Souper Friday Lunchtime Warm Space At The Comrades Hall

It is cold!

Broadwindsor Fun Group in collaboration with the Post Office User Group are offering a Warm Space every Friday lunchtime from 12 noon – 3pm until the end of January 2023. (It will be extended if the winter weather continues to February.)

Free of any charge, anyone and everyone is welcome to come in and receive a bowl of hot soup with bread and/or a tea or coffee with biscuits. Take time out or simply enjoy a much needed warm bowl of soup with some company 🙂

Thank you to Yeo Valley who have delivered a donation of soup for tomorrow’s visitors.

Please share this information! Not everyone accesses the internet or social media…. Tell other villagers who may be elderly or alone. Tell young Mums who repeatedly skip their meals. Tell the person you see wander around the village with their dog every day. Everyone is welcome!

Stay Warm! Thank You!

Christmas Garland

Carol Service & Christmas Story – Saturday, 17th December

There will be a short outdoor service with carols and the Christmas story led by Rev. Jo this Saturday, starting at 4pm in Bernards’ Place by the Christmas tree and shelter.

Wrap up warm and bring a torch!

There will be refreshments afterwards in The White Lion 🙂

Christmas Garland


Meet Rebecca Burt – Broadwindsor’s New Councillor

Broadwindsor resident Rebecca Burt has been co-opted to Broadwindsor’s Group Parish Council to represent the Broadwindsor ward.

Bex, as she’s known to her friends and colleagues, moved to the village in 2018 with her husband Martin and their son Eddie who attends Broadwindsor school. Bex brings a wealth of experience as a teacher and working with young people and has volunteered at both the community shop and outreach post office.

We wish Bex the very best in her new role 🙂


W.I. President Julie Steele, 21.07.65 -12.12.22

Broadwindsor’s Women’s Institute announced on their website earlier today that their president, Julie Steele had died on Monday, 12th December. Their announcement read:

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear friend and former President Julie Steele, following a long struggle with cancer.  Julie was the most outgoing, fun, bubbly lady one would ever hope to meet, and a real leading light at our WI.  We are heartbroken.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family & friends at this very sad time.


Live Music: The Churchfitters Christmas Cracker – This Saturday, 17th December

A reminder that the Churchfitters are performing at The Comrades Hall on Saturday, 17th December, you’re advised to get your tickets booked for a show preparing you for Christmas with their repertoire, traditional and original festive songs, surprises, novelties and of course – what you get in every Christmas cracker – bad jokes!

Celebrating 30 years of providing rural community music – Artsreach present the trio.

Tickets £10 & £5 for under 18s. Refreshments available.
In advance from Margaret Wing: 07796 454203 or email

More HERE.


England Quarter Finals At The White Lion

It is expected to be the toughest test so far for Gareth Southgate and his Three LionsEngland play France in the Quarter final match of the World Cup football. It is the first time the men’s sides have met in a knockout game in any competition, and the first time at a World Cup since 1982.

Forward Raheem Sterling has returned to Qatar, trained with the squad and will form part of the team.

The White Lion will be open – so why not support the boys with your friends while enjoying a drink?

Good luck England!


Full Moon – Thursday, 8th December

December’s Full Moon is aptly known as the Cold Moon. It will look its’ largest on Wednesday night as it is at its fullest at 04.08am on Thursday. Sunrise is at 7:52am on 8th December, so the best time to see the Cold Moon will be between 4am and 7am, as it lingers low on the horizon in a pre-dawn sky. The Moon will then slip below the horizon at 8:29am.

Other names that indicate the cold and snow given to this Full Moon are:

  • Drift Clearing Moon (Cree),
  • Frost Exploding Trees Moon (Cree),
  • Moon of the Popping Trees (Oglala),
  • Hoar Frost Moon (Cree),
  • Snow Moon (Haida, Cherokee),
  • Winter Maker Moon (Western Abenaki)
  • Moon When the Deer Shed Their Antlers (Dakota)
  • Little Spirit Moon (Anishinaabe).

This Full Moon has also been called the Long Night Moon (Mohican), as it rises during the “longest” nights of the year, which are near the December winter solstice.

In Europe, ancient pagans called the December Full Moon the “Moon Before Yule,” in honour of the Yuletide festival celebrating the return of the sun heralded by winter solstice.

Here are the Full Moon dates for 2023:

Full Moon date and time Full Moon name
6th January (11.07pm) Wolf Moon
5th February (6.28pm) Snow Moon
7th March (12.40pm) Worm Moon
6th April (5.34am) Pink Moon
5th May (6.34pm) Flower Moon
4th June (4.41am) Strawberry Moon
3rd July (12.38pm) Buck Moon
1st August (7.31pm)

31st August (2.35am)

Sturgeon Moon

Blue Moon

29th September (10.57am) Corn/Harvest Moon
8th October (9.24pm) Hunter’s Moon
27th November (9.16am) Beaver Moon
27th December (12.33am) Cold Moon


Broadwindsor Group Parish Council Meeting – Monday, 12th December, 7.30pm

Monday’s meeting of Broadwindsor Group Parish Council will be held at The Comrades Hall at 7.30pm.  All are invited to join the councillors for festive drinks at 7pm.

There are 14 elected Councillors who represent the five wards of Blackdown, Broadwindsor, Burstock, Drimpton and Seaborough. Who are your Councillors? Click HERE.

The full agenda may be downloaded HERE. It includes…

Item 6: Correspondence and Notices:
a. Parishioner, Outdoor Fitness Proposal for Hursey Common Car Park.
b. Dorset Council, Notification of Definitive Map Modification Order Application, Spillers Lane,
c. Broadwindsor Resident, Request for Dog Fouling Notice.

Item 9. Planning Applications:
a. Applications Received and Circulated for Consultation

P/LBC/2022/03600, Lower Sandpit Farm, Hardys Lane, Drimpton, DT8 3RS

P/HOU/2022/07039, Highlands, Horn Ash Crossroads, Kittwhistle, DT8 3LG

P/HOU/2022/06492, 11 Bridport Road, Drimpton, DT8 3RD

Item 14. Coronation of King Charles III, Saturday, 6th May 2023.

Item 16. Highways:
a. Footpaths Update
b. Verge Management Update

c. Parking in Broadwindsor Square

d. Speed Indicator Devices Data

e. War Memorial Project Update

f. Flood Wardens

g. Fingerpost Sign Restoration Programme Update

h. Repositioning of Broadwindsor Litter Bin

19. Public Participation:
Residents are invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on any outstanding issues on this Agenda or raise issues for future consideration.

The full agenda may be downloaded HERE.

The press and public are invited to attend. Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, members of the public may now film, photograph and make audio recordings of the proceedings of the formal Council meeting, though not, under current legislation, of the Public Participation session, as this is not part of the formal agenda of the meeting. Recording activity should be respectful to the conduct of the meeting and behaviour that disrupts the meeting (such as oral commentary) will not be permitted. Any member of the public shall not speak for more than five minutes. A question asked by a member of the public during Public Participation shall not require a response or debate during the meeting though the Chairman may direct that a written response will be provided subsequent to the meeting.
