Recycling Update: No Blister Packs Please

Further to previous advice, empty blister packs for medication CANNOT be included with the foil in the bins at Comrades Hall. I was advised by an employee at Bridport recycling centre that they could be, but, it has recently come to light that this is incorrect. Any branch of Superdrug will accept them so please recycle them there.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or thoughts on 07840 128763 or

Many thanks,

Sara Dyke

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Village #Community #WestDorset #Dorset #DAONB #Recycle #Volunteer #CanYouHelp #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone good health and prosperity for 2024.

Thank you to all businesses and valued supporters of the Broadwindsor.Org website 🙂

Wendy Shields

#Broadwindsor #Blackdown #Burstock #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #Community #Village #2024 #Happy #New #Health #Prosperity #BeKind

Hatha Yoga With Leon Lord

Ha means sun and tha moon, stick them together and they imply that we are trying to balance the two energies with in us.

On Tuesdays, 10.45am to 12pm Leon Lord is holding Hatha Yoga classes at The Comrades Hall for only £8.50/session 🙂

My sessions start with 10 min Pranayama – breath work, where we focus on Yogic breathing practices to help cleanse and balance ourselves.
Then it is around 50 min of Asana – postures, stretching and strengthening the body to release toxins and emotions.
Last of all comes 15 min of Yoga Nidra – Yoga of sleep, we lie on the mat and focus internally using our breath and visualisations to bring peace and deep relaxation.

Book your place HERE.

Leon also teaches:


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#Village #Community #WestDorset #Dorset #Pilates #TaoistYoga #YinYoga #Wellbeing #FitnessAndWellbeingWithLeon #BookNow #Health #StayWarm #BeFit #BeCalm #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

The End Of Mow-Vember…

The campaign Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide. You can donate HERE.

At last Friday’s Open Mic night in the White Lion, resident poet, Peter Roe recited his poem ‘Folliculaphillia‘ to much merriment and mirth…


Last year in Mow-Vember my partner for a joke…
Said grow a moustache like that Wolverine bloke
I said to my girl “my dear won’t that tickle ya?”
She said “I don’t mind, I have Folliculaphillia…”

Folliculaphillia… if you should care
It means she’s a woman and she likes facial hair
But a Wolverines ‘tache can’t be grown in just one day
So I tried different styles as it grew on the way

I tried a Chaplin, a Chevron and a Painter’s Brush
A Kaiser, a Dali, a Lampshade and a Walrus
A Fu Manchu, Frank Zappa and Asterix The Gaul
An Albert Einstein, a Hugo… I tried them all

In films, cartoons and games ‘taches steal the show
Captain Haddock, Captain Hook, Luigi and Mario
For some men though proper lip rugs are a mystery
Because they are suffering from mustachular dystrophy

But the Wolverines sideburns, these bits on the side…
Wouldn’t grow on my cheeks, believe me I tried…
and I think it’s too late for these muscles to grow…
and just look at my fingers my nails hardly show!

So a cautionary tale to all of you folks out there…
you can’t become The Wolverine by just growing facial hair
And the reason for this… I think that I found…
Is that Man Makes Moustache not the other way round!

Peter Roe

Well done to all those who grew moustaches this month!
(And for those who don’t know him… Hugo’s moustache is all year round 🙂 )

Movember first started in Melbourne, Australia in 2003 when two friends (Travis Garone and Luke Slattery) talked 30 of  their friends into growing a ‘Mo’ (moustache). They had been inspired by a friend’s mother who was fundraising for breast cancer, they decided to make the campaign about men’s health and prostate cancer and then including men’s mental health and suicide prevention.

Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, challenging the status quo, shaking up men’s health research and transforming the way health services reach and support men. You can donate HERE.

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Drimpton #Dorset #Village #WestDorset #PostOffice #Community #Movember #Orchid #LaughStrongerLiveLonger #MediaChap #MensHealth #BeKind #StaySafe

Last Tuesday Of Post Office In Comrades Hall

Today is the last day that the Post Office OutReach service will be inside the Comrades Hall. Opening at 10am until 12.30pm, teas and coffees will be available as usual.

More volunteers to serve refreshments are sought to support the new mobile van service which commences on Monday, 20th November at 12.15pm for one hour. Please enquire when visiting the Post Office.

