WiseAbility’s Better Building Opportunities (BBO) is a programme which supports organisations through local projects to tackle the root causes of poverty, promoting social inclusion and driving employment growth opportunities. It aims to help the most disadvantaged in our community.
The five key areas of Building Better Opportunities are:
- Help the most disadvantaged
- Tackle social exclusion
- Be focused on the capabilities of each individual
- Lead to better coordinated services
- Create new opportunities for work.
If you are in touch with anyone living in Dorset, over the age of 25 that is not in any form of paid work. They can get 1:1 free support towards education, training and employment goals.
Please contact to discuss this: email: info@wiseability.co.uk or telephone: 0300 303 3737
WISE Ability Services is the lead partner of the Building Better Opportunities Grant in Dorset. Visit their website for more information HERE.
The UCan Project is for people in the Dorset area, aged 25 and over who are unemployed or economically inactive. They have a caring and supportive team who will listen to your needs and offer specific and tailored information, advice and guidance. They can help and support you to achieve your learning, training and employment goals. They understand every situation is different, and so they will take the time to get to know you as an individual.
Call 0300 303 3737 for more information.
The UCan project is funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund through the Big Lottery Fund.
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