’t be known until August, please note that applications open in July for The Blackdown Trust. A village based fund set up over 80 years ago to contribute towards the expense of Further Education for individual local students.
The amount available depends on the number of applicants.

You are eligible to apply if:

  • You live in Broadwindsor, Burstock, Blackdown, or Thorncombe.
  • Also you have attended local schools and are leaving to further your education.
  • You have qualified for and have been accepted as a student on a recognised course at University / College / College-Apprenticeship/ Agricultural College.

Please send your own letter of application including details of the above and any other information you consider relevant, including your address, to:

The Blackdown Trust
                   c/o Burstock Grange Farm,
                   Dorset  DT8 3LL

Or E-mail:

Applications close: 9th September, 2023. 

Photo credit: Derek Harper.


Happy Father’s Day

Honouring fathers, grandfathers and all things paternal, Father’s Day has been celebrated on the third Sunday in June since 1910.

Both the Stableyard Restaurant & The White Lionare offering a delicious dinner – please call to check availability!

Thank the Americans!

Founded by the daughter of a U.S. Civil War Army veteran in 1910, in 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day. Then in 1972, President Nixon established a permanent national observance of Father’s Day to be held on the 3rd Sunday of June each year. The U.K. follows this observation.

A customary day for the celebration of fatherhood in Catholic Europe is known to date back to at least 1508 and is usually celebrated on March 19th, recognised as the feast day of Saint Joseph.

In countries, including Spain and Portugal, Father’s Day is observed on 8th August.

Germany marks Father’s Day on Ascension Day in May or June, 40 days after Easter, while Australiaand New Zealand commemorate it on the first Sunday in September.

In Thailand, Father’s Day is celebrated on 5th December, the birthday of their late king who was considered the ‘Father of the Nation‘.

Russia continues a tradition from the Soviet Union of celebrating “Man’s Day” on ‘Defender of the Fatherland Day’ on 23rd February, which marks the first mass draft into the Red Army.

In addition to Father’s Day, International Men’s Day is celebrated in many countries on November 19th (also on a Sunday this year) in honour of both men and boys.

Enjoy a Happy Father’s Day 🙂


New HIIT Classes Start 17th June

Leon Lord, who already runs successful Pilates and Yoga classes at the Comrades Hall is now launching a 2nd HIIT class on Saturday mornings at 8.15am.

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. As the name suggests, it is intense and the class is for 20 minutes only.  There is no jumping, running or stamping and is suitable for everyone. At £5, an excellent start to prepare for the day ahead!

To view his timetable or attend a class, you can book your place HERE. If you’re on a mobile device it will open the App Store for your to download the booking app Gymcatch. If you’re on a computer it will open the web page.. Either way register and search for Fitness and wellbeing with Leon, then you will have access to his timetable.

Any queries or questions:

To learn more, please visit his website –


Get Thinking About Your Wartime Farming Scarecrow!

The photograph is of Broadwindsor Fun Group 2022’s Platinum Jubilee winners, Mark & his son James who have held the winner’s Cup for the last three years!

Inspired by the village’s new war memorial, another Fun Group initiative, the theme of this year’s Scarecrow competition is ‘Wartime Farming Life‘.

It is only £1 to enter and forms can be picked up from our village shop, Broadwindsor Community Stores, The White Lion Community pub or may be downloaded HERE.

Please return your completed form to the box provided in the village shop or electronically by email to no later than Tuesday, 20th June.
A map showing the location of all the scarecrows will be produced & made available so they can be judged for the competition & enjoyed by everyone.

Please have your scarecrows in place by 5pm on Friday 23rd June.
Prizes will be announced and awarded in the late afternoon of Broadwindsor’s Fun Day, Sunday, 25th June 🙂

** This competition, Broadwindsor Fun Day together with other activities and entertainment are run by Broadwindsor Fun Group – a committee of four, of which three will not be continuing 🙁
Most importantly, the Broadwindsor Fun Group need a new Chairman and at least 2 more members (all are able to hand over and support).  To avoid closure of the Fun Group – it is hoped some people will put themselves forward.  If this is something you may be interested in – please email Many thanks.**



Broadwindsor Film Club – Friday, 16th June

At 7.30pm at the Comrades Hall this Friday, 16th June, Broadwindsor’s Community Film Club will be showing…

Empire of Light (15)

Directed by Sam Mendes and starring Olivia Coleman, Michael Ward, Colin Firth & Toby Jones.
Running time: 1hr 59mins.

Set in an English coastal town in the early 1980s, Empire of Light is a moving drama about the power of human connection during turbulent times.  Hilary (Olivia Coleman) is a cinema manager struggling with her mental health and Stephen (Michael Ward) is a new employee longing to escape the provincial town where he faces daily adversity.  Together they find a sense of belonging and experience the healing power of music, cinema and community.

  • Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm.
  • Film Club members – Free entry
  • Guests – £4
  • Refreshments available, including a bar.
  • Seats can be booked in advance by contacting:
    Emma or
    Margaret Wing01308 867252