Service times for Broadwindsor will be Mondays 12.15 – 1.15pm and Thursdays 9.15 – 10.45am in the Comrades Hall Car Park.

A Sneak Peek Into P.O.’s Mobile Van Service

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Drimpton #Dorset #AONB #Village #WestDorset #PostOffice #Community #Outreach #Mobile #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Thank You For Coming To The Firework Display

The weather was so kind for our firework display, which was, as last year, a great success and raised funds for Broadwindsor Cricket Club and Broadwindsor Comrades Hall.
We are grateful to our sponsors, Symonds and Sampson, Broadwindsor House Care Home, Cllr Simon Christopher and The Knapp Inn.
As a result of the evening the Cricket Club and Broadwindsor Comrades Hall have shared the profit on the night, each receiving £681.65.
My thanks to the cricket club and their helpers who ran the bar and BBQs.and the village school PTA who had a stall raising money too.
I also want to thank my team of volunteers who helped set up and light the fireworks, and kept the spectators safe on their way to and from the cricket field.  Also to Dorothy Rowe and Margery Hookings who successfully rattled their donation buckets and to Sara Dyke, our First Aider.
My thanks also to P H Hardwill for lending us their tower light, Shane and Ellen Pym for lending us their generator, John Staff and Martin Burt for their tower safety lights and Stefan Nikolov for the use of his safety equipment.
And finally, a massive thank you to all the spectators who came along and enjoyed the evening.  We hope to see you all again at next year’s Broadwindsor Firework Display.
Thank you
Andrew Hookings

Photo credit: Ruthie Stevens.

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #Village #Community #BWCC #Fireworks #BBQ #Bar #TheKnappInn #The ComradesHall #CliveStaffordSmith  #Support #ThankYou #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

A Sneak Peek Into P.O.’s Mobile Van Service

Monday, 20th November at 12.15pm will be the first day when Steve and his team open their service for one hour at the Comrades Hall, Broadwindsor from their new mobile outreach van.

The Post Office Users Group will also be serving teas and coffees inside 🙂

Access will be from the rear of the vehicle with supportive handrails both sides and a ramp to be used for wheelchair/mobility scooter access.

Service times for Broadwindsor will be Mondays 12.15 – 1.15pm and Thursdays 9.15 – 10.45am.

If you would like to participate in the P.O.’s National survey – as they would like you to tell them what you think about the suitability of the new location and the opening hours – please click HERE (closes 1st December).

Information for other villages in this project is as follows:

We are very fortunate to have this service come to our rural villages – please take advantage and support it. Thank you.

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Beaujolais Nouveau Evening – Thursday, 16th November

Pour Decisions has become a regular evening spot for some as they are open until 6pm on Fridays and 7pm on Saturdays. Broadwindsor’s secret deli in Redlands Yard is becoming increasingly popular 🙂

They are hosting their first tasting evening celebrating Beaujolais Nouveau on Thursday, 16th November.
Taste Beaujolais Nouveau, plus 4 other reds ahead of the Christmas season. A glass of your favourite is included in the price of £10.00. A small menu of saucisson, cheese and bread will be available too. You’ll also be first in line to place any Christmas pre-orders!

Get your tickets in store or online HERE.

Gift vouchers
are now available – hand cut and printed by them, and available for any amount big or small. A lovely gift and way to support a small local business too!


#Broadwindsor #Blackdown #Burstock #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #Community #Village #November #2023 #PourDecisions #Deli #BeaujolaisNouveau
#Wine #SupportLocalBusinesses #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Bell Rehearsal Today

It may be Friday, 13th but the joyous peals from the bells of St. John the Baptist church in Broadwindsor can be heard this evening as the bell ringers practice for a village wedding ceremony happening tomorrow afternoon 🙂

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CAB At FareShare This Week

The Citizen’s Advice Bureau will have an Outreach individual at this Friday’s (13th October) FareShare at Drimpton Village Hall. If you have any queries or need advice – please take advantage of this service 🙂

The FareShare Larder is a community larder run by volunteers for the benefit of their local community. They are  located in the car park at: Drimpton Village Hall between 9.30am – 10.30am every Friday. Click HERE for more info.

