Ukraine Fundraiser – Saturday, 8th October

Following the successful coffee morning in May, donations are asked for your tea/coffee with biscuits at the Comrades Hall on Saturday, 8th October, from 10am to 12 noon šŸ™‚ Here is more from Sally Sarling:

In addition to the coffee and biscuits (no admission price just a donation) we will have a raffle, cake stall, plant stall and asking anyone who would like to join us and have a stall to set out their crafts, cards or similar for sale.Ā  We will be asking for a monetary donation, of your choice for this very good cause.
If you would like to join us or know of anyone who would please let me know what you will be selling and what size table/stall you require.
My email address isĀ  :Ā Ā
TelephoneĀ Ā  :Ā Ā  01308 867672
MobileĀ Ā  :Ā Ā  07731 630546
I do hope you can join us and help this very worthwhile cause.
Many thanks & kind regards,



National Black Dog Day ā€“ 1st October

Started in 2012, October 1st is National Black Dog Day! Founded by Colleen Paige, an author and forerunner in the advocacy and promotion of pet care and fair treatment of animals, itā€™s a day to get the word out and encourage people to adopt black dogs, who often get left behind in shelters just because of the colour of their fur.
Referred to as ā€œBlack Dog Syndromeā€, this is a phenomenon where black dogs are passed over for adoption in favour of lighter-colored animals šŸ™
Among dogs, yellow dogs were considered friendliest, brown dogs second friendliest, and black dogs least friendly. Darker pets were similarly judged less adoptable and black dogs were considered the most aggressive.

The term ā€œblack dogā€ is most commonly used to describe a state of depression, characterised by either poor behaviour or the lack of will to do anything, including things you once loved.

Not to be confused with International Dog Day on August 26th which encourages dog ownership of all breeds ā€“ when seeking a new companion, be sure to consider the mutts, mixes, purebreds, and everything in between.

The photograph is of Ronnie, a three year old black labrador who lives down Hursey with her owner Annie šŸ™‚

For those who prefer cats… National Black Cat Day is held each year on 27th October.


Your Feedback Wanted Please – Broadwindsor War Memorial

Local farmer Andrew Frampton and Broadwindsor Fun Group chairman, Adrian Gray are looking to get support from the Group Parish Council and villagers for a war memorial on the corner at Cross Keys opposite the wild flower gardens. There are currently two black fencing stakes in the ground to mark the site.

Andrew has a 2 tonne stone limestone slab from their farm quarry which he would like to sink into the ground and then attach an A1 size acrylic info board with a war scene and all the names of the soldiers from WW1 and WW2 from our parish ward (Blackdown, Drimpton, Seaborough, Burstock and Broadwindsor) 57 in all for a permanent memorial. The main photo shows the finished proof. This with one or two metal Tommy silhouettes.

The board at Lewesdon hill.

The proposed acrylic board is the same as the one on Lewesdon hill for the Lost Pilot – Jean De Cloedt.Ā  It looks very professional and won’t dominate the stone as the stone is 220cm x 120cm and the board 84cm x 63cm.

And… no expense to the village!

A Tommy silhouette.

It is proposed to have an opening ceremony on Friday, 11th November at 11am involving the school of who’s pupils have great grandfathers and great great uncles on it.

It will be discussed at the next Group Parish Council meeting on Monday, 17th October and your feedback would be most welcome before they proceed.
Would you welcome such a memorial?Ā  Do you agree with the placement of the proposed memorial? Please send your comments to: or comment on this post on Facebook @Broadwindsor.Org

Thank you.

Lest We Forget


Would You Like To Plant A Tree This Winter?

Broadwindsor Eco Group has established a small tree nursery on a vacant plot on Broadwindsor allotment site with a generous donation of saplings by Groves Nurseries of Bridport.

Saplings are all 2-year old native species – Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Field Maple, Hornbeam and Dogwood. We are all aware that planting trees is good for saving carbon, protecting wildlife, enhancing the landscape and alleviating flooding.

If you have ideas for public spaces for tree planting , or a small area of hedging infill Broadwindsor Eco Group would love to hear from you; or perhaps you would like to plant an individual tree in your own garden?

Trees will be available for planting, without cost, from December 2022 – February 2023.

Please contact Sheila Hawkins at so that she can arrange to discuss requirements.


