Save the White Lion NEWS update

On behalf of the Steering Group, Margery Hookings released the information below.  This information will also be displayed at The Comrades Arms, on the Parish Council’s website and on various noticeboards. Many questions that has received and asked on your behalf are answered here 🙂

Over to Margery…

Work is going on behind the scenes to re-open the White Lion at Broadwindsor as a community pub.

A Steering Group is meeting regularly to move the project forward. It comprises:

  • David Leader (Chair)
  • Sandra Burrows
  • Chris Edgerley
  • John Heys
  • Andrew Hookings
  • Margery Hookings
  • Fraser Hughes
  • Elaine Leader
  • Susanna Newall
  • Chris Newall
  • Charles Ouin
  • Luke Pickering

Between them, group members have a wide range of skills and experience. We believe that securing the right deal with Palmers represents the best – and only – chance for the White Lion to re-open at the heart of our community. We want it to happen, and we know the community does too. We need to raise at least £30,000 to make it a reality.

Agreement with Palmers has been reached but not yet signed. We can’t tell you all that’s been happening because some of the detail is commercially sensitive. However, it’s our intention to publicise a summary of our meetings to keep you updated as best we can.

Save the White Lion, summary of meeting 6/10/21

Community Benefit Society application – due to be incorporated within next 3 weeks. Share issue put to community (like the village did for the shop).

Business plan – final version almost ready. All payments need to be made by end of year 3.

Funding – seeking grant from Broadwindsor Group Parish Council. Applications to grant funding bodies identified as most likely to support project. Comrades Arms trading well, taking £1,200 in first four days.
Two villagers planning two events in aid of Save the White Lion, in addition to regular discos where bar takings will go to pub fund. More details soon.

Yard of ale fundraising ‘thermometer’ to be placed in the Square.

Bank account – can be started only when we are a Community Benefit Society.  

Job advert for manager/chef – not much response yet. Exploring other outlets. 

Logo – new logo in consultation with Palmers. Original pub sign (pre-dating existing one) by George Biles will be displayed internally.

Refurbishment – ongoing discussions on updating interior and adapting layout for ambience, efficiency and increased number of covers. Kitchen left sparkly clean by Spike and Vikki. Now to cost kitchen equipment etc for business plan.

Timeline end of October/early November – approach community on share issue.

Christmas/New Year – hope to be open.



The White Lion Gets A Facelift has had several enquiries and photos sent in over the last couple of days due to of all the activity taking place at the White Lion: painters outside… lights on inside… lights on in the evening… had anything been agreed?

The doors, windows and fascia boards have been rubbed down and painted in preparation for the day when the White Lion reopens its doors.

Steering group chairman David Leader said: ‘It’s fantastic to see that Palmers are investing in the White Lion. All the outside woodwork is being cleaned, prepared and repainted. This will make a huge difference to the appearance of such a beautiful historic building which sits at the heart of our community. We are very grateful to Palmers.’

On Tuesday 5th October, previous landlords Spike and Vikki handed in their keys as their tenancy came to an end and they said a final goodbye to the place that was their home for nearly four years. On Facebook Vikki thanked all for their support and wished all well for the future.

The Save The White Lion steering group continue to work hard behind the scenes to re-open and run the White Lion as a Community pub. Keep up to date on the website:

Grant applications to various funding bodies have been submitted and a share issue is being prepared to be offered to villagers. The Steering Group published an advert two weeks ago seeking a live-in manager – More info HERE.

More details are expected soon. Steering group member Margery Hookings now has the position of keeping us all informed. 🙂


Broadwindsor Parish Group Council Meeting – Monday, 11th October 2021

A face-to-face meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30 pm on Monday 11th October 2021 at Drimpton Village Hall.  SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES WILL BE IN PLACE. All are welcome to attend.

The full agenda is available to download HERE. Minutes of previous Group Parish Council meetings can be found online HERE.

Item 4. Matters Arising – a tribute will be made to former councillor of the Drimpton Ward, Brian Hedditch.

Item 5. Public Participation will involve reports from:

  • Councillor Christopher, Dorset Council.
  • Dorset Police.
  • Mick Massey, Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, Broadwindsor Fun Group.

