Community Shop Now Belongs To Broadwindsor

Announced on social media, Broadwindsor Community Stores have informed us that the purchase of the freehold of the shop was completed yesterday…

Fantastic news!

Special thanks go to Clerk to the Council, Helen Cudmore and freeholders Mr and Mrs Oldfield. 🙂

Broadwindsor Community Stores: 01308 867922



FareShare’s Larder Starts Friday, 23rd June

The FareShare Larder is a community larder run by volunteers for the benefit of their local community. They are now located in the car park at: Drimpton Village Hall between 9.30am – 10.30am every Friday commencing on Friday, 23rd June.

This is a weekly membership scheme* aimed at helping people make their money go further by reducing food shopping bills – so unless a recognised referral agent refers you to the scheme,  you must register to become a member.  Application forms need to be requested by emailing:  Once completed, proof of address/ID needs to be provided and you email the completed form to the same email address.  Alternatively, it is a quick and easy process to complete and submit the form online – Click HERE.


Initially weekly membership fees can only be paid in cash and vary dependent on the size of your household:

  • Single person – £2.50 per week – for this you are entitled to 8 products per week, which may include some fruit
    and vegetables.
  • 2-person household – £3.50 per week – for this you are entitled to 12 products per week which may include some fruit and vegetables.
  • 4-person household – £5.00 per week – for this you are entitled to 20 products per week which may include some fruit and vegetables.


Your bag will be prepared in advance and we will strive to offer a variety of products. It is estimated that your bag will
hold an average of £10-£15 worth of produce (dependent on household size) A bag can consist of some of these
items: Pasta, rice, coffee, tea bags, tinned meats, tinned fish, tinned desserts, soups, along with fresh fruit and
vegetables. It may also include the odd fridge product such as cheese. (For this, you will need to bring with you an
insulated cool bag).

*Members are required to keep up weekly membership by attending the Larder on a weekly basis and paying their
membership fee. Failure to attend for three consecutive weeks will mean that your membership will be offered to
someone on the waiting list.
In line with GDPR your details will be kept by FareShare, and will not be shared with any other 3rd party. This is a requirement of their compliance procedure. Further information upon request.

The first session will be on Friday, 23rd June at 9.30am so become a member now – Click HERE.


June Is LGBTQ+ Pride Month 2023

LGBTQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer or Questioning.
More recently, I and A have been added to the acronym to represent Intersex and Asexual.
The + represents those not included in the original acronym, in terms of gender identity or sexual orientation e.g. Pansexual and Nonbinary.

Every year, during the month of June, the LGBTQ+ community celebrates in a number of different ways. Across the globe, various events are held during this special month as a way of recognising the influence LGBTQ+ people have had around the world. Why was June chosen? Because it is when the Stonewall Riots took place, back in 1969.

As well as being a month long celebration, Pride month is also an opportunity to peacefully protest and raise political awareness of current issues facing the community. Parades are a prominent feature of Pride month, and there are many street parties, community events, poetry readings, public speaking, street festivals and educational sessions –  all of which are covered by mainstream media and attracting millions of participants.

They imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be themselves and can live their lives to the full.

Please view their list of organisations that can provide support and help HERE.  You can also ring the LGBT Switchboard every day 10am-10pm on 0300 330 0630 if you would like to talk to someone.
Contact them on FREEPHONE 0800 0502020, lines are open 9:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday (an answerphone is available outside these hours).  Email them at
Write to them at: Stonewall, 192 St. John Street, London, EC1V 4JY.

This is the 1st Pride Flag designed by Gilbert Baker, which appeared in 1977.
Commissioned by a gay politician, he was inspired by Judy Garland’s ‘Over The Rainbow and the colours symbolised the following: Hot pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for magic/art, indigo for serenity, and violet for spirit.

There are many Pride flags – here are some examples of some –


Click HERE to read an article published in 2021 in Marie Claire showing the 30 Different Pride Flags and stating what each one represents.