Cllr. Simon Christopherā€™s Report ā€“ September 22

The photograph shows Cllr. Simon Christopher with his wife, Una at the Reading of the Proclamation by the High Sheriff of the Dorset Proclamation on Sunday, 11th September outside Dorchester County Hall.

Cllr. Simon Christopher has submitted the following report for this eveningā€™s Meeting of Broadwindsorā€™s Group Parish Council at Blackdown village hall:

Dear Helen and Councillors

Una and I shared the deep sadness felt by everyone in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the whole world, at the deathĀ of Her Majesty The Queen.Ā 

The Queen was a steadfast champion of the British countryside and rural way of life.Ā Ā Ā It is also with sincere gratitude that we remember her tireless service to our nation and its rural community.Ā  In an ever-changing world, the Queen was a constant. Her devotion and sense of duty Ā was an inspiration.

On Friday 22 September 2022 the new Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered his financial statement in the House of Commons. I will be pleased to discuss the statement at length but Ā for now will concentrate on discussion of the new proposed Investment Zones and provide you with Ā a message from Dorset Council leader Spencer Flower :

ā€˜ā€œDorset Council has been in conversation with Government officials where we expressed our interestĀ to be a part of the Investment Zone programme which the Chancellor has announced today as part of the mini-Budget.Ā  At this stage we have little detail of the policy other than this is intended to drive investment and economic growth.Ā  This is an opportunity for Dorset and sits well with our economic objectives set out in the Council Plan and Economic Development Strategy.Ā  For this reason, I have informed Government that we would be interested to participate in the programme.Ā  We await further detail and if we are confirmed as an Investment Zone location we expect to be working closely with officials.Ā  I will keep you posted on this matter through my regular updates to you.ā€

(The report continues with cut and pasted information as provided.)

Cost of living helpĀ 


The link below willĀ connectĀ youĀ toĀ aĀ siteĀ which will sign-postĀ residentsĀ to webpages whichĀ we hope will help peopleĀ impacted by theĀ cost-of-livingĀ crisis.ĀĀ .Ā 

Dorset Council secures funding to improve electric vehicle infrastructure in rural areas


Dorset has been announced as one of just nine areas in England to receive funding from a new government scheme which aims to improve electric vehicle (EV) chargingĀ infrastructure.Ā The funding comes from the new Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) pilot scheme, through whichĀ we have managed to secure Ā£2.7million to increase the number of EV charge points in the council area


The project will serve a broad range of users, primarily targeting residents without access to off-street parking, while also meeting demand forĀ en-route charging to support our tourism trade.Ā 


The project aims to place chargepoints in up to 150 locations around the county for the convenience of residents and to encourage the take up of electric vehicles.Ā This will involve the council working with local community landowners to install charging infrastructure in accessible locations which might include car parks, community halls, pubs,Ā cafĆ©ā€™sĀ and shops, as well as possible on-street locations where suitable.Ā 

This pilot will also include a small number rapid or ultra-rapid (50 kW to 150 kW DC) chargers on or near main roads to support enroute charging. Some chargepoints will be located at popular tourist locations where both residents and visitors can access them.


To overcome user concerns over payment methods, all chargepoints will have alternative access with a minimum payment method (a non-proprietary and non-phone payment method, such as contactless) installed.

Need moreĀ landlords


There areĀ severalĀ initiatives which aim to work with landlords to provide much-needed housing to families across the Dorset Council area. The housing service is appealing to willing landlords to partner the council and benefit from the assistance the council can give.Ā Please look at the Dorset website for further information.

FosterĀ with Dorset Council


A note from a foster carerĀ ā€œIf anyone is thinking aboutĀ fostering,Ā Iā€™d say donā€™t hesitate to investigate it, donā€™t be put off making that initial phone call. Just be open with things that youā€™re worried about as they probably wonā€™t stop you being a foster carer. Just pick up the phone and make that enquiry.Ā ā€œEvery circumstance is different from one person toĀ another,Ā but the process is so thorough that if you have the slightest inkling that this might be what you want to do then give it a go.ā€

Our fostering service puts the children who need loving, local foster homes at the heart of everything we do. The key focus is on keeping local children close to their schools, friends and birth families.Ā Our foster carers transform the lives of children and young people by opening their hearts and homes to those who need it the most. At present, demand for foster carers in Dorset is high ā€“ especially for teenagers and sibling groups.