Item 6. Correspondance and Notices address:

  • a. Dorset Council, Application for a Definitive Map Modification Order – T650 Stoke Abbott Parish
    More can be read HERE.
  • b. Broadwindsor Residents, Lewesdon Hill Signage and Cross Keys Crossroads
  • c. Dorset Council – Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2022-2032 Consultation
  • d. Broadwindsor Resident, Sponsorship of Grass Cutting

Item 8. Accounts this month:

  • a. To receive the Finance Report (Balance £49,955.09 as of 30 September 2021)
  • b. To receive and note the External Auditor Report and Certificate for 2020/2021
  • c. To approve payment of £232.25 to Robin Moses (Drimpton Telephone Box Repairs)
  • d. To approve payment of £240.00 for PKF Littlejohn (External Audit)
  • e. To approve payment of £40.00 for N Chandler (Allotment Deposit)
  • f. To approve payment of £21.60 for Total Web Solutions (Storage)
  • g. To approve payment of £600.00 for Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust (Grant for Administrative Costs)
  • h. To approve payment of £6.26 for HMRC (NI)
  • i. To approve payment of £1,042.20 for the Clerk (Salary Adjustment, July, August & September 2021)
  • j. To approve payment of £285.00 for Toby Emmott (Hursey Common Maintenance)
  • k. To approve payment of £1800.00 for Broadwindsor Community Pub (Grant)

Item 9. Planning Applications:
a. Applications Received and Circulated for Consultation

b. Other Applications

  • P/PABA/2021/03639, Common Hill, Broadwindsor, DT8 3LN (Prior Approval) TPO/2021/0042, Hursey Common, Common Hill, Broadwindsor, DT8 3LN

Item 10 will deliver an updated Report & Review of the Business Plan for Broadwindsor’s Community Pub Proposal. You can find out more by visiting HERE.

Item 12 has the Council looking at Adopting a New Code of Conduct.

Item 13 will address the Proposal made by a village resident at last month’s meeting, to publicise the Council’s Draft Minutes.

Item 19 is an invitation for Residents to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on any outstanding
issues on this Agenda or raise issues for future consideration.

Item 22 – the meeting will close.

The full agenda is available to download HERE.

The press and public are invited to attend.  Under the Openess of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, members of the public may now film, photograph and make audio recordings of the proceedings of the formal Council meeting, though not, under current legislation, of the Public Participation session, as this is not part of the formal agenda of the meeting. Recording activity should be respectful to the conduct of the meeting and behavious that disrupts the meeting (such as oral commentary) will not be permitted.  Any member of the public shall not speak for more than five minutes.  A question asked by a member of the public during Public Participation shall not require a response or debate during the meeting though the Chairman may direct that a written response will be provided subsequent to the meeting.

There are currently 14 Elected Councillors (Broadwindsor Ward vacancy) – Click HERE to identify them.

The contents of this post are compiled by Wendy Shields, with information taken from the Broadwindsor Group Parish Council’s website.
Download the full agenda HERE.


Live-In Manager Sought For The White Lion

The Steering Group of the Save The White Lion campaign released a job advertisement this morning.  We are assured that negotiations with Palmers continue to move forward positively.  The Steering Group have applied to the regulatory authorities to have the Community Pub set up as a not-for-profit legal entity and this will take 4 weeks.

The Group need to go through this process to “search for a talented couple or individual to take control of the day-to-day operations, likely to be around December ‘21 or January ‘22“.

What they want:

We’re seeking a couple or an individual who can bring both aspects. You’ll be experienced, with a proven track-record of building great food-led businesses, and of course running a bar with well-kept ales and a wide variety of wines and cocktails. You’ll define and shape the menu, source local ingredients, and build a reputation for quality. And always a warm welcome and excellent service.

What they are offering the potential candidate(s):

  • A competitive salary (amount undisclosed).
  • Live-in status in a spacious, self-contained, four bedroom flat set over two floors in a beautiful grade II listed building in the heart of Dorset.
  • The chance to shape the direction of the pub and build a business you can be proud of.

To apply for this position, please contact in the first instance.

To read the full advertisement – Click HERE.


Broadwindsor Parish Group Council Meeting – Monday, 13th September 2021

A face-to-face meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30 pm on Monday 13 September 2021 at Blackdown Village Hall.  SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES WILL BE IN PLACE. All are welcome to attend.

The full agenda is available to download HERE. Minutes of previous Group Parish Council meetings can be found online HERE.

Lots for the councillors to address this month, including six Planning Applications.

They begin by disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors and employees on matters to be considered at the Meeting together with any dispensations and any updates to the Register of Interests.

After any matters arising, parish residents are invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda.