The flag in the main picture is Valentino Vecchietti ‘s Intersex-Inclusive Pride Progress flag – Intersex people continue to be subjected to non-consensual surgeries both in the United States and around the world. California has considered legislation that would protect intersex youth from such procedures, but so far has only succeeded in passing a resolution condemning them. The intersex community has long advocated for hospitals and medical associations to condemn and apologise for the unnecessary surgeries. #BeKind #Inclusion


New Outdoor Gym Equipment In Bernards’ Place

Photograph by Nathalie Roberts.
From Left to Right: Ross Heaver & Anthony Claiden from Bridport Round Table, Suzy Edgerley, Morgan Napier, Malcolm Heaver, Sophie Sinton, Chris Edgerley, Jill Maguire, Alice Bagg from Magna and new Chair of the Comrades Hall, Megan Jones.

Broadwindsor’s revamped Bernards’ Place has been enhanced by three new pieces of adult exercise equipment: the air skier, double air walker and rider have been installed in the heart of the village.
They complement challenging new play equipment and an oak-framed shelter which was put in last year by the Comrades Hall Committee after a major fund-raising campaign to transform the village green.

Two pieces of equipment were funded by locally-based Magna Housing Association and Bridport Round Table.

Megan Jones, Chair of the Comrades Hall Committee, said: ‘We’re extremely grateful to Magna and the Round Table for the sponsorship of the adult exercise equipment. It has added a new, inclusive dimension to Bernards’ Place.

Families are enjoying time together, exercising, playing and having fun. In these tougher financial times, having a free safe area for activities in the centre of the village is a big plus. It is so important to promote healthy options for all age groups.’

Ross Heaver, from Bridport Round Table, was brought up in the village. His father, Malcolm, led a team of volunteers who put together the shelter on the green.

Ross said: ‘It’s been an absolute pleasure to have been able to donate the funds for the outside Air Skier on Broadwindsor village green. Having grown up in the village it’s amazing to see such a high level of support from the local community, businesses and charities alike. Bernards’ Place is such an amazing spot for all to enjoy.

Alice Bagg, Magna Head of Customer Experience and Home Services, said: ‘We’re really pleased to be able to partly fund the new exercise equipment in Broadwindsor and proud to support people in local communities where our customers live to be active, healthy and enjoy time outdoors.

The gym equipment has been placed in between the new play area and the newly-opened up space at the bottom of the green, which is ideal for picnics and community events.

The Hall committee’s Village Green project received financial support from the National Lottery, Sport England, Dorset Council, Broadwindsor Group Parish Council, fundraising and donations from local people through a successful Crowdfunder campaign.

Said Megan: ‘It’s made a big difference to the heart of the village and we are so grateful to all those who have helped us create such a lovely space for everyone to use.

#Broadwindsor,#Burstock,#Blackdown,#Drimpton,#Hursey,#Kittwhistle,#Seaborough,#Dorset,#WestDorset,#AONB,#Village,#Community,#Support,#MagnaHousingAssociation,#BridportRoundTable,#Exercise,#HaveFun,#Village Green,#BeKind,#BeSafe,#StaySafe

Sally’s 20th & Final Race For Life

Village resident Sally Sarling celebrates her 72nd birthday today 🙂 and we wish her many happy returns.

Sally will also be celebrating 20 years participation in the Race For Life, raising funds for Cancer Research UK,  taking part in the 5Km race in Poole on Saturday, 3rd June. That’s quite an accomplishment!

Sally recently announced that this would be her final year.  She began running in the Race For Life after both her parents and her badminton partner died from cancer.
1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime and cancer survival rates have doubled over the past 40 years. Consistent progress is being made but improvements to technology and ground-breaking work offer new opportunities to find different ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and improve survival rates even further.
Please help Cancer Research UK improve results even faster by donating to Sally’s Just Giving page.

Thank you & good luck Sally!


Broadwindsor.Org Now At 3 Years

Broadwindsor.Org celebrates three years today 🙂 It began by informing people of the cancellation of events due to the Government’s instructions for everyone to Stay at Home. As our village went into isolation, takeaway dinners and food supplies that were available became important due to last minute changes either with people’s health or new government instruction.  The Sound of Music began on 26th March, creating a one ‘o’ clock socially distanced gathering which helped keep us all sane.