Find out more about fostering with Dorset Council andĀ register your interestĀ today. Keep up to date with the latest fostering news andĀ subscribe to our monthly enewsletter.Ā If youā€™d like to find out more in-person, the fostering team hold regularĀ fostering drop-in events across Dorset.

The Dorset Parent Carer Council annual information event is back!Ā Dorset SEND
Free Information Event – 4 October
This FREE event is for parents and carers of children aged pre-school to 14, who are disabled or have additional needs. The event brings together a wide variety of services and information all in oneĀ place. TeamsĀ and organisations from across education, health, and social care and the community sector will beĀ attending to provide a fantastic opportunity for familiesĀ to see what work is currently underway to improve servicesĀ in the future.

Tuesday 4th October;Ā 10am till 2pm;Ā Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester, DT2 8PXĀ 

Free parking, free entry, free refreshments. No booking required.Ā 

Dorset County Farms


Dorset Council owns 41 farmsĀ (and has owned them forĀ quiteĀ some time). These are currently managed in accordance with the County Farm Estate Management PlanĀ of which theĀ principal objectives are to:Ā 

Provide a provide an initialĀ gateway into agriculture for persons to farm on their own account whilst ensuring a financial return to us. Provide us with a direct interest in the land management of the county, promoting the integration of good environmental and farming practices as well as best practice and innovation in estate management and agriculture. Sustain rural communities whilst providing opportunities for greater public access and understanding of agriculture and the countryside

The estate is currently run on aĀ two-tierĀ system, with smaller ‘starter’ units providing a point of entry into the agricultural industry and larger ‘promotion’ units to allow for career progression.Ā  Farms on the estate are predominantly livestock based, with both dairy and stock farms.

The review of the Management Plan was delayed by the coronavirus pandemic but is now in progress. Ā In addition to the current objectives, we are considering how the estate can create additional economic, social and environmental value to help meet the priorities identified in the Council Plan. In particular, conversations are ongoing internally in relation to the role the Estate can plan in helping to support the Councilā€™s climate and ecological emergency which was declared in 2019. The estate is currently run on aĀ two tiersystem, with smaller ‘starter’ units providing a point of entry into the agricultural industry and larger ‘promotion’ units to allow for career progression.Ā  Farms on the estate are predominantly livestock based, with both dairy and stock farms.

Dorset Councilā€™s RoadĀ maintenance method reducecarbon emissions


As part of Dorset Councilā€™s ā€˜greenā€™ approach to highways maintenance, road retexturing is contributing to a reduction inĀ emissions,Ā theĀ council has refreshed 67,000sqm of road surface this year ā€“ raising skid resistance to improve the safety of highway.Ā Where appropriate, the sustainable solutionĀ usedĀ eliminates the need to resurface a road and instead uses one of two techniques to blast the road surface to regain its skid resistance to the same ā€“ or better ā€“ level of resistance it had when the material was first laid.Ā Depending on the individual site, the road will either have small steel shots fired at the surface to improve the texture or will have water blasted at the surface to remove excess binder.

This road retexturing has helped reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced by over 335,000kg, and saved around 6,700 tonnes of virgin aggregates from beingĀ used,ItĀ also has financial savings of over Ā£1.2m compared to using conventional resurfacing methods to provide a new textured Ā surface.

Ā Dorset Council Commissionong for a Better Life for Older People with Support Needs. In Dorset 2022-2027

You will continue to read about the ageing Dorset Population.

It is recognised that Dorset has a higher over 65 population than anywhere else in the Country and as such it is especially important that Dorset Council provides the opportunity for a great quality of life for older people.

Dorset Council documentation that I have seen, indicates that typically older people refers to those who are no longer of working age,so traditionally 65 plus.

However with increased life expectancy an increasing number of people find themselves either having to work or wanting to work beyond what was traditionally retirement age.

In England there are 295 older people per 1000 working age populationĀ 

In Dorset there are 527 older people per 1000 working age populationĀ 

Currently there are 31,000 people Ā over 80 in Dorset

Council Leader Spencer Flower has written earlier this month to the new Prime Minister seeking funding from HMGovernment for Social Care to reflect cost pressures facing Dorset Council as a result of the figures quoted above and inflationary pressures.