Reports include the Election Broadwindsor Group Parish Council Vacancy, Burstock Ward.

A variety of issues received on Correspondance & Notices:

a. Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust, Request for Grant of £600.00 towards administrative costs.
b. Broadwindsor Resident, Maintenance of Back Lane.

c. Broadwindsor Resident, Comrades Hall Entrance/Exit Safety Concerns.

d. DAPTC, Notice of Annual General Meeting 13 November 2021.

e. Beaminster Museum, Gardens and Allotments Exhibition.

Item 8. Accounts include To approve payment of £5410.00 for Small Engine Services (Ariens Apex 52 Model 991315 Mower).

Item 9. Planning Applications Received for consideration this month are:
(Please click on the Planning Application Number for further details.)

Item 11 on the agenda will be an update on the Community Pub proposal.
Item 17 considers the request for a beehive on the Allotments.
Item 18 – the highways addresses the following:

a. Report from the Footpaths Officer, Cllr. Dorothy Rowe.
b. Verge Management in the Grouped Parish Area.

c. Back Lane, Broadwindsor.

d. Common Water Lane Update.

e. Fly Tipping on Hursey Common.

f. Fingerpost Maintenance Tender Update.

g. Adopted Telephone Kiosks Update.

h. Old Shop, Broadwindsor.

i. Road Surface in Littlewindsor.

Item 21 an invitation for Residents to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on any outstanding
issues on this Agenda or raise issues for future consideration.

After agreeing the date and venue of the next meeting, the meeting will then close.

The press and public are invited to attend.  Under the Openess of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, members of the public may now film, photograph and make audio recordings of the proceedings of the formal Council meeting, though not, under current legislation, of the Public Participation session, as this is not part of the formal agenda of the meeting. Recording activity should be respectful to the conduct of the meeting and behavious that disrupts the meeting (such as oral commentary) will not be permitted.  Any member of the public shall not speak for more than five minutes.  A question asked by a member of the public during Public Participation shall not require a response or debate during the meeting though the Chairman may direct that a written response will be provided subsequent to the meeting.

There are currently 14 Elected Councillors (Burstock Ward vacant) – Click HERE to identify them.

The contents of this post are compiled by Wendy Shields, with information taken from the Broadwindsor Group Parish Council’s website.
Download the full agenda HERE.


Save The White Lion Website

Village resident and member of the Steering Group of the White Lion, Luke Pickering has just launched a new website to keep all informed of the progress of their negotiations. There is a great deal of work going on behind the scenes.  The Steering Group aim to keep everyone updated.  Please visit:

The new website currently doesn’t list the members of the Steering Group which can be found HERE.


Memories Of The White Lion

Village resident Annie Collins shared a memory today on social media of ex Landlord and Landlady of The White Lion in Broadwindsor, Dick and Pam Corbett. Another village resident, then barmaid Rita Haggett is in the background.

The photograph shows Annie celebrating winning the ladies Rosebowl Singles Table Skittles competition. Annie cannot recall the year (in the 1980’s) as she won that compeitition ten times in all!

You are invited to send your Broadwindsor pub photographs, memories and stories in via Messenger on Facebook HERE or email to:  They will be collated and published later in the year. 🙂

It prompts comments from those who remember when Broadwindsor had three pubs: The George. The Cross Keys. The White Lion.  Now we are struggling to hang onto and reopen the last remaining pub in the village – The White Lion.
You can read the latest on the White Lion HERE.

Look out for Annie on Broadwindsor’s Fun Day when she’ll be roaming the area capturing the fun of the day 🙂

Go For It With The White Lion!

Village resident and local parish councillor David Leader led the Public Meeting with the majority of his Steering Group in the Comrades Hall last night concerning the future of the White Lion Pub.

David began by introducing the Steering Group, all village residents, to those present…
From left to right in the photograph:

  • Luke Pickering – Over 10yrs experience of running pubs. Currently senior management at Screwfix.
  • Chris Edgerley – Very much involved with the village shop & the Comrades Hall. “We rely on him massively for lots of the good work that takes place in our community“. Chris recently rebuilt the wall in Bernards’ Place (read more about the wall HERE).
  • David Leader – Parish councillor, retired police officer, Chairman of the Comrades Hall Committee & runs a small holiday cottage with his wife in the village. (Does an immense amount of work for this community!).
  • Susannah Newall – A director of Specsavers, Bridport. Was up until recently Chairman at Bridport Leisure Centre.
  • Fraser Hughes – Parish councillor and a key figure in establishing the village shop. Retired from a career in marketing.
  • John Heys – Also very involved with the village shop. An engineer by profession in charge of multi-million pound projects,
  • Sandra Burrows – a lifetime of running customer based businesses, a key member of the shop committee and “well versed in all things to do with finance

Four members of the group were absent:

  1. Susannah’s husband, Chris Newall.
  2. Charles Ouin – A lifetime’s experience in law as a solicitor, Charles is helping the group with legal matters.
  3. & 4. Andrew & Margery Hookings – who were not present nor acknowledged as being on the Steering Committee at the time.

