Broadwindsor Community Stores – Jubilee Hours

Over the Platinum Jubilee holiday weekend, our village shop will be open ‘Sunday hours’, from 8am – 12noon.

This will be on Thursday, 2nd June through to Sunday, 5th June.

Our thanks to the volunteers who will give their time to make it possible 🙂

Please note: the last delivery of bread from Evershot bakery will be Wednesday, 1st, so any orders must be in by Tuesday, 31st May.

Keep up to date on offers in the shop by following them on their Facebook page HERE.


Scarecrow Forms In By This Wednesday, May 25th

Broadwindsor Fun Group’s Jubilee celebrations draw nearer and excitement is building.

Village drums speak of many scarecrows being constructed and decorated, with some considerable thought involved… however, the number of forms submitted so far does not equate.

Please make sure your royal themed scarecrow is included by completing an entry form:

Forms can be picked up from our Broadwindsor Community Stores or from the White Lion table by the entrance, on the left.
Complete your details and don’t forget to mark on the map where your scarecrow can be found!
Please then return them with your £2 entry feeNO LATER THAN WED. 25TH MAY.

Put your scarecrow out for display (and judging) on Friday, 3rd June.  The Cup for Best Scarecrow will be presented & announced at Sunday’s Great Jubilee Picnic 🙂


Bingo! Sunday, 29th May At The White Lion, 6pm

Get yourself down to the White Lion next Sunday evening for a game of Bingo 🙂

Prizes will be awarded for a Line and for a Full House.

Only £1 for a book of 12 games or pay £5 and get a 6th book free.

“Eyes down” at 6pm.

Fun for all the family.


Broadwindsor Church – Jubilee Celebrations

As part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, Broadwindsor church are inviting you to a Cream Tea on Friday, 3rd June from 2-5pm. Entry is £2.50.

From Thursdsy 2nd and over the weekend
, the church will also be open for you to view a memorablia display and admire the ladies’ floral arragements.

Entry is free but donations are always welcome 🙂

For more on Broadwindsor’s Jubilee celebrations – Click HERE.



Garage Sale 10am Today At The White Lion

They’re having a clear out of the back yard at the White Lion this morning, raising money for St. John’s ambulance.

The stag’s head that used to be above the fireplace was on sale at a local auctioneers yesterday.

Anything that doesn’t go will be transported to the dump so prices asked are more than reasonable and of course, you’ll be helping to reduce landfill 🙂

Just wander along at 10am.



Medication Delivery Unavailable On Tuesdays

Barton House Medical Practice have issued the following message:

Regrettably from 31st May 2022 we are no longer able to offer our free medication delivery service on a Tuesday to Mosterton, Broadwindsor or Marshwood. Currently Friday deliveries will remain the same.
It’s saddens us to have to stop this service but unfortunately it’s out of our control.
We would LOVE to reinstate this service so if you, or you know of anyone who would be keen to volunteer then please contact the surgery.
It would entail a couple of hours on a Tuesday with full milage paid where you would be required to take medication from the surgery to local drop off points to help out our patients who are unable to collect from the surgery/pharmacy.

If you can help – please contact the surgery on 01308 861938.



White Lion Community Pub Update – May 22

A message from Chairman, Rick Dyke:

The White Lion reopened its doors nearly 3 weeks ago and it is difficult to imagine how it could have been more successful without offering food. We have already expressed our appreciation of the contributions from many that enabled us to get to this point but it is also important to acknowledge the support from the community since we reopened.
Not all pubs in the area are able to open 6 days a week and receive enough custom for that to be viable. Our aim is to keep it that way and with this in mind will be arranging regular events in the future which we hope will not only maintain current levels of support but hopefully attract new custom too. Watch this space.

However, it has not all been plain sailing and with the benefit of hindsight, some things would have been done differently. Without wishing to make any excuses and for reasons which need no further explanation, responsibilities on the Management Committee changed dramatically in March and with those changes came some necessary decisions as to where our priorities lay.
Consequently, some aspects were given a lower priority, for example membership certificates. We received over 200 requests for membership which is a testament to the support there is within the community. However, it is also a significant undertaking in both preparing and issuing the certificates. You should have received an update sooner but we can advise that the production of those certificates will be completed within the next few days and then the process of issuing the 200+ individual emails with the certificate as an attachment will start. We expect all certificates to have been issued before the end of the month and will provide an update to that effect.