That seems soooo long ago now and soooo much has happened since that time: Familiar people left or lost, new people arrived and welcomed.  My sincere thanks to those businesses, artists and individuals who register and support the website. My work remains voluntary. Renewals at £15 p.a. are currently being prepared for those already registered. New supporters and donations are always welcome.

 The recent warm sunshine optimises our day with fresh hope – Spring has most definitely sprung and Summer is on the way!


Wendy Shields


Fun Group Helpers Meeting – 3pm, Sunday 16th April

Broadwindsor Fun Group need the village’s help and support…

Invitations have already been emailed to the Chairs of various local groups and individuals who expressed an interest of involvement via the questionnaires sent out in January.

Broadwindsor Fun Group

Broadwindsor Fun Day
Sunday, 25th June.

Open to the public at 12 noon.

There will be a Helper’s meeting from 3-5pm this Sunday, 16th in the Lewesdon room at the Comrades Hall. Teas/coffees will be available.

The Fun Day is a village wide initiative, and only with your help and/or support, there will be the favourite games and stalls, music is already booked for the afternoon and evening.

The Core committee are four and would welcome a couple of more members to join us but Sunday’s meeting is for the Fun Day plans and what we can all do working together and supporting each other. They do need your help to make it a successful village event.

This Sunday, 16th April at 3-5pm


Turkey-Syria Earthquake Fundraiser – Saturday, 4th March

Raising funds for Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal –  please support Broadwindsor’s coffee morning, cake sale and raffle on Saturday March 4th 10am-12noon.
If you are able to offer help, donations for the raffle, cakes or plants for sale, please message and you will be put in touch with the event organiser.
Please come along and join us for tea/coffee and cakes on the day.

100% of all donations will go to to the earthquake appeal.

All welcome!

Thank you in anticipation of your support 🙂


Broadwindsor Community Stores Celebrate 10 years!

Join the staff and volunteers at 11.30am on Saturday 4th March to celebrate the community shop’s 10th birthday with a slice of sunshine birthday cake and more…

There will be a Grand Raffle with great prizes from their suppliers and a poster competition for the schoolchildren.
Follow the shop on Facebook HERE to keep up to date with more of their plans and special offers.
They hope to see many of you to help the shop celebrate 🙂

The Shop Managers over the years…

  • Our first Manageress in 2013, Sue Williams. Left in December 2017 to travel to Laos. Assisted by Jane Sloman.
  • 2017 - Steve Jarvis. Assisted by Jane Sloman.
  • 2017 - 2022 Kevin Madder-Smith. Assisted by Jane Sloman.
  • 2022 Mike Moles. Assisted by Jane Sloman. (Photographed with Margaret Wing.)
  • 2022 Jane Sloman. The constant since the opening - became manageress at the end of the summer 2022. Assisted by Margaret Wing. (Photographed with Nick Chandler)
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Become a Volunteer!

A healthy number of volunteers make it easier on all as individuals cover fewer shifts, or sometimes just the one. Full training is provided – contact Volunteer co-ordinator, Teri Small at:


New Dispensary Times At Barton House Medical Practice

Barton House Medical Practice in Beaminster have altered their dispensing hours in order to reduce disruption to the smooth running of the practice due to ‘urgent’ medication requests.

Telephone lines open for dispensary queries: 01308 861938, option 2

  • 10.30 – 12.00
  • 15.00 – 17.30

Note: Requests for prescriptions cannot be taken.

Dispensary open for collection of pre-ordered prescriptions, Monday – Friday:

  • 08.00 – 12.00
  • 15.30 – 17.30

Please request your medication at least five days before they are required.

Order – Collect, Monday – Friday:

  • Monday – Friday afternoon
  • Tuesday – Monday afternoon
  • Wednesday – Tuesday afternoon
  • Thursday – Wednesday afternoon
  • Friday – Thursday afternoon

Items ordered after 5pm will be actioned for the next day. Any orders on a Saturday or Sunday will be available to collect on the Friday afternoon.