David Leader explained how, approximately two months ago, he had been approached by Palmers, as a member of the Parish Council after they had failed to find tenants to replace Spike & Vikki, enquiring whether the venture of a Community Pub could be considered. The Steering Group was established to investigate all the aspects of taking this on.

Many meetings and conversations with Palmers have taken place over this time.  Their first priority was community feedback to find out what was wanted.  Fraser Hughes then delivered the statistics from the data analysis:

  • There had been a 58% return from the 356 questionnaires distributed.  This was thought a good representation for the village compared to general and local election poll turnouts and taking into account second home owners and those on holiday.
  •‘s headline of 95% say Yes! Keep Our Pub said it all – it’s more attractive to property seekers, confirmed by estate agents.
  • Attendance41% stated they’d visit the pub once a week or more; 17% stated once a fortnight or more; 35% stated occasionally.
  • The main reason for visiting the pub27% stated for food and not drink. Palmers confirmed that this was the upward trend compared with 23% going to the pub for just a drink.
  • Opening hours: 33% were happy for Thursday – Saturday opening compared with 20% who would like it open every day. Food would be preferred on Friday & Saturday evenings and Sunday lunchtime.
  • Although not included in the questionnaire, a significant amount of people had commented about including a  Tuesday night to accommodate L&F’s catering (the chippy van) business – this would be included in their plan.
  • 87% wanted a traditional pub atmosphere, 85% wanted it to be family friendly & 65% wanted a garden or outside space. 54% wanted it to be pet friendly.  The other things on offer? Some were more popular than others but it certainly wasn’t the main reason people went to the pub.
  • It was felt that the Comrades Hall met most of the requirements for the other social occasions we have.
  • What needs to change? The decor was at the top of the list, described by Fraser as “a tired, dark and dismal pub in need of change”. Improvements in the food offered was second. 18% requested Guest ales but unfortunately, Palmers will not entertain this idea whatsoever.

Fraser stated that the situation with Palmers was, if the pub wasn’t taken on, planning permission would be applied for; it would eventually be converted into accommodation on Palmers’ portfolio and lost, like so many rural pubs, forever.  To go ahead with this project, the minimum that has to be raised is £30,000*.

David Leader
then spoke of how he was cynical and wary of Palmers initially, particularly as their initial offer was totally unaffordable with a full repairing lease.   It was fair to say that Palmers had moved their position considerably.  They are confident that they have “reached an agreement ‘ in principle’, that allows the pub to survive and provide a financial working model that means that we can make it work…as a community enterprise, we don’t need to make huge profits.

David reiterated that although they had asked Palmers several times to sell the pub – this was not an option they were prepared to consider.  The Community Pub will be tied to Palmers’ beers, wines & spirits but their stocklist was far more extensive than they had realised, giving greater scope than they had been aware of. This had to be accepted for the project to move forward.

Luke Pickering then took the floor to discuss the models they had looked at. Information had been provided from Palmers and from previous landlords, Spike & Vikki.  “A hard way to make a living… but as a community model, it can work.” He proposed the pub being open Tuesday night, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
What would make us exclusive from other community pubs is that the community would be the tenant.  A salaried manager would be employed. He had completed a business plan which demonstrated that recent figures could generate enough profit to “keep it ticking over“.

David then returned stating that moving forward, there was a huge amount of work to do: there needs to be a government strategy and many legalities to be resolved before any work can take place. The village shop was a model that could be replicated in the pub with the combination of paid staff and volunteers. With the support of the community – a similar success story could take place. It would have to be used or else it would fail!  All opportunities and suggestions would be explored to try and make it the best possible place it can be.

*The £30,000 would cover essential refurbishment work, provide working capital to get it going, to do all the legal aspects and all that they are unable to do themselves.  All potential funding sources would be explored and considered, including Crowdfunder to get the project started.

