Broadwindsor Film Club – Friday, 19th May

At 7.30pm at the Comrades Hall on Friday, 19th May, Broadwindsor’s Community Film Club will be showing…

Living (12)

Directed by Oliver Hermanus and starring Bill Nighy, Aimee Lou Wood and Alex Sharp,
Running time: 2hrs 4mins.

In 1950s London, a humourless bureaucrat decides to take time off work after a shattering health diagnosis. It dawns on him he has not been living his life to the full. Amidst the fog of his paperwork and his loneliness at home, he yearns to find fulfilment before it’s too late. He is encouraged in his search by two younger colleagues – the vibrant Margaret (Aimee Lou Wood) and idealistic new recruit Peter (Alex Sharp) and a hedonistic stranger, Sutherland (Tom Burke), encountered during a desperate trip to the seaside.

A re-imagining of Akira Kurosawa‘s ‘Ikiru‘ written for the screen by Nobel Prize-winning author Kazuo Ishiguro. Living serves as a heart-rending reminder to value what it is to live.

  • Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm.
  • Film Club members – Free entry
  • Guests – £4
  • Refreshments available, including a bar.
  • Seats can be booked in advance by contacting:
    Emma or
    Margaret Wing01308 867252


Celebrate The White Lion’s First Birthday…

…as a Community Pub.

Already, a year has passed since The White Lion re-opened with much celebration…

This Saturday there will be no dinner service but, from 7pm, a finger buffet will be provided by Kerry & Clive who have been excelling all expectations since starting at Easter 🙂

A press release issued yesterday has Chairman Rick Dyke commenting “It’s certainly been an eventful twelve months.“. Thanking the Staff family and the many volunteers, Rick went on to say “We’re delighted that Kerry and Clive have joined us, and we’re excited about the next stage of the White Lion’s progress into a pub that is widely renowned for the quality of its food.”

Ending on a cautionary note, Rick continued “As with the hospitality trade generally, we have seen electricity costs skyrocket over the past year.  To make matters worse, the electricity companies view the trade as a bad risk with many reluctant to even quote, whereas those who do quote clearly see it as an opportunity to charge what they like.
Despite this, support from central government is negligible. Somehow, these spiralling costs need to be met and ultimately, this has to be by the paying customer.  This is where the warm welcome becomes even more vital because without it and the atmosphere it helps generate, what future does the British pub have?

On King Charles III Coronation weekend, please book now to avoid any disappointment…


Please continue to support our lovely pub:)


Coronation Picnic – Saturday, 6th May

As there are no major celebrations of King Charles III’s Coronation in the village, weather permitting in Bernards’ Place, neighbours in West Street will hold an ad hoc picnic as a get together following the Coronation Ceremony.

You’re invited to join in, bring a picnic or order food from Clive & Kerry at The White Lion and celebrate with other members of our community. 1.30pm – 4.30pm, Saturday, 6th May 2023.


Please Support Sam Cochrane’s Charity Bike Ride

Local plasterer, Stewart Cochrane sadly lost his father in September last year.  Stewart’s son Sam, 29 years old, who lives in Oslo, is preparing himself for what has to be acknowledged as an awesome cycle trip raising funds for the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance, a charity dear to all of us residing in rural areas.

Sam’s Grandad is obviously his inspiration
After losing my Grandad in September, I realised I had to do something would make him proud and combine his ´get up and go´ attitude which took him on so many adventures of his own.
If it wasn’t for The Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance, I wouldn’t have had as many years with him as I did and to them I am extremely grateful. Which is why it makes sense to combine the opportunity and make it an opportunity to help those who helped him on multiple occasions….. I figured the best way to challenge myself was by completing something extreme and a lot harder than I am used to.”

Leaving on Monday, 17th July, Sam is intending to cycle from his home in Oslo to Poole, Dorset where other family members reside.  His intended route is shown below.

An estimated distance of 2,200 kilometres (over 1,360 miles), Sam aims to complete the trip within 14 days, averaging 128km per day, stopping only for overnight stays.

As stated on the poster, Sam will be visiting Broadwindsor and in particular, The White Lion in the first week of August, to personally thank local supporters and share his experiences.

You can scan the QR code on the poster above or click HERE to visit Sam’s Just Giving page and make your donation to support the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance.

Thank you in anticipation of your support.

We wish you safe travels and good luck with your endeavour Sam! 🙂



The Comrades Hall AGM This Evening, 7.30pm

Also being advertised as a ‘Volunteer Opportunity‘, tonight’s agenda reads:

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Approval of Minutes of AGM 2022
  3. Chairman’s Report
  4. Approval of Constitution
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Resignation of current Committee
  7. Nominations and Election of new Committee
  8. Election and Appointment of CHMC Officers

What hasn’t been stated is that as The Comrades Hall is a charity, No. 311110, and members of the management committee are indeed Trustees with their names listed on the Charity Commission’s website. They are legally “responsible for controlling the work, management and administration of the charity on behalf of its beneficiaries. Generally trustees are treasurer, chair, board member etc.“.

We are extremely lucky to have this community building in our village for the many clubs and events to take place as well as being available for private hire.  It needs  a team of volunteers to make up the Comrades Hall Management Committee to make decisions for the smooth running and future improvements for the premises. The Comrades Hall celebrated its Platinum Jubilee last November.

Please attend if you are able 🙂


The Fun Group Talent Show – Sunday, 11th June

Rehearsals are already taking place behind closed doors for this joyful, entertaining event taking place on the Sunday afternoon of 11th June.

Tickets are now on sale at £3, which includes a drink, Under 16’s are free, available exclusively from Broadwindsor Community Stores.

Put the date in your diary 🙂

Please direct any queries to:

Broadwindsor Fun Group


Broadwindsor.Org Now At 3 Years

Broadwindsor.Org celebrates three years today 🙂 It began by informing people of the cancellation of events due to the Government’s instructions for everyone to Stay at Home. As our village went into isolation, takeaway dinners and food supplies that were available became important due to last minute changes either with people’s health or new government instruction.  The Sound of Music began on 26th March, creating a one ‘o’ clock socially distanced gathering which helped keep us all sane.

That seems soooo long ago now and soooo much has happened since that time: Familiar people left or lost, new people arrived and welcomed.  My sincere thanks to those businesses, artists and individuals who register and support the website. My work remains voluntary. Renewals at £15 p.a. are currently being prepared for those already registered. New supporters and donations are always welcome.

 The recent warm sunshine optimises our day with fresh hope – Spring has most definitely sprung and Summer is on the way!


Wendy Shields


Meet Miss Muffett

Walkers up Common Water Lane may have encountered this little pony already who moved into the village last week… after departing from the Isle of Wight.

The 11 month old Shetland pony is called ‘Miss Muffett‘ and her 15 year old friend ‘Pickles‘ both belong to Chris & Lesley Sewell – much to the delight of their 9 year old grandson, Haydon.

Look out for them having a stroll in the lane 🙂


The White Lion’s Phuza Thursday

There’s already only a couple of spaces remaining to book your place at The White Lion Community pub for dinner tonight!

Alongside their main menu we have Clive‘s first offering of a traditional South African dish: Bunny Chow. See the poster for details.

To book: 01308 867070 or email

Please continue to support our lovely pub:)


No Curry Van This Saturday

As their second van is still in repair, Dariusz and the Tikka Trak curry van will not be in the village this weekend.

Their next visit will be on Friday, 5th May and they hope to continue fortnightly from then.

Please contact Dariusz with any queries or of course, to pre-order – 07843 199781

Apologies for any inconvenience.