Clearly there is a lot going on in agricultural policy terms:

Farmers are concerned about the move from the Basic Payment Scheme Ā with the Agricultural Transition . In 2022 direct payments will be at least 20 per cent lower than in 2020 . Where 50 % of the 2022 BPS was paid in the Summer the payment being received this December will be dramatically reduced from the usual figure and will impact on cash flow considerations for all farmers, whether County Farm tenants or not .The range of Environment Land Schemes designed to replace BPS are only slowly appearing with the Old Countryside Stewardship scheme filling the gap.

What might be called productivity/efficiency Ā or generally incentivising schemes are being directed at farmers. DEFRA is keen Ā to improve the competitiveness and productivity of Farming in England, a key part of this is capital grants for equipment and infrastructure :

40 per cent capital grants under the Farming and Investment Fund ( FIF)

Farming Equipment Technology Fund fixed payment for 120 specified items on line application minimum grant ,maximum grant Ā£25,000

Farming Technoligy Fund larger grants Ā£35,000 to Ā£500,000 covering 3 areas water manage to , productivity and added value .

Finally many are pondering the Slurry Investment Scheme envisaged from this Autumn . Ā This is understood to be 50 per cent grant minimum Ā£25,000maximum Ā£250,000 for a minimum of 6 months storage .

My final comment is that I understand that a new round of farm advice under the Farm Resiliance scheme will be available from October .

The UK Government has announced a set of measures designed to boost the rural economy in England

This has had a great deal of coverage in the farming National and indeed local press

DEFRAā€™s Delivering for Rural England report, which includes Ā£110m of funding to boost economic activity in the countryside,

The CLAā€™s campaign has become increasingly influential over the UK Governmentā€™s rural policy-making through 2022, particularly following the launch of a major report into the rural economy earlier this year.

DEFRAā€™s policy changes were published in the final days of Boris Johnsonā€™s premiership, but are expected to be enacted by the new Prime Minister regardless.

The changes include:

  • Ringfencing of rural productivity funding through the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) worth Ā£110m. Funding will be available for a wide range of activities, including converting buildings for business use, supporting diversification projects and delivering digital infrastructure
  • Streamlining the process to convert disused agricultural buildings into housing in designated areas
  • A commitment to ensure the needs of the rural economy are reflected in the levelling up agenda

As one of my friends and indeed a fellow Chartered Accountant has said:

“UK Government is showing some ambition for the countryside. Improving productivity in the rural economy could add up to Ā£43bn in GVA ā€“ so this fund is money well spentā€

ā€œWe now need to see the true detail. Rural business owners are working hard to succeed, determined to create prosperity across our communities. But we need this report to deliver genuine planning reform, full connectivity and a cross-departmental policy framework from government that reflects the sheer potential of the rural economy.ā€

ā€œIn the midst of an economic crisis, we need a robust and ambitious plan to create economic growth in the countryside. The UK Government has today taken its first steps towards delivering it.ā€

DEFRAā€™s report has heavily been influenced by a report published earlier this year by the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Rural Powerhouse, , entitledĀ ā€˜Levelling Up the rural economyā€™. The report followed a year-long inquiry that took evidence from a number organisations representing the rural economy. and including those where I am an active member.

During the Summer I received the fillowing communication from Vicky AbbottĀ Ā Health Programme Advisor | Locality Link forĀ 

West Dorset at Public Health Dorset

ā€œColleagues in the communications team at PHD are about to embark on a promoting positive mental health for rural locations project in the West Dorset (and North Dorset) locality; Broadwindsor (including Marshwood and other surrounding villages) being the focus area for West Dorset.Ā  They are particularly looking at working with the community settings in Broadwindsor to reach out to the village communities by way of a support network, including identifying when an individual or family may need support.ā€

This will move forward next month, starting with a free mental health awareness training session, on Monday 3 October 12.45-5pm, at The Comrades Hall, Broadwindsor. Ā I look forward to working with the Parish Council on this.

Best regards

Councillor Simon Christopher
Dorset Councillor Marshwood Vale

Hawthorne Cottage
Ryall Road
Whitchurch Canonicorum
Bridport, Dorset
DT6 6RHā€‹

Mob: 07798 833715



Meet Nick Serpell ā€“ Professional Genealogist

Nick Serpell is resident in Drimpton. For more than ten years Nick worked as the BBC’s Obituary Editor, spending his time delving into the lives of some of the most famous people on the planet, and telling their stories.