Another aspect that could have been handled better was the offer of skilled help from various tradespeople within the community. Ultimately, there were more offers of assistance than were needed but this should have been communicated. If you offered your support but did not hear further, hopefully you can accept our sincere apologies.

To finish on a positive note, work is progressing well in getting our kitchen ready. We are not ready to give precise details as there are still some aspects that are out of our control but we hope that we will be ready to add to the Fun Group‘s food offering over the Jubilee weekend. An announcement will follow once details have been finalised. You may also be pleased to know that in addition to our food service, coffee will be available too!


Local Employment: P/T Bar Work – The White Lion

The White Lion community pub needs help during busy times and are looking to employ a part-time person to support the Staff team.
Help will be needed during the busiest times, which are expected to be Friday and Saturday evenings, Sunday lunchtime and occasionally other times such as Bank Holidays and special events.
The role will include table and bar service, working under the direction of the manager, Kate.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
Salary will be in line with the national minimum wage.
If you’d like to be considered for an interview, please contact Kate, in person at the pub or by phone or text on 07513 326388.


Leave No One At Home For Jubilee Picnic – Sunday, 5th June

As part of Broadwindsor Fun Group’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, they have launched a campaign ‘Leave No One At Home’ for their Great Jubilee Picnic on Sunday, 5th June, starting at 1pm.

Weather permitting and inside the Comrades Hall if wet, there will be tables and chairs outside and live entertainment will be provided by The Silver Lining band, playing your favourites from the 1950s and 60s. 

Prizes for the Best Scarecrows and best in the Children’s Royal parade will be awarded.

You are invited to take your own food along or take advantage of the Stableyard’s Jubilee picnic boxes which contain enough to share and can be pre-ordered now.

More importantly, Broadwindsor Fun Group are about inclusion and are asking you to consider your neighbour or someone you know who may be unable to get to Bernards’ Place or who may not be able to prepare a picnic for themselves –

  • Would you be able to help them get there?
  • Do you have enough food to share to prepare a picnic for them or share a picnic box with?
  • Could they join your table for conversation and company?

If there is anyone who needs assistance in attending or would require an easily accessible table for the afternoon – please contact BFG’s Chairman, Adrian Gray on 07917 660650.


Spooked Horses Explore Fullers

Following last night’s loud and heavy thunderstorm and a couple of hours before this morning’s Full moon, two beautiful horses, normally resident up Common Water Lane were spooked and found themselves eating the grass at the end of Fullers.

A resident of Fullers was out at approximately 2.30am walking his dog, when he thought he’d heard a hedgehog – residents themselves too up at Fullers 🙂“Instead two horses came out of the darkness chewing the grass. They were friendly and obviously used to dogs. I stood there for awhile before deciding to ring Police, which I did at 02.48hrs.” The resident waited with the horses outside No. 20, with his dog and a torch ready to alert any drivers turning into Fullers, concerned the horses would be injured.

Sometime after 3am, two police officers appeared stating they had had reports about horses walking along the road and asked whether the resident knew who they belonged to. “Surely if I knew, then I would go to the owner!! ” The resident mentioned he was aware of horses up Common Water Lane and a riding stable in Littlewindsor.  The police were unable to contact the stable as they only had an ansaphone response.  The police decided to drive the 6 minutes to Littlewindsor. The resident’s infirm knee had begun to swell with him standing for so long, so he decided to return to his home in the cul-de-sac of FullersBoth horses followed him and began eating the grass there!

Mark Grinter from Common Water Lane who owns the horses, stopped the resident on his 2nd dog walk to discuss the incident.  He had found his horses up Hollis Hill, in a field with the gate shut – he would like to convey his thanks to whoever secured them and put them there. He also called into the village shop to thank villagers and residents for their forebearance and understanding, Thank you!