The Steering Group then invited questions from the floor, responses included…

  • The Rent – involves a 3yr renewable lease. Substantial discounts have been offered by Palmers for the first two years with a lower rate than most for the third year.
  • Palmers’ take – If the project goes ahead, it starts with a very favourable deal from Palmers. Afterwards it would be approx. 8% of turnover.  Palmers began by requesting the Parish Council rent the building and take on a full repairing lease for this 300yr old listed building which was an impossible and unaffordable situation for the Parish Council to take on.
  • If the arrangement goes ahead, Palmers would be responsible for the entire building and all the services in it.  The community, as tenant would be liaible for all interior decoration. Palmers intend to decorate the exterior of the pub in September 2021.
  • Occupancy of the premises above the pub would depend on the employed manager.
  • There appeared to be a misunderstanding of the survey figures by some as the figures involved were representing households and not individuals.
  • Luke confirmed that there were not enough people in the village alone to keep the pub going…. unless we all become alcoholics! The pub has to be somewhere you want to go to.
  • Volunteers will be essential.
  • A chef would also be employed.
  • Drimpton‘s Royal Oak was given a plug and as an example of how good food can attract visitors by Drimpton resident Steve Chubb.
  • Although all want the project to succeed – what if the project should fail? – There is a 6 month Break clause in the agreement which operates both ways.
  • We have to be viable – otherwise we walk away.” – David Leader.
  • There will be a governance process that has to be worked through but they are not at that stage yet.
  • If successful – the $64 million question… When will the pub be open? A good question but not one they are in a position to answer completely at this time.  Of course they want it open as soon as – but it will take some time: the legalities; the refurbisment; the staff; the produce and more.
  • There is no point in opening the pub in its current state.
  • The living accommodation could not be rented out in its current state. Access would also pose a problem to renting it out separately.
  • History has shown that the wealthy benefactor type scenario doesn’t work in this community. What does work in this community is lots of people giving little bits of both financial help and time help – it’s certainly worked and will continue to work. ” –
  • Shareholding has been discussed and remains an option once it has been confirmed that they will proceed with the project.
  • It is estimated that the annual turnover has to reach £150,000 to make it work.

David stated that initially he was very cynical of Palmers for many reasons, their first offer being shocking. Over the past two months however, following several communications with Tenanted Trade Director of Palmers, Jim Jones, he was convinced that he was working very hard and pushing boundaries to make this project work and to get a deal for the village first and foremost.  If it can be made to work here, Palmers have many struggling rural pubs that may adopt this model.

Of note if successful – The White Lion, Broadwindsor will be the first Community Tenancy of a Pub. The White Lion was also Palmers first pub in Dorset – Definitely worth hanging on to!

All those present voted unanimously with a show of hands for the Steering Group to proceed with their negotiations with Palmers and keep the White Lion in Broadwindsor. will keep you informed of further negotiations and public meetings.

Fingers Crossed will keep you informed of further negotiations and public meetings. Not everyone has or uses the internet and/or social media – please discuss and/or share this information with your neighbour 🙂


95% Say YES – Keep Our Pub!

All the Pub Questionnaires have now been analysed and 95% of those returned want the White Lion pub to remain open and active in our community.

In account of the local Covid-19 status, Thursday’s meeting will start at 7.30pm outside the Comrades Hall building by the side entrance.  (If raining, there will be no other option but to move inside.)

The full results of the survey will be announced and there will be an open discussion with the opportunity for Q&As. Even if you have completed a questionnaire, you are encouraged to come along, listen and have your voice and your opinions discussed.

  • No decisions have been made yet.
  • Negotiations are still ongoing.
  • If you have any interest in the future of the White Lion pub in Broadwindsor – please attend!
  • Please let others know who may not use the internet or social media.

Thank you.


Last Call For Pub Questionnaires – 6pm Saturday 17th July

By now, most of the Community Pub Questionnaires distributed have been collected.  However, some haven’t due to illness, weather or a change of circumstances for the volunteers collecting.

It is clear at this early stage that the White Lion pub is both an asset and very much wanted by the community so don’t let your voice go unheard.

Anyone who hasn’t had their form collected is kindly asked to leave it at Broadwindsor Community Stores no later than 6pm tomorrow (Saturday, 17th July) for it to be included.

The results of the survey will be announced at the Public Meeting on 29th July at 7.30pm at the Comrades Hall when the proposal will be discussed further.

Any other queries, please contact