Have you ever wondered about your ancestors? Let Nick take you back to meet them… here is what he can do for you:

“You may just want a straightforward family tree of your direct ancestry. On the other hand, you may have a query about one particular family member. Did great grandfather Smith actually run off with the maidservant?
Perhaps you have started your own research and hit one of the famous ‘brick walls’ and cannot find a way to break it down. Don’t worry, that can happen to all of us. Or maybe you have an old letter or document that mentions a distant relative and you want to find out more about them.
Has one of your ancestors just disappeared? I once researched someone who abandoned his wife and family and seemed to have vanished off the face of the earth. Ten years later he popped up 200 miles away having changed his name and acquired another wife while still married to the first one!
Or, maybe you’d like a narrative history of your family, based on the facts I discover. I have written widely for the BBC website so have plenty of experience to enable me to write an engaging history of your family and its times.
Whatever your query, I can probably help.”

Nick charges a flat rate of Ā£25/hour for all his services be it analysis and report writing or travelling time if he needs to visit archives or record offices. He also charges for any parking fees or rail fares at cost.Ā  Nick also offers the facility to photograph headstones for those who cannot make the journey to the burial place.

Available to give talks to organisations, large or small, about any aspect of family history, including giving people an idea as to how they can start researching their own ancestors, get in touch with Nick for more information.

His full terms & conditions are HERE.

Contact Nick: 07811 433134 or 01308 868892

Only a genealogist thinks a step
backwards is progress




Northcombe Lea Development At Netherhay, Drimpton

The photograph shows an aerial image of Broadwindsor Group Parish CLT’s development site at Northcombe Lea, Drimpton, taken mid-September. (Photo credit: Site Manager, David Chant).

On 17th August 2022, it was agreed at a Site meeting of Abri, C.G.Fry and the BCLT that site is to be referred to as Northcombe Lea. The BGP CLT is now officially registered with the Land Registry as the owner of Northcombe Lea, Netherhay Lane, Drimpton, and is in possession of the title plans.

All sub structures are now complete and the front elevations of Portland stonework are visible along Netherhay Lane.

If you would you like to join the BGP CLT, find out more on their Membership page – click HERE.


Broadwindsor Fun Group AGM – Tuesday, 11th October, 6.30pm

Broadwindsor Fun Group will be holding their AGM in the Lewesdon Room at the Comrades Hall on Tuesday, 11th October at 6.30pm.Ā Ā 

Broadwindsor Fun Group navigated the immense task of our late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June (more HERE).

Following recent events, this is an apt time to reassess the groups purpose & future.Ā  All are welcome.

Note: there are still a few places remaining for this autumn’s First Aid Training – more HERE.



Farewell To Our Late Queen Elizabeth II

Today, the UK, Commonwealth and the world bid their last farewell to Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as she has now officially been laid to rest.Ā  Thousands lined the streets to view her coffin as it travelled through London to Windsor.

Vice Chair of Broadwindsor Parish Council, Jacqui Sewell

The procession and funeral was live streamed at the Comrades Hall where the village’s book of condolences was also available which Vice Chair of Broadwindsor Parish Council, Jacqui Sewell can be seen signing in the photograph. Refreshments were served. Those that attended were very appreciative and the young children present behaved extremely well, particularly during the funeral šŸ™‚

As The Queen’s Committal Service came to a close, Her Majesty’s Piper Pipe Major Paul Burns of the Royal Regiment of Scotland played the lament ‘Sleep, dearie, sleep’.

The 11th former monarch to be buried in St. George’s chapel in Windsor Castle, the Queen is now buried alongside her father King George VI, the Queen Mother, her sister Margaret and next to her beloved Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh who died in April 2021.
Learn more of royal burials in St. George’s chapel – Click HERE.

Thank You Your Majesty!
Rest In Peace – God Save the King!


Work Continues In Bernards’ Place

Taking advantage of this week’s dry weather, Chris Edgerley, Malcolm Heaver and Sophie Sinton are working hard to complete the new oak framed shelter construction in Bernards’ Place.

The Crowdfunder for the play equipment has just tipped the Ā£3,000 mark and has been extended to Saturday, 15th October following the death of our monarch.

Please help them raise the money they need to get this project completed – donate HERE.
